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Let’s learn about Religions! This worksheet contains informative activities and exercises about religions. The aim of this 26-page worksheet is to give the students a basic understanding of the most popular religions today, as well as ancient religions. The answers and an answer sheet are included. GOOGLE SLIDES WITH PREMADE TEXTBOXES INCLUDED! Overview: Page 1-2: Introduction Page 3-4: Christianity Page 5-7: Islam Page 8-9: Judaism Page 10-11: Hinduism Page 12-14: Buddhism Page 15: Reflection of the five major religions Page 16-17: Religious Figures Page 18-20: Religious Holidays Page 21: Ancient Egyptian Religion Page 22-24: Ancient Greek and Roman Religions Page 25-26: Reflection Extra Topics: Christian Denominations Sunni & Shia Muslims Shintoism Confucianism Sikhism Zoroastrianism The following questions are just a few examples of the topics addressed in this unit: Who was Buddha? What is the difference between Hinduism and Buddhism? What is Islam, Muhammad and the Five pillars? What is reincarnation, karma and nirvana? What is Confucianism? Who are the Egyptian, Greek and Roman Gods and Goddesses? What is a pope? Keywords: Religions, Christianity, Islam, Hindu, Hinduism, Buddha, Buddhism, Buddhist, Muslim, Jesus Christ, crucifix, priest, nun, church, temple, mosque, Qur’an, bible, torah, God the Father, Resurrection, Old and New Testament, Allah, Moses, Abraham, Bar Mitzvah, Jewish people, Kosher, Brahman, Siddharta, Reincarnation, karma, dharma, moksha, Mount Olympus, Zeus, Jupiter, Hermes, Mercury, Hades, Pluto, Apollo, Poseidon, Neptune, Aphrodite, Venus, Ares, Mars, Osiris, Ra, Isis.


Let’s learn about Christianity! This worksheet includes 24 pages with a great variety of activities and exercises about Christianity. The materials have informative exercises about the things that Christianity is famous for, such as Jesus, the Apostles, the Great Schism, the Reformation, the Bible, and many other things! Crosswords, word searches, puzzles and other kinds of activities are included to make it a fun and interesting class. GOOGLE SLIDES WITH PREMADE TEXTBOXES INCLUDED! Overview: Page 1-2: Christianity Page 3-4: History Page 5-6: The Apostles Page 7-8: The Bible Page 9-10: The Great Schism Page 11-12: The Reformation Page 13-15: Denominations Page 16-17: Christian Titles Page 18: Holy Days Page 19-20: Famous people Page 21-22: Famous Churches Page 23-24: Reflection BONUS - Extra Topics: Protestant Branches The Amish Vatican City The answers and an answer sheet are included. The following questions are just a few examples of the topics addressed in this unit: What are apostles and disciples? What is the difference between a church, a cathedral, and a basilica? What was the Great Schism? What was the Protestant Reformation? What are the differences between the Christian denominations? Who wrote the Bible? What are the differences between priests, pastors, bishops and cardinals? What are sacraments? You might also like these worksheets: Religions Islam Keywords: Christianity, Christian, God, Jesus of Nazareth, Prophet, Apostles, Disciples, the Holy Bible, New Testament, Church, Cathedral, Basilica, Bethlehem, Crucifixion, Resurrection, Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant, Reformation, Martin Luther, Denomination, Sacraments, Priest, Pastor, Missionary, Pope, Cardinal, Bishop, Christmas, Easter, Advent, Lent, Abraham, Mary, Saint Paul, Saint Peter, John the Baptist.
Japan (country study)

Japan (country study)

