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KS3: Survival Reading Assessment
A series of lessons and resources designed for a top set year 8 class. The extracts are a mixture of fiction and non-fiction. The focus was to take a group of year 8 students who are used to using the PEE structure and get them to write a concept focused response. I’ve included the model responses we built as a class, as well as the model response the students were provided.

AQA English Language Paper 2 Section A Resource pack: Jack the Ripper vs Zodiac Killer
A set of resources designed to engage year 11s with English Language Paper 2 Section A. I shaped the lessons around the articles written surrounding the time of Jack the Ripper, and around an article published following the Zodiac Killer sending a letter to the San Fransisco Chronicle.
The class were fascinated by these articles - I had students independently going away and reading pre-19th century newspapers off their own backs! This will need to be taught delicately though - the content is graphic in nature, so be sure that your class has the necessary level of maturity to access this material without being distracted.

KS3: Woman In Black: Creative Writing focus
Taught as part of a two teacher approach to a top set year 9 class. I focused on developing creative writing skills, with a particular emphasis on the structural components, whilst my partner teacher focused on the more traditional literature style approach.
The Woman In Black was used as the stimulus for all elements of this unit and the climax is a GCSE English Language Paper 1 style task (not included in this pack as it is part of my school’s assessment pack).
Overall, I found this unit to be really useful in challenging students to think about their creative writing in more than just a reactionary way. The nature of the structure focused questions align with my belief that it is always better to teach the Language Paper 1 Q3 question in the form of a structure-focused creative writing commentary at KS3 level. Hopefully this will provide you with a useful starting point for your own creative writing journey.

Punctuation vs Teachers: Tracking punctuation skill progress and making it fun(ish...)
A series of activities that are designed to be taught over time. There is a bit of initial leg-work to do in setting up the spreadsheet and, truth be told, I’ve had more success using this with smaller classes than with larger ones - the volume of specific data generated gets unwieldy with the larger groups.
So, I’ve divided punctuation up into three groups - BASIC, MID-RANGE and ADVANCED. The idea is that you teach/go over/re-demonstrate the type a type of punctuation. Then, the students are given ten minutes to write where they focus on using that type of punctuation. Each punctuation type has a points value, and the goal is to “defeat” a possessed teacher by using that type of punctuation. The powerpoint presentations each show a teacher (or a combination of teachers) making their way across the screen over the course of ten minutes. There’s the option of spooky orchestral music too.
There are specific work sheets that each student will need - each work sheet contains the points value of each punctuation type and a grid where you can wither self/peer/teacher assess depending on how you want to set the lesson up.
As the class progresses, so to does the complexity of the task. Each new level incorporates a new type of punctuation OR (more importantly) a new combination of focuses. For example, level 3 requires students to use BASIC and MID-RANGE punctuation to defeat two teachers.
What I found useful was the specific nature of the feedback I got: I could see quite clearly which punctuation types were defeating each student and which punctuation type was an issue for the class as a whole. And, if the class lost (which they did on more than one occasion) then they retried the level the following week.
We used this in SPAG lessons in combination with some other elements - it can easily be made into a whole lesson.
A useful little tool…

AQA GCSE Curriculum
Every scheme of work that I’ve made that could be used to teach AQA English Language and AQA English Literature

AQA English Language Paper 1: The Tiredness of Rosabel exam deconstruction
A lesson designed to be taught AFTER the class has sat a mock exam. However, with very little modifcation this can become a walking-talking mock exam, or a peer/self assessment based lesson.
The powerpoint contains model material and an indicator as to the quality of the model material. My class found this lesson to be very useful.
Additionally, the insert is available for free should you wish to download it for yourself. I include the link below:

KS3: Murder on The Orient Express Language Task - Method Focus
Using a format that proved successful in the KS4 arena, I’ve adapted the thinking to apply to an AQA English Language P1 Q2/P2 Q3 style task that would fit for a higher ability top set KS3 class.
The approach is to initially read the extract then to specifically identify concepts that relate to a language focused task, followed be explicitly identifying language based methods and incorporating into a response.

KS3: As You Like It - GCSE Focused SoW
To make effective use of this scheme I suggest you have a copy of the most recent RSC version of As You Like It (It is quite marvelous…) else a lot of the images I use will make little sense.
There are five “lessons” that each last around the two hour mark. Each of the assessments is available, so the whole package is a self-contained unit of work. We had a lot of fun with this unit, and I inter-spaced the learning with periods where the class would act out elements of the play.
You don’t necessarily need a copy of the play to teach this unit either.

