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These are outreach resources adapted for the classroom. We offer many workshops and activities in person to primary and secondary school groups, as well as at public events.




These are outreach resources adapted for the classroom. We offer many workshops and activities in person to primary and secondary school groups, as well as at public events.
Sharing Information Online Part 1

Sharing Information Online Part 1

This is a selection of 5 different discussions points about sharing information online for GCSE level starter activities or PSHE. This pack covers examples of clickbait, hashtags, unsafe information, data protection and malicious fake news. No computers necessary. This is a sample of the workshops and resources we have available as part of our Outreach program at Aberystwyth University for the Faculty of Business and Physical Sciences. For more information please visit: https://fbaps-outreach-hub.dcs.aber.ac.uk/index.html
Turtle Shapes - Regular Polygons

Turtle Shapes - Regular Polygons

This is a workshop that uses free in-browser software (Turtle Blocks) to help develop programming skills whilst implementing basic geometry knowledge. Learn how to produce regular polygons whilst also covering the benefits of simplifying code. This pack includes a PowerPoint presentation to guide staff and students through the activity, differentiated challenge cards with possible solutions and an additional teacher support guide. This is a sample of the workshops and resources we have available as part of our Outreach program at Aberystwyth University for the Faculty of Business and Physical Sciences. For more information please visit: https://fbaps-outreach-hub.dcs.aber.ac.uk/index.html
Siapiau Crwban - Polygonau Rheolaidd

Siapiau Crwban - Polygonau Rheolaidd

Gweithdy yw hwn sy’n defnyddio meddalwedd (Turtle Blocks) am ddim yn eich porwr i’ch helpu i ddatblygu sgiliau rhaglennu yn ogystal â defnyddio gwybodaeth geometreg sylfaenol. Dysgwch sut i gynhyrchu polygonau rheolaidd yn ogystal â thrafod manteision symleiddio cod. Mae’r pecyn hwn yn cynnwys cyflwyniad PowerPoint i arwain staff a myfyrwyr trwy’r gweithgaredd, cardiau her gwahaniaethol gydag atebion posib a chanllaw ychwanegol i gefnogi athrawon. Gweithgaredd cyfrifiadureg a mathemateg Dyma sampl o’r gweithdai a’r adnoddau sydd ar gael yn rhaglen Estyn Allan y Gyfadran Busnes a Gwyddorau Ffisegol ym Mhrifysgol Aberystwyth. I gael rhagor o wybodaeth, gweler: https://fbaps-outreach-hub.dcs.aber.ac.uk/indexCy.html
CBAC Cryptograffeg

CBAC Cryptograffeg

Beth yw cryptograffeg? Gan edrych ar Amgryptio Cymesur ac Anghymesur. Yn cynnwys seiffrau Caesar/Shift ac XOR. Yn cynnwys arweiniad ar fideo, taflen waith a chyflwyniad PowerPoint. Mae’r cynnwys yn seiliedig ar gwricwlwm CBAC ac wedi’i greu gan Kallum Ibrahim-Davies ar ran Prifysgol Aberystwyth. Dim ond un o’r gwasanaethau allgymorth rhad ac am ddim y mae Prifysgol Aberystwyth yn ei gynnig i ysgolion ac athrawon yw hwn I gael rhagor o wybodaeth, ewch i: https://fbaps-outreach-hub.dcs.aber.ac.uk/indexCy.html
Gweithlyfr Animeiddio Scratch

Gweithlyfr Animeiddio Scratch

Cafodd y gweithlyfr hwn ei ysgrifennu gan staff ym Mhrifysgol Aberystwyth i gefnogi dysgwyr i gynllunio ac i fynd ati i animeiddio gan ddefnyddio Scratch. Fe’i lluniwyd yn wreiddiol i gefnogi dysgwyr sydd yn cymryd rhan yn ein Cystadleuaeth i Ddathlu’r 150: Straeon am Aberystwyth. I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am lunio’r llawlyfr, y gystadleuaeth, a gweithdai/gweithgareddau ategol, ewch i https://fbaps-outreach-hub.dcs.aber.ac.uk/Events/150Competition/scratchComp.html
Scratch Animation Workbook

Scratch Animation Workbook

This workbook has been written by staff at Aberystwyth University to support learners in animation planning and implementation using Scratch. Originally created to support learners participating in our 150th Anniversary Stories of Aber Competition. For more information about its creation, the competition, and supporting workshops/activities, please visit https://fbaps-outreach-hub.dcs.aber.ac.uk/Events/150Competition/scratchComp.html
WJEC Cryptography

WJEC Cryptography

What is cryptography? Looking at Symmetric and Asymmetric Encryption. Includes Caesar/Shift and XOR ciphers. Video guide, worksheet and PowerPoint included. Content is based on the WJEC curriculum and produced by Kallum Ibrahim-Davies on behalf of Aberystwyth University. This is just one of the free outreach services Aberystwyth University offers to schools and teachers For more information please visit: https://fbaps-outreach-hub.dcs.aber.ac.uk/index.html