Let’s get to know Japan! This worksheet includes 22 pages with a great variety of activities and exercises about Japan. The materials have informative exercises about the things that Japan is famous for, such as samurai, mount Fuji, sushi, ninja, manga, and many other things! Crosswords, word searches, puzzles and other kinds of activities are included to make it a fun and interesting class. The answers and an answer sheet are included. GOOGLE SLIDES AND FILLABLE PDF VERSIONS INCLUDED! Overview: Page 1-2: Introduction Page 3-4: Geography Page 5-7: History Page 8-9: Ninja & Samurai Page 10-12: Culture Page 13-14: Traditions Page 15-16: Food Page 17-18: Martial Arts Page 19-20: Attractions Page 21-22: Reflection The following questions are just a few examples of the topics addressed in this unit: What is Manga? What is the difference between kendo, sumo, judo, jiu jitsu and karate? What is the difference between a samurai and a ninja? What are shoguns? What is Shintoism? What is pachinko? What are Geishas? What different kinds of Japanese food are there? What is a Kimono? You might also like these worksheets: South Korea North Korea China Thailand (free!) India Geography - Asia You can save money by purchasing bundles! All units: 28 Country Studies Asian Country Studies Keywords: Japan, country study, printable, Google Slides, Yen, Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Honshu, Mount Fuji, volcanoes, emperors, Ainu, Yamato, shogun, samurai, ninja, Tokugawa shogunate, Meiji restoration, Pearl Harbor, kimono, Shintoism, Sumo, Jiu-jitsu, kendo, karate, pachinko, manga, geisha, origami, sushi, ramen.
Ancient Civilizations

Ancient Civilizations

Let’s learn about Ancient Civilizations! This worksheet includes 31 pages with a great variety of activities and exercises about Ancient Civilizations. The materials have informative exercises about the great civilizations of human history, such as Ancient Egypt, Indus Valley Civilization, Ancient Greece, Babylonian Empire, the Mayans, Ancient Rome, the Persian Empire and many others! Crosswords, word searches, puzzles and other kinds of activities are included to make it a fun and interesting class. The answers are included. GOOGLE SLIDES WITH PREMADE TEXTBOXES INCLUDED! Overview: Page 1-2: Introduction to Ancient Civilizations Page 3-4: Ancient Egypt Page 5-6: Indus Valley Civilization Page 7-9: Ancient Greece Page 10-12: Ancient China Page 13: Babylonian Empire Page 14-15: The Mayans Page 16-17: Persian Empire Page 18-21: Ancient Rome Page 22-23: Byzantine Empire Page 24-25: Inca Empire Page 26-27: Ottoman Empire Page 28-29: The Aztecs Page 30-31: Reflection You might also like these worksheets: Wonders of the World The Middle East Religions China Egypt Italy Greece Keywords: Ancient Civilizations, empire, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Pharaoh, Pyramids, the Nile, Indus Valley Civilization, Indus River, Ancient Greece, Athens, Alexander the Great, City States, Ancient China, Dynasties, Emperor, Babylon, the Mayans, Mexico, Chichen Itza, Persian Empire, Ancient Rome, Roman Empire, Julius Caesar, Byzantine Empire, Constantine I, Justinian, Incan Empire, Peru, Ottoman Empire, Turkey, Sultan, the Aztecs.


Let’s learn about Sharks! This unit includes various close-reading activities and fun stuff about sharks. The materials are full of photos, exercises, and puzzles to learn about the most notable shark species in the world. At the end of the unit, reflection activities are included to test the students’ knowledge about sharks’ habitats, diet, appearance, and behavior. The answers and an answer sheet are included. GOOGLE SLIDES WITH PREMADE TEXTBOXES INCLUDED! The following species are briefly addressed in the unit: Hammerhead shark Tiger shark Mako shark Great white shark Whale shark Goblin shark Saw shark Leopard shark Bull shark Basking shark Thresher shark Overview: Page 1-2: Sharks Page 3-5: Shark species Page 5-6: Great white shark Page 7-8: Whale shark Page 9: Megalodon Page 10-11: Shark attacks Page 12-13: Threats Page 14-16: Reflection BONUS: Extra puzzles and fun stuff Word Search Crossword Cut ‘n Paste Keywords: Sharks, oceans, fins, teeth, predators, fish, hammerhead, great whites, whale sharks, tiger sharks, megalodons, attacks, threats, worksheet, google slides, printable
Mexico (country study)

Mexico (country study)

