Jeopardy! is an American television game show created by Merv Griffin. The show features a quiz competition in which contestants are presented with general knowledge clues in the form of answers, and must phrase their responses in the form of questions.
In this Power Point version, we produced a set of five categories related to Christmas. The categories are Christmas Songs, Traditions, Stories, Trivia and Movies.
Take some time to have a lot of fun with your students with this amazing interactive game. Your students will love playing it and would gain knowledge naturally.
You can have a sample on how to play the game watching a sample on YouTube. Just search for Jeopardy.
Play individually or in groups.
Pick a category and a point value.
Click on the chosen box for the question.
Students must give the answer in the form of a question before clicking again.
To see if a student or group is correct, click again for the answer.
This is an activity aimed ESL student based on the Friends theme song.
It is a two-page activity with answer key. Your ESL student will learn and have fun while listening the song I’LL BE THERE FOR YOU by The Rembrandts.
Stranger Things ESL Activites
Give your students the opportunity to learn English while watching series episodes.
This eBook brings 10 activities related to the world NetFlix success Stranger Things.
It is fun and educational worth.
A riddle is a statement or question or phrase having a double or veiled meaning, put forth as a puzzle to be solved.
This is a 16 page PDF document to be used with young learners.
Many English language learners watch films and follow TV series in English. Using these lessons your students will be fulfilled with a linguistic and cultural tour of English fluency. A complete learning experience around the captivating and humorous story of 6 charismatic friends from New York.
Your students will fall in love with the lessons, and after finishing, return again and again, each time from a higher level, each time with a deeper understanding of English in the real world.
“Our students tend to be “blown away” (amazed) at their improvement when they return to the earlier lessons a year later. They’ve improved so much!”
“Just like becoming a lifelong fan of Friends, you’ll become a lifelong student of these content with Friends.”
It contents 10 related Friends series activities with teacher’s note and a bonus Friends Theme song activity.
Summer Time Games
10+ ready to print activities to spend quality time with your kids!
All the activities in this booklet have been tried, tested an enjoyed by students and teachers alike. They are suitable for use in all teaching situations – including mixed ability classes – or they can be given as homework tasks.
A small clock on each page tells you approximately how long each activity should take. In addition to that, there are some icons showing what materials are needed to perform the activity.
• A ‘Dat In my Life’ Game - Boarding Game
• Colours - Write and color
• How many cats can you find? - Numbers and color
• Numbers and Colours - Numbers and color
• The Mystery Ship - Vocabulary puzzle
• Chase the Cheetah! - Numbers
• Weekend Plans- Making plans and numbers
• Hobbies - Hobbies and color
• Supermarket Maze - Boarding Game and Quantities
• Welcome to Sillyville - Write and color
• Nature Watch Memory Test - Memory Game and color
• The History Puzzle - Word Puzzle
• Pancake Day - Write instructions and cooking