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This is a GCSE sociology lesson (EDUQAS/ WJEC) which focuses on the Feminist view of the family. The lesson is designed to fill a 90 minute lesson. This is a full lesson which includes 14 powerpoint slides and two worksheets.

-starter activity, ‘give me 5’- recap of Functionalism and Marxism.
-introduction to Feminism, encouraging students to think about what they already know about Feminism in general.
-explanation of the ‘braches’ of Feminism. - Brief explanation of radical, liberal and marxist feminism with application to the family.
-brief explanation of feminism as a conflict theory.
-in what ways are women oppressed in the home?- students to discuss this question, images on the powerpoint to encourage ideas. - explanation is then on the power point.
-‘The family as a patriarchal institution’- explanation of Delphy and Leonard.
-explanation of Ann Oakley
-knowledge check- assessment of what students have understood so far.
-‘social control of females’- explanation of how women are controlled at a young age which then transfers to adulthood. Referring to key concepts such as; ‘double standards’.
-reading activity. Students to complete the reading about domestic abuse, answer the questions which are included on the powerpoint. Reading is on a separate worksheet attached. Extension activity provided.
-one powerpoint slide on key statistics.
-evaluation of the Feminist view of the family.
-an extract from the ‘good housing keeping guide’- students to read through the extract and decide whether an article like this would be published today. Activity on a separate worksheet included.
-homework task (could be completed during the lesson if time allows). To create a poster on the Feminist perspective. Students may need access to pages 74-77 in the eduqas gcse sociology textbook to support them.



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2 years ago

I love your resources and i purchase quiet frequently. I was just wondering if you Have a bundle deal for GCSE sociology.

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