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BGSG9's Shop

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Spanish, German and ESL resources ranging from KS1 to KS5. Textbooks you will find materials for: -Mira! KS3 and KS4 textbooks. -Zoom Deutsch KS3 textbooks. - Stimmt! KS3 textbooks. -Viva! KS3 textbooks. -AQA A-level Spanish textbooks and Pearson Edexcel International GCSE Spanish textbook. This shop is frequently updated with new resources, and existing resources are updated on a yearly basis to ensure they're complimented with new ideas that work well with our students.




Spanish, German and ESL resources ranging from KS1 to KS5. Textbooks you will find materials for: -Mira! KS3 and KS4 textbooks. -Zoom Deutsch KS3 textbooks. - Stimmt! KS3 textbooks. -Viva! KS3 textbooks. -AQA A-level Spanish textbooks and Pearson Edexcel International GCSE Spanish textbook. This shop is frequently updated with new resources, and existing resources are updated on a yearly basis to ensure they're complimented with new ideas that work well with our students.
Stimmt 1 - Freizeit - Juhu! (FULL Kapitel 3)

Stimmt 1 - Freizeit - Juhu! (FULL Kapitel 3)

This megabundle for Kapitel 3 “Freizeit - juhu!” includes all units 1 to 4 (pages 54-63 stimmt 1 textbook) covering the topic of freetime, hobbies and sports. An extensive (169 slides) powerpoint, containing plenty of activities both from the textbook and created by me, including a lot of extension tasks to stretch high attainers. This ppt is remote learning friendly. NOTE: look at the bottom of the slides (not in presentation mode) for instructions on what to do in each activity.
AQA El patrimonio cultural - Sitios historicos y civilizaciones prehispanicas & Arte y arquitectura

AQA El patrimonio cultural - Sitios historicos y civilizaciones prehispanicas & Arte y arquitectura

This 60-slide bundle includes resources for El Patrimonio Cultural module > Sitios historicos y civilizaciones prehispanicas (6.1) AND Arte y arquitectura (6.2) but not for El patrimonio musical (6.3). Activities that accompany the textbook and made up to offer extra materials to what the textbook offers. Look at the notes at the bottom of each slide for answers, links and instructions. This bundle includes the introduction of the perfect subjunctive with a bunch of activities to go with it. Ideal if you have recently taught the present subjunctive and want to take it further.
Viva 1 - Module 2.4 ¿Que deportes haces?

Viva 1 - Module 2.4 ¿Que deportes haces?

A 92-slide ppt which covers the relevant language to teach Module 2.4 Que deportes haces? from the Viva 1 textbook. Ppt contains plenty of vocabulary to talk about sports, how often and when and why (adjectives). This sub-unit consolidates opinions, days of the week and verb conjugations in the present tense, all covered in modules 2.1 to 2.3. It has, towards the end of the powerpoint, a section dedicated to a wide range of starter activities (odd one out, what’s missing, pyramid translation, evil tiles, find the errors, disappearing text…). It also consolidates the 3 present tense conjugations and introduces stem-changing verbs (including some practise on these). There are differentiated and challenging activities to practise all skills with your students. You will find all materials to teach module 2 in my shop. Check out the bottom notes on each slide - you will often find instructions to tasks and links to relevant kahoots & blookets.
Viva 1 - Module 3.4 Durante el recreo

Viva 1 - Module 3.4 Durante el recreo

A very straightforward ppt which covers the relevant language to teach Module 3.4 Durante el recreo from the Viva 1 textbook. Ppt introduces a range of phrases to talk about what you do at break, a reading activity, listening from the book, speaking and finally a closing writing paragraph. You can buy the longer version of this on my shop: Viva 1 - Module 3.4 Durante el recreo + Que haces en clase?, which is a fusion of this sub-unit plus Module 2.2 from the Mira 1 textbook: Que haces en clase?, which I created to stretch the most able, as not only it equips them with things to say they do at break, but also in different lessons. A good way to end the module if you have time to teach this. Check out the bottom notes on each slide - you will often find instructions to tasks.
Viva 1 - Module 2.3 ¿Que haces cuando llueve?

Viva 1 - Module 2.3 ¿Que haces cuando llueve?

A 25-slide ppt which covers the relevant language to teach Module 2.3 Que haces cuando llueve? from the Viva 1 textbook. Ppt introduces weather conditions, seasons and links it to free time activities. It has some links to kahoots as well as 2 different vocab tests. There are a range of activities to practise all the skills. Check out the bottom notes on each slide - you will find instructions to tasks.
Viva 3 Rojo - Module 3.3 ¿Cual es tu rutina diaria?

Viva 3 Rojo - Module 3.3 ¿Cual es tu rutina diaria?