Let’s get to know Mexico! This worksheet includes 20 pages with a great variety of activities and exercises about Mexico. The materials have informative exercises about the things that Mexico is famous for, such as Chichen Itza, Lucha Libre, the Mayans, the Aztecs, food, and many other things! Crosswords, word searches, puzzles and other kinds of activities are included to make it a fun and interesting class. GOOGLE SLIDES WITH PREMADE TEXTBOXES INCLUDED! Overview: Page 1-2: Introduction Page 3-4: Geography Page 5-6: The Mayans Page 7-8: The Aztecs Page 9-10: History Page 11-14: Culture Page 15-16: Lucha Libre & Day of the Dead Page 17-18: Attractions Page 19-20: Reflection The answers and an answer sheet are included. BONUS: Extra topics on the History of Mexico: The Mexican War of Independence The Mexican-American War The Mexican Revolution You might also like these worksheets: Argentina Cuba United States Spain Brazil Geography – North America Ancient Civilizations You can save money by purchasing bundles! All units: 28 Country Studies North American Country Studies Mexico City, Chichen Itza, Temple of Kukulkan, Lucha Libre, Taco, Burrito, Mariachi, Mayans, Aztecs, Pinata, Cancun, Mayan Calendar, Hernan Cortes, Pyramid of the Sun, Tulum, Mexican Cuisine, Peso.
Canada (country study)

Canada (country study)

Let’s get to know Canada! This worksheet includes 19 pages with a great variety of activities and exercises about Canada. The materials have informative exercises about the things that Canada is famous for, such as the Inuit, First Nations, the Rocky Mountains, the Niagara Falls and many other things! Crosswords, word searches, puzzles and other kinds of activities are included to make it a fun and interesting class. The answers and an answer sheet are included. GOOGLE SLIDES WITH PREMADE TEXTBOXES INCLUDED! Overview: Page 1-2: Introduction Page 3-6: Geography Page 7: Provinces and Territories Page 8-9: History Page 10-12: Native Canadians Page 13-15: Culture Page 16-17: Attractions Page 18-19: Reflection You might also like these worksheets: United States Mexico Australia Geography – North America You can save money by purchasing bundles! All units: 34 Country Studies North American Country Studies Keywords: Maple Leaf, Ice Hockey, Igloo, Eskimo, Inuit People, Niagara Falls, Grizzly Bear, Polar Bear, Moose, Totem Pole, Justin Bieber, CN Tower, Ottawa, Toronto, First Nations people, Rocky Mountains.
Cuba (Fun stuff for elementary grades)

Cuba (Fun stuff for elementary grades)

Let’s explore Cuba with puzzles and other fun activities. This supplemental resource is great for a country unit. GOOGLE SLIDES WITH PREMADE TEXTBOXES INCLUDED! This 12-page printable handles several things that Cuba is famous for, including: Fidel Castro The Cuban Revolution Vinales Valley Guantanamo Bay Classic Cars Food Rationing Overview: Page 1-3: Introduction Page 4-5: Cuban Revolution Page 6: Ration Book Page 7: Classic Cars Page 8: Guantanamo Bay Page 9-10: Attractions Page 11-12: Reflection The answers and an answer sheet are included. Keywords: Country study, elementary, Cuba, Havana, Caribbean, Columbus, Taino, Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, Fulgencio Batista, Che Guevara, Communism, Vinales Valley, Guantanamo Bay, Classic Cars, Ration Book, Google Slides, Printable
Qatar (country study)

Qatar (country study)

Let’s get to know Qatar! This worksheet includes 17 pages with a great variety of activities and exercises about Qatar. The materials have informative exercises about the things that Qatar is famous for, such as the oil, emirs, Bedouins, desert, migrant workers, and many other things! Crosswords, word searches, puzzles and other kinds of activities are included to make it a fun and interesting class. GOOGLE SLIDES WITH PREMADE TEXTBOXES INCLUDED! Overview: Page 1-2: Introduction Page 3-4: Geography Page 5-6: History Page 7-8: People and Language Page 9-11: Culture Page 12-13: Migrant workers Page 14-15: Attractions Page 16-17: Reflection The answers and an answer sheet are included. Keywords: Country study, printable, Google Slides, worksheet, Qatar, Doha, Gulf states, wealthy, oil, Emirate, Emir, Bedouin, Arab, Muslim, Islam, Oryx, Deserts, Al Thani, migrant workers, Kafala System


