We are a group of ESL teachers based in China, but the materials we provide here are suitable for ESL students anywhere in the world. We have a selection of stand alone lessons, and presentations that can easily be incorporated into existing lessons for ESL students. Almost all of our materials are aimed at students over 16, but they would work with any learners of an intermediate level or higher.
We are a group of ESL teachers based in China, but the materials we provide here are suitable for ESL students anywhere in the world. We have a selection of stand alone lessons, and presentations that can easily be incorporated into existing lessons for ESL students. Almost all of our materials are aimed at students over 16, but they would work with any learners of an intermediate level or higher.
A detailed presentation looking at the vocabulary, spelling, and grammar differences between the two main branches of English.
A good cultural introduction for ESL students, and can easily fill a hour lesson when used in conjunction with the American English vs British English worksheets, which are provided. Lesson could easily be used for a test-teach-test style class, or a task based learning one.
A introduction for ESL students into 33 different bits of Business English slang, an ideal companion piece for any introduction to Business English lessons, and can easily be slid into existing lessons for a little bit of light relief.
The perfect presentation to allow students to practice for parts 2 and 3 of the IELTS speaking test. The download includes four smaller presentations covering the four areas of parts 2 & 3 of the IELTS speaking test (Places, People/Animals, Objects and Events). There is also a master presentation combining all four into one 110 page presentation with menus added to allow the choice of topic.
There are in total 54 part 2 questions, and each page has a one minute timer while the student prepares to answer the question, and a 2 minute timer for the answer. The next page has the corresponding part 3 questions
If you would like to see the presentation working then the Places presentation has been uploaded as a free download.
This interactive pdf file, is perfect for your students to work with as they study the Harper Lee classic. This is a very common book for students to read during their high school life, and there is no better way to check their understanding than by having them write short answer to a range of question about what they have read.
The book has 31 chapters, so I have divided it into 11 sections. Each section has ten questions to cover chapters in groups of 3, that makes a total of 100 questions. Then there is one final question for students to consider when they have finished the novel.
In this modern world, I believe homework and assignments like this should be done online wherever possible. This is to promote distance learning, along with making offline courses easier to deal with too. You can of course print the book out, and it will work fine too.
On purchase you will get a zipped file containing two pdfs, they are identical in that they are pdf files with the questions divided into manageable chunks. One file has the answers filled in (or at least suggested answers) for all questions.
I have uploaded the first ten pages of questions covering chapters one to nine as a free preview here
This is the first 10 page of our Academic Writing Skills Workbook.
The full 46 page version is available here.
Also it is part of a 25 hour Academic Writing Skills course, which contains lesson plans and ppts along with the full 46 page workbook. That can be purchased here.
This is just meant as a taster for the whole course.
The workbook allows students to complete exercises practicing the following skills that they will need for university. Structuring essays, analyzing different types of questions, writing thesis statements, three different ways to take notes, how to research for information and cite it correctly in all four major styles (MLA, APA, CMS and Harvard). Students will also improving their writing skills, and how to draft and edit their work, and in addition how to avoid plagiarism by understanding the concept and paraphrase correctly.
A presentation of 19 different ethical or moral dilemmas for ESL students to discuss. Aimed at Intermediate or higher level students, there are a few pieces of less common vocabulary, which will require explaining or concept checking.
Two separate versions of the ‘fun time’ game for ESL students. Class is divided into two teams, and then they can pick from one of five topics Drawing, Acting, Taboo, Question and Who/What Am I. Students then choose from one of eight options for each topic and come to the front of the class to do whatever they chose. Drawing is like Pictionary, Acting is Charades, Taboo is a well known game, questions allow a chance to review some knowledge learnt in class and Who/What Am I works on students logical thinking.
Four different ESL Board games aimed at getting beginner to intermediate students talking about a range of topics that they should be comfortable talking about. Mostly focus on their likes and dislikes and giving simple opinions on things.
A fun game to end almost any class with, 17 slides with different sentences on them. Divide the class into two equals teams, and make sure everyone has plenty of paper and a pen.
Have a one player from each team and sit at the front of the class
Show the first slide, and read the sentence
Use the word ‘blank’ as the missing words in the sentence.
The aim is for each team member to write down the same ‘blank’ word as their player at the front of the class. Both players and team members keep their answers secret.
When everyone has written a word, ask the students at the front to reveal their answers.
For each answer, the team members have that match their players answer, they get a point.
