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Resources designed by a current A level principal examiner with over 15 years experience teaching KS4 and KS5. The resources are designed for my very own mixed ability students in mind and are not designed for profit only. Each resource is developed with quality in mind to help aid teachers and enrich students experience and progress within the subjects of Business and Economics.

As a teacher i always find it useful to write my own answer to the coursework when following new BTEC specifications. This resource contains my interpretation of all of the criteria (distinction grade) for all learning aims in component 2 of the new BTEC Tech award in Enterprise. This resource provides examples for all written elements of this component.

Learning aim A - 2 x example courseworks at disntinction level. One focusing on a start up business the other focuses on a micro enterprise activity (either or can be used according to recent communication with the BTEC team). Also included for this learning aim is a pupil coursework checklist, useful when working through the different elements of the business plan.

Learning aim B - 1 example written coursework (powerpoint) that can be used as the visual aid to for the presentation. Also included is an example audience (teacher / pupil observation form to help the presenter when completing learning aim C). Finally, included for this learning aim is a pupil coursework checklist, useful when working through the different elements of the learning aim.

Learning aim C - 1 example written coursework to a distinction level reviewing the business plan in learning aim A and pitch in learning aim B. Also included is an example audience (teacher / pupil observation form to help the presenter when completing learning aim C). Finally, included for this learning aim is a pupil coursework checklist, useful when working through the different elements of the learning aim.

I have been teaching BTEC since 2007 and so am confident that my interpretation of the specification is correct. Language used in places is not what is expected for a 14-16 year old, however can be used as a useful guide.



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3 years ago

Great resources - thank you - have you got a student handbook (one you give the student to sign) about the course. Think BTEC require this? Thanks


3 years ago

Excellent resource - bundle requires you to download all 3 resources from separate pages - but well worth the money - thanks.


6 years ago



6 years ago

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