Let’s learn about Islam! This worksheet contains informative activities and exercises about Islam. The aim of this unit is to give the students a basic understanding of Islam and related events such as veils, Sunni vs Shia, the Qur’an, Hajj, Muhammad, and Mecca. The answers and an answer sheet are included. GOOGLE SLIDES WITH PREMADE TEXTBOXES INCLUDED! Overview: Page 1-3: Islam Page 4-5: History Page 6-7: Sunni vs Shia Page 8-9: Mecca Page 10-11: Hajj Page 12: Sharia Page 13-14: Veils Page 15-18: Things to know (the Qur’an, holidays, holy places, biggest mosques, Muhammad, and radical Islam) Page 19: Your thoughts Page 20-21: Reflection You might also like these worksheets: Religions Christianity Terrorism The Middle East Keywords: Mosque, Islam, Burqa, Imam, Minaret, Sheikh, Terrorist, Osama bin Laden, Quran, Niqab, Allah, Mecca, Muhammad, Veils, Chador, Hijab, Sunni, Shiites, Shia, pilgrimage, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Jihad, ISIS, extremists.


Let’s learn about Oceans! This worksheet includes 21 pages with a wide variety of activities and exercises about the oceans. The materials have informative exercises about the things that are related to the oceans, such as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, tides, the rising sea level, tsunamis, whales, over-fishing and many other things! Crosswords, word searches, puzzles and other kinds of activities are included to make it a fun and interesting class. GOOGLE SLIDES WITH PREMADE TEXTBOXES INCLUDED! Overview: Page 1-2: Introduction Page 3: Tides Page 4: Oceans and climate Page 5-6: Rising sea level Page 7-8: Great Pacific Garbage Patch Page 9-10: Overfishing Page 11-12: Tsunamis Page 13-16: Whales & Sharks Page 17-18: Strange Sea Creatures Page 19-20: Great Barrier Reef Page 21: Reflection The answers and an answer sheet are included. You can save money by purchasing the Geography Bundle! Geography Bundle (Nature, Oceans and Natural Disasters) You might also like these worksheets: Oceans (fun stuff) Nature Continents Tsunamis Natural Disasters Keywords: Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Arctic Ocean, Southern Ocean, continents, Ocean tides, Moon, CO2, Rising sea level, Conveyor belt, Coral reef, Sea animals, Tsunami, Sharks, Whales, Over-fishing.
Spain (country Study)

Spain (country Study)

Let’s get to know Spain! This worksheet includes 23 pages with a great variety of activities and exercises about Spain. The materials have informative exercises about the things that Spain is famous for, such as Bullfighting, Catalonia, Sagrada Familia, Picasso, Tapas and many other things! Crosswords, word searches, puzzles and other kinds of activities are included to make it a fun and interesting class. GOOGLE SLIDES WITH PREMADE TEXTBOXES INCLUDED! Overview: Page 1-2: Introduction Page 3-4: Geography Page 5-6: History Page 7-8: Spanish Empire Page 9-11: Culture Page 12-13: Bullfighting Page 14: La Tomatina Page 15: Pamplona Page 16-17: Attractions Page 18-19: Famous Spaniards Page 20-21: Regional Identity Page 22-23: Reflection The answers and an answer sheet are included. You might also like these worksheets: Argentina Germany France Italy Geography - Europe You can save money by purchasing bundles! All units: 28 Country Studies European Country Studies Keywords: Paella, Sagrada Familia, Gaudi, Franco, Tapas, Bullfighting, Matador, Spanish Empire, Picasso, Hernan Cortes, Tomatoes, Bull, Dali, Barcelona, Madrid.
Turkey (country study)

Turkey (country study)

Let’s get to know Turkey! This worksheet includes 22 pages with a great variety of activities and exercises about Turkey. The materials have informative exercises about the things that Turkey is famous for, such as Hagia Sophia, Ataturk, Islam, the Kurds, the Ottoman Empire and many other things! Crosswords, word searches, puzzles and other kinds of activities are included to make it a fun and interesting class. GOOGLE SLIDES WITH PREMADE TEXTBOXES INCLUDED! Overview: Page 1-2: Introduction Page 3-4: Geography Page 5-6: History Page 7-8: Byzantine Empire Page 9-10: Ottoman Empire Page 11-13: Culture Page 14-15: Religion Page 16-17: The Kurds Page 18: Troy Page 19-20: Attractions Page 21-22: Reflection The answers and an answer sheet are included. Keywords: Country study, Turkey, Ankara, Istanbul, Troy, Kebab, Baklava, Hagia Sophia, Ataturk, Belly dancing, Islam, Bazaars, Esephus, Sufi whirling, the Byzantine Empire, the Ottoman Empire, Constantinople, Constantine I, Osman I, Suleiman the Magnificent, the Blue Mosque, Kurdistan, the Kurds.
Spain (country Study)

