docx, 2.51 MB
docx, 2.51 MB
pptx, 2.71 MB
pptx, 2.71 MB
docx, 2.1 MB
docx, 2.1 MB
pptx, 11.33 MB
pptx, 11.33 MB

Two lessons focused on context before studying ‘El laberinto del fauno’. These have been planned to be taught before watching the movie and they give a good insight into the context before, during and after the Civil War in Spain. (32 slides). It includes a booklet for students.
L1 focuses on the period before and during the war
-La segunda república
-Las dos Españas
-El comienzo y final de la guerra
-La posguerra bajo Franco
L2 covers key elements during postwar Spain that are going to be featured in the movie.
-La resistencia republicana
-El racionamiento durante la posguerra
-La ideología franquista hacia la mujer



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2 years ago

Perfecto. Lo único es que usamos Google slides y desaparecen los listenings. Es frustrante porque están en PPT pero no puedo sacar los audios porque se necesitan los originales. Podrias mandarme los audios?

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