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Diwali - Word Search - FREEBIE
A word search to celebrate Diwali (Deepavali), the Hindu Festival of Lights.
♦ 18 words
♦ answers included
♦ words can be found in 8 different directions
*** More Diwali resources available in my store.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

New Zealand Sight Words - FREE- word mats and word cards
Word mats and word cards for words at the Magenta to Orange level of the colour wheel.
Word Mats:
* provided in black/white or with a coloured border.
* one A4 size mat for each level.
Word Cards:
* 5 words on each card for Magenta to Blue.
* 8 words on each card for Green and Orange.
* 4 cards on each A4 size page.
* some words are written twice (just to fill up the last card at that level).
* the cards at each level have the same picture.
* the border and picture colour represent the level of the colour wheel.
* cards are numbered in the top left corner of each card.
The font used is ‘NZ Basic Script’. The letter shapes are the same as those recommended in the NZ Ministry of Education Handbook – ‘Teaching Handwriting’.
I have many games, activities and worksheets using these sight words. You can find them in all my TES store.
Words Used:
I like going is mum look the am said to at went in me here my on dad a and come up can sat for
we get put with go no they today was where you she he this are will as too not but likes down big it little see so looked
when came one it’s make an all back day into oh out play ran do take that then there him saw his got looking of yes mother from her baby father
have help here’s home let need again laugh soon talked could had find end making under very were your walk girl about don’t last what now goes because next than fun bag coming did or cake run
always good walked know please them use want feel just left best house old their right over love still took thank you school much brother sister round another myself new some asked called made people children away water how Mrs if I’m Mr who didn’t can’t after our time most
man think long things wanted eat everyone two thought dog well more I’ll tree shouted us other food through way been stop must red door sea these began boy animals never work first lots that’s gave something bed may found live say night small three head town I’ve around every garden fast only many laughed let’s suddenly told word forgot better bring push
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Matariki - Free Goal Setting Bunting
Matariki (the Māori New Year) is a time for reflecting on the past and setting goals for the coming year.
Students write or draw their goal on the bunting, then decorate, cut and hang. If you don't want to hang them, simply trim the flap off the top.
Provided with and without lines.
2 per A4 sheet of paper.
Enjoy this freebie!
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Gumboot Friday - FREE - Design a gumboot
Gumboot Friday is a fundraiser for free mental health counselling for kids in New Zealand. Get your students involved with this FREE print-and-go worksheet.
Design a gumboot - eg pictures/symbols/colours that make me happy (mentally well)
Write words in the gumboot - eg things I can do to keep a smile on my face
Made on A4 size paper.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Christmas Stick Puppets
16 animal stick puppets. Attach a craft stick and have fun!
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Classroom Lesson Break Game - 4 corners
Signs to use in the '4 corners' game. A great game to play when students need a break and need to 'move n groove'!
How to play ...
Pin the signs on the wall in the 4 corners of the room. Students dance while music is played. When music stops, children must go and stand in one corner. A card is pulled from a deck. The card is called out and all children standing in that corner (ie hearts, diamonds, spades, or clubs) are out and need to sit down. Continue playing until 1 student remains.
When down to 4 children, make sure 1 child is in each corner. Less than 4 children, you can play 'ends' or 'colours'.
Have fun. Enjoy this freebie.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Rugby Word Search FREE
A fun activity for your students. Find the words that are hidden in the rugby ball shape.
Made on A4 size paper.
Check out my store for more RUGBY resources.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Rugby Word Cards FREE
A set of 68 word cards for the topic of RUGBY. Great for a classroom word wall.
Made on A4 size paper.
Includes a blank template for you to add your own words.
Note: made especially for NZ classrooms so there are two cards specific to NZ (All Blacks and haka).
Check out my store for more RUGBY resources.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Fun with a Ruler - Collaborative Art Project using Parabolic Curves
A ‘Fun with a Ruler’ art project that involves drawing parabolic curves (curves that are made by drawing a series of straight lines).
This project involves your students ruling straight lines between 2 dots on a template. When they have finished drawing all of the lines they can give their artwork some colour.
Each student completes a square. Join the squares together to make an eye-catching display (see image for example).
♦ Template – black dots
♦ Template – light grey dots
♦ Example
♦ Display suggestion
♦ Instructions
♦ Teacher notes
Level of Difficulty:
Your students need to be able to use a ruler to draw straight lines between 2 points (the curves are made with straight lines … it’s like magic!). The designs can look more complicated than they actually are. Concentration is required, but the actual process is not difficult.