Spain (country Study)

Let’s get to know Spain! This worksheet includes 23 pages with a great variety of activities and exercises about Spain. The materials have informative exercises about the things that Spain is famous for, such as Bullfighting, Catalonia, Sagrada Familia, Picasso, Tapas and many other things! Crosswords, word searches, puzzles and other kinds of activities are included to make it a fun and interesting class. GOOGLE SLIDES WITH PREMADE TEXTBOXES INCLUDED! Overview: Page 1-2: Introduction Page 3-4: Geography Page 5-6: History Page 7-8: Spanish Empire Page 9-11: Culture Page 12-13: Bullfighting Page 14: La Tomatina Page 15: Pamplona Page 16-17: Attractions Page 18-19: Famous Spaniards Page 20-21: Regional Identity Page 22-23: Reflection The answers and an answer sheet are included. You might also like these worksheets: Argentina Germany France Italy Geography - Europe You can save money by purchasing bundles! All units: 28 Country Studies European Country Studies Keywords: Paella, Sagrada Familia, Gaudi, Franco, Tapas, Bullfighting, Matador, Spanish Empire, Picasso, Hernan Cortes, Tomatoes, Bull, Dali, Barcelona, Madrid.


Let’s get to know Portugal! GOOGLE SLIDES WITH PREMADE TEXTBOXES INCLUDED! This worksheet includes 18 pages with a wide variety of activities and exercises about Portugal. The materials have informative exercises about the things that Portugal is famous for, such as port, Ronaldo, Fado, the Algarve, and many other things! Crosswords, word searches, puzzles and other kinds of activities are included to make it a fun and interesting class. The answers and an answer sheet are included. Overview: Page 1-2: Introduction Page 3-4: Geography Page 5-7: History Page 8-10: Culture Page 11-12: Bullfighting Page 13-14: Economy Page 15-16: Attractions Page 17-18: Reflection Keywords: Country study, Portugal, Lisbon, Porto, Vasco da Gama, Fado, Cristiano Ronaldo, bacalhau, codfish, Algarve


Let’s get to know Africa! This worksheet includes 36 pages with a wide variety of activities and exercises about Africa. The materials have informative exercises about the things that Africa is famous for, such as tribal peoples, natural resources, Nelson Mandela, wildlife, Nelson Mandela, pyramids and many other things! Crosswords, word searches, puzzles and other kinds of activities are included to make it a fun and interesting class. GOOGLE SLIDES WITH PREMADE TEXTBOXES INCLUDED! Overview: Page 1-3: Introduction Page 4-6: Geography Page 7-8: Countries Page 9-11: Wildlife Page 12-13: Poaching Page 14-15: History Page 16-17: Ancient Egypt Page 18-19: People Page 20-22: Tribes Page 23: Nelson Mandela Page 24-25: Languages Page 26-27: Economy Page 28-29: Poverty Page 30-31: Attractions Page 32-33: Pyramids Page 34-36: Reflection The answers and an answer sheet are included. You might also like these worksheets: Africa (Fun stuff for elementary grades) Ancient Civilizations Egypt Kenya Nigeria Geography - Africa Middle East South Africa Tribes Keywords: worksheet, digital, printable, tribes, gold, diamonds, Nelson Mandela, apartheid, people, Sahara, poverty, wildlife, poaching, the Kruger Park, the Big Five, gorillas, conflicts, Masaai, animals, continent, savanna