KS4 Creative Writing Pack - inspired by "Your Shoes"
I wrote these lessons a while ago, but I remember getting some positive responses to the story AND the creative writing tasks.
For this, you will need some of those old AQA anthologies (the one that came BEFORE Sunlight on the Grass) - one of the short stories was called "My Shoes". The content, for those who don't remember, is rather more orientated towards KS4 than KS3, but the creative writing that comes from this resonates with the kids I taught at the time.
Hopefully you'll find this useful.

D6 Dungeons and Dragons: Christmas Mission Pack - THE CASTLE OF TERROR!
PREMISE: You are going to enter the Castle of Terror to save Santa Clause. He has been kidnapped by the evil Necromancer, Alan. His devilish plan is to suck the Xmas spirit out of Santa, and use it to power his horde of undead. He has banded together with the Orcs and Goblins of the nearby Dark Forest. They will protect him whilst he finishes his experiments. You must hurry. The fate of Christmas rests with you…
A mission pack that builds on the free D6 Dungeons and Dragons lesson I created. Print this off (delete the first slide though) for students, or set it up as a power point for the Dungeon Master. All the kids I tried it with loved it. Some of the quotes:
"Voldemorts stolen my nose! Give me back my Magic Dagger!"
"You are the worst re-animated corpse EVER!"
"I use my Staff of Uncertainty to turn you into a Gibbon."
A seriously creative lesson.
PS - I've also added the initial lesson (Lesson 1) as a starting point for the kids - gets a bit complicated otherwise.

Gothic Creative Writing KS3 Resource Pack
MASSIVE success with this scheme. Trouble is, what I can’t get on here is the music files I downloaded and threaded into the lessons. If you want to do this, use a site like keepvid.com to download some sinister music - I used the little girls song from ‘The Ring’ and a series of songs from the original QUAKE video game soundtrack (one is literally just a whisper getting louder and louder). I played these sounds over the top of the creative writing assessment and got a decent response (true, one or two of the kids MAY have nightmares…). Best of luck!

Animal Farm KS3 resource pack
I've taught this to top set year 8 and year 9 - had more success with the year 9s to be honest, but I think this would work with year 8s further in to the year. This was a series of lessons taught over the enormous 8 week half term. Hope the resources are useful to you!

Cars and car development
A simple starter task getting students to compare cars across history and focusing on the recently redeveloped S-Type Jaguar.

KS4 GCSE Prose Of Mice and Men Pack
Contained within this pack is all the resources i used in my GTP year with a bottom set Year 10 GCSE group. I had mixed success bu i felt my teaching got stronger as i went through this unit. A starting point for those wondering where to start perhaps, or another way of looking at a topic thoroughly done.

KS4: Shakespeare and Conflict Poems: CONFLICT
Focused on the Shakespearean text vs the Conflict Poetry from the literary heritage. Very structured against the bands and pointed towards the controlled assessment.

Midsummers Nights Dream S&L Resource Kit
I did this as an end of year task with my Year 7's. Essentially it is putting on a puppet show of Pyramus and Thisbe, the idea being that the students tell a modern version but using elements of Shakespearean language. Set up for SLAF 3 but easy enough to alter for SLAF 1 and 2.

Neo-Classical prose, poem and play
A worksheet on a poem, play and piece of prose from the Neo-Classical era. The questions are to check understanding and encourage thoughtful study of the era.
I would appreciate feedback.

Environment: Suburbia
Two worksheets on the suburban habitats. One looking at the environments, one looking at adaption of rats and foxes.

GCSE SECTION A Q5: Comparative Response
I made this sheet after marking a load of mock exam papers and getting frustrated at the inability of some foundation students to compare effectively. Oh yes, this is meant to be printed on A3 paper too!
I have had success with foundation groups in terms of getting them to structure their responses.

Year 10/11 S&L: Drama Romeo & Juliet
Have had major success with this activity with a low ability Year 11 group. Concept is centered around 'A Tavern in Verona' and deals with events after the finish of the play. Students create and develop their own character. I have had un-confident and uncooperative students sustain their identified roles for 20 minutes with a video camera in their faces. Give it a whirl...