Simple, clear, easy-to-follow instructions are provided. One instruction per page (image and a sentence). Display the instructions via a data projector if you have access to one. Otherwise print and enlarge them and/or demonstrate on an enlarged template.
You need a ruler and a pen (black works best). Something to colour with (eg coloured pencils, watercolours, felt tip markers, chalk pastels, dye, etc)
Each square measures approximately 18.5cm x 18.5cm. Designed on A4 size paper.
Keywords: string art, math, geometry, patterns, parabolic curves.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Story Starters - third person - writing
Story Starters for writing lessons in the classroom.
They are all for writing in the third person (ie they all contain the names of other characters, rather than using 'I')
Print these out and laminate them back-to-back. Hand them out (or children can 'lucky-dip'). Students can then choose which story starter interests them the most and use that one to begin writing in their exercise book. Collect them in and use them again another time.
8 A4 sheets with 8 story starters on each page (total 64).

Math Art - Fun with a Ruler - Tumbleweed
A ‘Fun with a Ruler’ math/art project for your students. This project involves your students ruling straight lines between 2 dots on a template. When they have finished drawing all of the lines they can give their artwork some colour.
♦ Template
♦ Example
♦ Instructions
♦ Teacher notes
Level of Difficulty:
Your students need to be able to use a ruler to draw straight lines between 2 points. The design can look more complicated than it actually is. Concentration is required, but the actual process is not difficult.
Simple, clear, easy-to-follow instructions are provided. One instruction per page (image and a sentence). Display the instructions via a data projector if you have access to one. Otherwise print and enlarge them and/or demonstrate on an enlarged template.
You need a ruler and a pen (black works best). Something to colour with (eg coloured pencils, watercolours, felt tip markers, chalk pastels, dye, etc)
The circle is approximately18cm in diameter. Designed on A4 size paper.
Keywords: string art, math, geometry, patterns, lines, ruler.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Diwali - Paper lantern craft
Celebrate Diwali (The Festival of Lights) by making these paper lanterns. Fun, easy to make and they look great hanging in the classroom.
♦ 10 x different templates
♦ Handle template (just cut paper strips if you want to cut down on printing)
♦ Construction instructions
♦ One substitute template for the spelling of the word colour/color
A variety of templates to suit what you are looking for. Some are plain (so your students can add their own patterns/designs) while others are already decorative and just need colouring.
Designed on A4 size paper.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Anzac Art
Make some great ANZAC art with this set of paper. Create an Anzac image on top of the National Anthem or the Ode of Remembrance.
♦ New Zealand National Anthem - English
♦ New Zealand National Anthem – Te Reo Māori
♦ Australian National Anthem – English
♦ The Ode of Remembrance - English
3 Different Formats:
♦ Circle with frame
♦ Plain white paper
♦ Parchment paper
Each set of paper is provided in 4 different fonts to give you and your students plenty of choice.
Coloured pencils or watercolour paints are recommended as they will allow the text to still show through.
A great thing about this set of paper is that it can be used within other studies … not just Anzac Day. For example, a unit on Kiwiana / national identity.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Music - 4 beat rhythm cards
If you're wanting to teach basic rhythm in the classroom then this is the resource for you! Simple, easy to use and your students will have a fun time. The resource has everything in colour, and also in black and white.
The notation looked at is kept simple: Crotchet, quaver and rest.
This resource includes:
* Rhythm Grid A and B - using pear and cherry picture symbols
* Rhythm Grid A and B - using regular music notation
* 4-beat rhythm cards (24 in total)
* Student template (for composing own 4-beat rhythms)
* Reference charts
You can use body percussion, or percussion instruments. I use CHOPSTICKS. Students can either have one chopstick each and tap it on their desk, or two chopsticks and tap them together. The 'class chopstick orchestra' makes a lovely sound and I have found that students of all ages absolutely love it. The chopsticks are very cheap to buy and easy to store away in your cupboard when not in use.
Introduce one rhythm card at a time and gradually join them together (in a line or in a circle (like a clock face). Once your students have grasped the basics, they can join another classmate to compose their own rhythm (eg 16 beats) and perform it to another group or the whole class.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Math Art – Parabolic Curves – Collaborative Project
A ‘Fun with a Ruler’ math/art project that involves drawing parabolic curves (curves that are made by drawing a series of straight lines).
This project involves your students ruling straight lines between dots on a template. When they have finished drawing all the lines they can give their artwork some colour. Alternatively, your students could draw the design using different coloured pens.