Let’s learn about Christianity! This worksheet includes 24 pages with a great variety of activities and exercises about Christianity. The materials have informative exercises about the things that Christianity is famous for, such as Jesus, the Apostles, the Great Schism, the Reformation, the Bible, and many other things! Crosswords, word searches, puzzles and other kinds of activities are included to make it a fun and interesting class. GOOGLE SLIDES WITH PREMADE TEXTBOXES INCLUDED! Overview: Page 1-2: Christianity Page 3-4: History Page 5-6: The Apostles Page 7-8: The Bible Page 9-10: The Great Schism Page 11-12: The Reformation Page 13-15: Denominations Page 16-17: Christian Titles Page 18: Holy Days Page 19-20: Famous people Page 21-22: Famous Churches Page 23-24: Reflection BONUS - Extra Topics: Protestant Branches The Amish Vatican City The answers and an answer sheet are included. The following questions are just a few examples of the topics addressed in this unit: What are apostles and disciples? What is the difference between a church, a cathedral, and a basilica? What was the Great Schism? What was the Protestant Reformation? What are the differences between the Christian denominations? Who wrote the Bible? What are the differences between priests, pastors, bishops and cardinals? What are sacraments? You might also like these worksheets: Religions Islam Keywords: Christianity, Christian, God, Jesus of Nazareth, Prophet, Apostles, Disciples, the Holy Bible, New Testament, Church, Cathedral, Basilica, Bethlehem, Crucifixion, Resurrection, Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant, Reformation, Martin Luther, Denomination, Sacraments, Priest, Pastor, Missionary, Pope, Cardinal, Bishop, Christmas, Easter, Advent, Lent, Abraham, Mary, Saint Paul, Saint Peter, John the Baptist.
Cuba (country study)

Cuba (country study)

Let’s get to know Cuba! This worksheet includes 22 pages with a great variety of activities and exercises about Cuba. The materials have informative exercises about the things that Cuba is famous for, such as the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, the trade embargo, and many other things! Crosswords, word searches, puzzles and other kinds of activities are included to make it a fun and interesting class. Overview: Page 1-2: Introduction Page 3-4: Geography Page 5-6: History Page 7-8: Cuban Revolution Page 9: Che Guevara Page 10: Missile Crisis Page 11: Trade Embargo Page 12-14: Culture Page 15: Religion Page 16-17: Everyday Life Page 18: Guantanamo Bay Page 19-20: Attractions Page 21-22: Reflection The answers and an answer sheet are included. EXTRA: Fidel Castro Keywords: Country study, Cuba, Havana, Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, Spanish, Cuban Revolution, Communism, Guantanamo Bay, Missile Crisis, Trade Embargo.


Let’s learn about Hurricanes! These NO PREP materials contain informative exercises about hurricanes, typhoons and cyclones. Lots of puzzles and other fun activities are included to make it a fun class. The answers and an answer sheet are included. GOOGLE SLIDES WITH PREMADE TEXTBOXES INCLUDED! Overview: Page 1-2: Introduction to hurricanes Page 3-4: How do hurricanes form? Page 5-6: Parts of a hurricane Page 7: Dangerous hurricanes in history Page 8-9: Interesting facts Page 10: How to survive a hurricane? Page 11: Word Search Page 12: Reflection Extra: Natural Disaster Puzzles You might also like these worksheets: Blizzards Earthquakes Floods Landslides Tornadoes Tsunamis Volcanic Eruptions Wildfires You can save money by purchasing the bundle! Natural Disasters Bundle Keywords: Tropical cyclones, hurricanes, typhoons, cyclones, tropical storms, oceans, eye, eye wall, rain bands, Hurricane Katrina, anti-clockwise direction, Coriolis Effect, Saffir-Simpson Scale, storm surge
Geography of South America

Geography of South America

Let’s learn about the Geography of South America! This unit includes a wide variety of exercises, map quizzes, puzzles, and close reading activities about the countries, capitals, and geography of South America. The answers and answer sheets are included. GOOGLE SLIDES WITH PREMADE TEXTBOXES INCLUDED! Overview: Page 1-2: Introduction Page 3-4: Countries and Capitals Page 5-8: Map Quizzes (countries & capitals) Page 9-11: Geography Page 12-14: Map Quizzes (geographic features) Page 15-16: Attractions Page 17-18: Islands (The Galápagos Islands & Eastern Island) Page 19-20: Reflection Extra: Lots of additional map quizzes in different levels. You might also like these Geography worksheets: Geography of the World (Bundle) Europe North America Africa Asia Oceania & Australia The Middle East Western Europe Southeast Asia Keywords: geography, maps, map quiz, countries, capitals, mountains, seas, rivers, attractions, Brazil. Amazon, Argentina, Christ the Redeemer, Easter Island Statues, Machu Picchu, Bogota, Cuzco, Lima, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Santiago, Buenos Aires, French Guyana, Falkland Islands