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KS3 French and KS4 Spanish resources
Time - y7 French

Time - y7 French

Grammar point on telling the time. Mini-whiteboard activities for AfL. Differentiated tasks for practice. Worksheets included. Game at the end.
Ma maison - home life - bundle y7 French

Ma maison - home life - bundle y7 French

8 Resources
Pack of eight 1 hour lessons. This bundle covers the topic of home life for year 7 French with all the essential lessons. Each lesson has differentiated outcomes and activities. All 4 skills are covered (listening, speaking, reading and writing tasks) with scaffolding and challenge. Vocabulary introductions and grammar points clearly explained. AfL tasks to check understanding with a variety of games and mini-whiteboard tasks. Differentiated worksheets included. Students thoroughly enjoyed these lessons.
Geography of France - y7 French

Geography of France - y7 French

Lesson introducing the main cities and geographical points of France, including main cities, rivers, mountains, neighbouring countries and seas. Vocabulary introduction, AfL activities, differentiated map activity and reading task.
El futuro próximo - the near future tense y10 Spanish

El futuro próximo - the near future tense y10 Spanish

100 minutes worth of lesson time to teach the near future - voy a +infinitive Grammar point introduction. Tasks all differentiated to support and challenge: application of grammar point activities, mini-whiteboard check, speaking, listening, reading, writing. Please leave a positive review as a lot of hard work went into making this resource.