Repeat with different players
5 well prepared speaking activities to fill your ESL class with lots of speaking and some fun too. Bingo is of course a classic, designed to be a great mingle activity. May need to be adapted so its fit the location you are in. Name Five a warm up to get students to activate their English vocabulary at the beginning of class. I Predict gives students a practice in using the future tense. Taboo for some more speaking practice based on the classic parlour game.True or False is a class survey activity.
44 questions to review some of the vocabulary and grammar points covered in level 2 of the Touchstone text book series from Cambridge English Book. It is a selection of multiple choice questions based on the book, with 4, 6 or 8 options to answer. Teachers notes on the presentation tell you, which page of the book is being referenced.
Eight different worksheets covering the following grammar points: so usage, compound sentences, commas and full stops, much or many, ed vs ing, subordinating conjunctions, verb usage and a 60 question grammar test to see where students are weak in every aspect.
Twenty five pounds might sound like a lot, but for your money you will be getting 24 hours of materials to use in class, and a quiz designed to take students an hour, which means for your money you will be getting a lot. It works out at one pound per hour in class (+ the additional homework in the workbook), which is a more than fair price.
The course is designed to prepare students for writing assignments at university, as that is the key skill required by the majority of majors.
The 24 hour course covers all the skills students need to write high level university papers of any kind. This includes writing reports, along with argumentative, narrative, persuasive, and descriptive essays. How to analyze a question and narrow the topic down in order to focus the thesis statement correctly. This will be done alongside looking at how to take notes in class, so that the information can be used to write the first draft of the assignment. Finally plagiarism is a major issue at university, so the ability to cite sources found online or in text-books and journals correctly is essential for every university student. Classes will also look at all four main citation styles – MLA, APA, CMS and Harvard.
You will get detailed lesson plans and PPTs to cover the following classes with detailed lesson plans.
Topic 1 - Essay Styles
1.1 - Introduction to the course & different types of essays
1.2 - Structuring Essays part one
1.3 - Structuring Essays part two
Topic 2 - Question types
2.1 - Different types of questions
2.2 - Topic - Focus - Instruction
2.3 - Thesis Statements
Topic 3 - Note Taking
3.1 - Different Styles
3.2 - In Class Practice
3.3 - SQ3R
Topic 4 - Researching
4.1 - Traditional Methods
4.2 - Online Methods
4.3 - Researching
Topic 5 - Drafting
5.1 - Writing Structures
5.2 - Writing with Unity
5.3 - Revising a draft
Topic 6 - Plagiarism
6.1 - Why and how not to plagiarize
6.2 - Paraphrasing
6.3 - Turnitin & Hedging
Topic 7 - Citations
7.1 - MLA Style
7.2 - APA Style
7.3 - CMS & Harvard Style
Topic 8 - Bibliographies
8.1 - Reference Lists
8.2 - Annotated Bibliographies
8.3 - Review Game
In addition there is a workbook for students to use which is available in Word format along with editable pdf and standard pdf.
The course can then be finished with a one hour quiz consisting of multiple choice questions and short answer ones.
Quiz is provided in an interactive pdf file and standard Word and pdf formats
NOTE: Everything you need to teach the entire 24 hour class is in the zip file except a TED talk for lesson 3.2 In class note taking practice - the link for the one I use is in the file.
If you are not sure if this resource is for you, a zip file containing all of the files necessary to teach topic 2 is available here.
The workbook is also available for individual purchase here
A great way to open up ESL students to discuss a range of questions, they can choose from 8 different types of questions, before being presented with 24 numbers. Then they randomly select a question. It is a great way to have students practice questions, that they might well encounter in part one of an IELTS exam. Also it is a good way to open up the class for discussions on issues that they should be comfortable with.
A quick guide to some of the more interesting pieces of Canadian English, an ideal quick introduction for students heading to Canada for further study.
During many ESL classes, students are asked to discuss a set of questions with a partner. All too often this becomes more like an interview, students do not wait for responses before asking the next question. This class attempts to right that wrong and introduce ESL students becoming more conversational when they are talking to people.
A lesson based on a lot of different phrasal verbs, and the different meanings they can have both literal and non literal. Finishing up with a game that can be done as a whole class or in groups using the worksheet provided.
A popular ESL game is to have one student at the front of the class, and behind them the teacher writes a word. The rest of the class then have to describe that word to the student. This can also be done in pairs, with teams alternating giving clues. Either way works well, but this presentation takes things to a new level. With a total of 71 random images. These are all words that should be familiar to Intermediate level ESL students or higher, and Beginner students will know the vast majority of them.
In this edition the slides are in alphabetical order, as I prefer to use a split screen and choose what slide will appear next.
The musical instrument and job versions have been uploaded as free downloads, so you can see what the presentation involves.