This is a comprehensive analysis of A Game of Polo with A Headless Goat by Emma Levine (from IGCSE EFL Anthology Non-fiction). 874 words! It includes the analysis of language and structure of almost all the points that might be used in exam. Hope it will be helpful! ; )
This is a comprehensive sample essay of Between a Rock and a Hard Place by Aron Ralston (from IGCSE EFL Anthology Non-fiction). 871 words! It includes the analysis of language and structure of almost all the points that might be used in exam. Hope it will be helpful! ; )
This is a comprehensive sample analysis essay of Young and dyslexic? You’ve got it going on by Benjamin Zephaniah (from Edexcel IGCSE English Language A, Anthology Non-fiction). 734 words! It includes the analysis of language and structure of almost all the points that might be used in exam. Hope it will be helpful! ; ) (It must be really useful lol)
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This is a comprehensive sample essay of poem Disabled by Wilfred Owen (from IGCSE EFL Anthology Non-fiction). 867 words! It includes the analysis of language and structure of almost all the points that might be used in exam. Hope it will be helpful! ; ) (it must be super helpful hahaha)