
Cigarettes danger 1 jour 1 question
Comprehension questions in English with answers, based on the youtube video “1 jour, 1 question”.

la musica e opinioni Italian KS4
Ppt presentation and worksheet. Revision of past tense and expressing opinions.

Ideal Holiday Italian KS3
Se avessi la possibilita’…vorrei… (conditional)
Presentation, reading and writing activity.

Liberation and history ITALIAN KS5
History quiz and presentation of important people during and after WW2. Includes gap fill song bella ciao symbol of Italian Resistance.

Lettura e musica - negatives
KS4 resources with negative structures: non leggo, non leggo mai, non leggo piu’ .

Italian KS3 Pasqua
Reading activity Pasqua and worksheet with solution
easter egg hunt with revision of directions worksheet not attached

A presentation about shops in Italian, and revision of food items. It needs some adjustments. I have used it with my Y8 group.

A trip to Florence
Power point with listening activities linked to amici.
To learn about landmarks in Florence.