Each student completes a piece. Join the pieces together to make an eye-catching display (see image for example).
♦ Student template (black or grey dots)
♦ Example
♦ Instructions
♦ Display suggestions
♦ Teacher notes
Level of Difficulty:
Your students need to be able to use a ruler to draw straight lines between 2 points (the curves are made with straight lines … it’s like magic!). The designs can look more complicated than they actually are. Concentration is required, but the actual process is not difficult.
Simple, clear, easy-to-follow instructions are provided. One instruction per page (image and a sentence). Display the instructions via a data projector if you have access to one. Otherwise print and enlarge them and/or demonstrate on an enlarged template.
You need a ruler and a pen (black works best). Something to colour with (eg coloured pencils, watercolours, felt tip markers, chalk pastels, dye, etc)
Each piece is approximately 18cm x 18cm. Designed on A4 size paper.
More of my ‘Fun with a Ruler’ resources available in my store.
Keywords: string art, math, geometry, patterns, parabolic curves
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Anzac Day Craft and Quiz
A craft activity and a quiz in all one! Quiz questions are written on the ‘poppy petal fold’ template. Lift each petal up to write your answer.
Great for students with access to the internet so they can research the answers independently. Glue the template onto a blank piece of paper or a page in an exercise book.
Two Options:
♦ Use the template with the quiz questions.
♦ Use the blank template. Students write their own quiz questions.
♦ Teacher notes (instructions).
♦ Template – with quiz questions.
♦ Answers to the quiz questions.
♦ Template – blank (write your own quiz).
The Quiz Questions:
♦ What does each letter in the word ANZAC stand for?
♦ When did World War One start and finish?
♦ The last surviving ANZAC soldier died on 16 May 2002. What was his name?
♦ What is the name of the man who became famous for using a donkey to transport injured men from the battle field to the beach at Anzac Cove?
♦ What is the 35th word in the ‘Ode of Remembrance’?
♦ Apart from the poppy, what other plant is associated with remembering those that have fought for our country?
Answers are included.
Suitable for classrooms in Australian and New Zealand.
Made on A4 size paper.
Approximate size: 18cm wide and 20cm high.
Display suggestion: make a giant class wreath with the poppy quizzes that your students make.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Diwali – Make a Salt Dough Diya
A fun, easy craft activity for celebrating Diwali (The Festival of Lights).
Follow the instructions to make a diya out of salt dough and leave it to air dry for a few days. Decorate before drying (like the images provided), or dry and then paint/decorate.
Resources to assist with making the diya include:
♦ Teacher notes (with lots of ideas and hints).
♦ Recipe for your students to follow (makes 1 diya).
♦ Sequencing Cards – use as a recipe or as a sequencing task before making. These include pictures and text.
Two writing tasks are included as a follow-up to the craft activity.
♦ procedural / instructional writing (3 different templates).
♦ newspaper report writing (2 different templates plus an example).
One of the newspaper reports is a fill-in-the-blanks template which is suitable for junior students.
The instructions state to air dry the diya (takes a few days) but you could choose to dry it in the oven to speed up the process (details included in the teacher notes).
Flour, salt and water. Things to decorate it with (buttons, beads, shells, glitter, paint, etc).
If you have junior students, this is a great activity for you to do with a buddy class who are a bit older.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Christmas Stocking Templates x15
Christmas Stockings - 15 different designs.
Black and white templates.
Ideas for use:
* decorate, cut and display
* write your name in the top part and decorate
* write your Christmas wish list in the stocking
* draw pictures of activities that you hope to do over the holiday season
* write Christmas related vocabulary in the stockings
* decorate one side and write a letter to Santa on the other
A great resource to have on hand over the festive season.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Māori Days of the Week - Display cards
Display cards with the Maori Days of the Week.
Set 1 – Māori word only
Set 2 – Māori and English word.
Also includes one in a larger size with all 7 words.
2 per A4 page.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Stick Puppets - CRAZY CREATURES / MONSTERS - 84 puppets in total!
Super-fun stick puppets! Simply laminate and attach a craft stick.
Great for oral language development, co-operative learning, topic based study, drama, performance skills, engaging reluctant learners, etc …
Can also be used as a writing prompt (eg script writing, narrative writing, descriptive writing …). Or use them as a tool in a creative art unit.
This set contains 84 puppets in total.
Your students will LOVE making up performances with these colourful stick puppets.
© Suzanne Welch, 2016
Visit my store for more stick puppets and other great classroom resources.
Your feedback is appreciated. Thank you.