A ppt which covers the relevant language to teach Module 3.3 ¿Cual es tu rutina diaria? from the Viva 3 Rojo textbook. You will find plenty of vocabulary for students to be able to: describe in detail their daily routine - which builds up on the vocabulary introduced in viva 2 como te preparas? topic. tell the time to be able to say when exactly they do these things use sequencers to organise their / other people’s routine use reflexive verbs - understanding them and learning how to conjugate stem-changing reflexive verbs in the present tense Ppt contains vocab sheets if you print these for your ss; vocab tests and a section at the end with some starter ideas to reinforce what they have been learning. Check out the notes pane on each slide - often you will find instructions to tasks and links to online games.
Viva 2 - Module 3.3 En el restaurante

Viva 2 - Module 3.3 En el restaurante

A ppt which covers the relevant language to teach Module 3.3 En el restaurante from the Viva 2 textbook. It looks at a restaurant menu and creates an opportunity for students to create their own and learn about some typical Spanish foods. By the end of the lesson, students will have a range of key phrases to be able to order at a restaurant with confidence. Resource includes a range of starter activities, too. Check out the bottom notes on each slide - often you will find instructions to tasks / links to relevant blookets and kahoots. You can also find modules 3.1 and 3.2 on my profile.
Unit 3 The world around us (B-Shopping and money matters) - Edexcel International GCSE (9-1) Spanish

Unit 3 The world around us (B-Shopping and money matters) - Edexcel International GCSE (9-1) Spanish

This resource includes a 43 slide ppt presentation I prepared to teach the new Edexcel International GCSE 9-1 for my Year 5 (11) group. As the textbook isn’t great, I created a few extra resources to combine with working on the textbook. What’s included: resources for Unit 3: The world around us, which at the same time includes activities for section: 3B Shopping and money matters --> subsections 3B.1 to 3B.3. I have different bundles available on my profile for each textbook topic.
Stimmt 2 - Ich liebe Ferien (full kapitel 1)

Stimmt 2 - Ich liebe Ferien (full kapitel 1)

Mega bundle for Kapitel 1 “Ich liebe Ferien”, including all units (1-4) covering the topic of holiday. An extensive (90 slides) powerpoint, containing plenty of activities both from the textbook and created by me, including a lot of extension tasks to stretch high attainers. NOTE: look at the bottom of the slides (not in presentation mode) for instructions on what to do in each activity.
Edexcel International GCSE (9-1) Spanish - Tasks B&C - Speaking Exam Booklet with proposed questions

Edexcel International GCSE (9-1) Spanish - Tasks B&C - Speaking Exam Booklet with proposed questions

An easily adaptable booklet made for pupils taking the Edexcel Spanish IGCSE 9-1 exam to prepare for their oral exam conversation: tasks B and C conversations. Each topic has around 8 questions with a differentiated section (in red) where students are encouraged to think more critically and use more advanced tenses / structures. There is a question in preterite and future in each topic, too, to check the boxes with the 3 basic tenses. At the end of each topic students get suggestions of extra tenses (in blue) that they can use to hit the top band marks. You can quickly and easily adapt the questions to your students. This resource should provide them with examples of what they will be asked in this part of the oral exam and to prepare for it by planning answers to all of them.
Mira 1 - Module 3 Mi familia - Units 1-5

Mira 1 - Module 3 Mi familia - Units 1-5

This bundle includes units 1 to 5 from Module 3 “Mi familia" in Mira 1. There is a ppt for each sub-module (3.1 and 3.2 are joined together though) which includes way more than what the textbook offers. There are a range of activities to do in the classroom, worksheets, vocab tests some homework ideas, and also worksheets. Look at the bottom of each slide to see any notes that might be relevant to understand what to do in a certain activity or where to locate it on the textbook. The word documents are numbered to go with each sub-module, e.g. 3.5, 3.3 etc
Stimmt 2 -Bleib Gesund (full kapitel 3)

Stimmt 2 -Bleib Gesund (full kapitel 3)

Mega bundle for Kapitel 3 "Bleib gesund”, including all units (1-4) covering the topic of food, drink and healthy living. An extensive (90 slides) powerpoint, containing plenty of activities both from the textbook and created by me, including a lot of extension tasks to stretch high attainers. NOTE: look at the bottom of the slides (not in presentation mode) for instructions on what to do in each activity.
Viva 1 - Module 1.2 ¿Que tipo de persona eres?

Viva 1 - Module 1.2 ¿Que tipo de persona eres?

A ppt which covers the relevant language to teach Module 1.1 Que tipo de persona eres? from the Viva 1 textbook. You will find plenty of vocabulary for students to be able to describe themselves, including the introduction of personal pronouns, connectives and quantifiers. Ppt also focuses on adjective endings, plural forms and the introduction and practice of ‘ser’. Ppt contains a vocab sheet if you print these for your ss; vocab tests and ideas for speaking and writing. Check out the bottom notes on each slide - often you will find instructions to tasks.
Viva 2 - Module 2.4 ¿Que hiciste ayer?

Viva 2 - Module 2.4 ¿Que hiciste ayer?

A ppt which covers the relevant language to teach Module 2.4 Qué hiciste ayer from the Viva 2 textbook. As the preterite tense was introduced a module ago, I created a range of mainly listening comprehension activities following Gianfranco Conti’s communicative approach. This lesson is thus very teacher-led at the start, engaging students in a different range of activities which go at a fast and dynamic pace. On the notes pane you will find instructions on how to conduct each activity. Answers also included.
Mira 3 - Module 1.3 Las Peliculas

Mira 3 - Module 1.3 Las Peliculas

This ppt includes a range of varied activities created to support Mira 3 Rojo textbook and compliment it with extra stuff. It also contains vocabulary tests, versions A and B to stop kdis from cheating from each other. Many tasks are made to challenge students of high ability. The notes pane might explain certain tasks, check it out.