UPDATED. Based on rockmonkey’s excellent Y12 Spanish Booklet, I have made my own version. This is for the old AQA but it has things that you might be wanted to use in the new.
Please forget my plagiarism (particularly rockmonkey) but you inspired me! I suppose that is part of the game! I hope you find it useful.
These are two model essays for La Casa, one on the main themes and the other on the character of Adela. They are an AL1 question but can easily be adated for AL2. I hope you find them useful.
List of phases based on the AQA Spanish syllabus translation English > Spanish.
Use for games, quizes, etc. You will find this file in Quizlet, where your students can compete against each other.
If you find this resource useful, please consider contribute to the Spanish post 16 TES bank, as we have so little.
A document containing notes on the main themes explored in the film. I gave this to my students before exploring examples.
If you found this resource useful, please thank the community by uploading one of your own.
Reading activity, where students have to recreate a table consisting of symbols (animals, people or objects) identified in the painting, their description, and what they might represent / how they have been interpreted.
Table can be cut in pieces and students glue to piece of paper - makes it more fun, I think!
If you found this resource useful, pl consider adding one of your own to the Spanish post 16 cultural topics, as we have so few.
Comments welcome! Enjoy!
PPP with information from a great variety of resources. Details on El boom literario, biography, genre of the novel, content, techniques, and some sample essay and oral questions.
These are three versions of the same exercise on the director's cinematographic techniques. The idea is that you differentiate according to your students' needs. It should help students to revise vocabulary, grammar, sentence formation and the techniques themselves!
Please browse my other resources in case if you find something useful. I have recently uploaded some materials for the new AS exam and will continue to do more. Follow me!
I've devised this PPP with questions on Picasso (AQA An artist and his work, focusing on Guernica). I am using the PPP sitting two students at the computer and asking each other the questions in turns. I am sure you can think on how to explote it in all sort of ways.
Any comments welcome.
Here is a plan that I gave my students to write an essay on Adela. This is a model question for the new A Levels and I am teaching " La Casa de Bernarda Alba" in the first year. You can use it to help weak students, for peer writing, to write your own essay, etc.
I hope it is useful.
Please browse through my resources in TES for speaking cards and revision notes for the new A Level. I am sure you will find something useful for you and for your students.
Some quick reading exercises to learn about, revise or test basic knowledge of Spanish society In Lorca's time. The content has been adapted from Hodder's guide.
This is my 18-19 Scheme of Work for the first year of the new A level Spanish (from 2016). I enclose the document I give students too.
I have also published the second year for free in TES.
The grade boundaries breakdown is based on the 2018 exams.
Please note I teach the book in the first year, to tie it up with the theme of gender equality.
This is a list of statements on the topic of Law and Order. Cut them individually and place in an envelope. Students take it in turns to argue for or against the statement.
It is one of my many carousel activities during revision time.
Cut the statements individually and place facing down. Students take it in turns to talk about each statement for a set time.
This is one of my revision carousel activities prior to speaking exam.
Any comments welcome! Enjoy!
Cut the statements individually and place facing down. Students take it in turns to talk about each statement for a set time.
This is one of my revision carousel activities prior to speaking exam.
Any comments welcome! Enjoy!
This is a simple starter activity that worked wonders with my students. At the beginning of the subtopic I showed them this slide with two contrasting photos. They had to think of ideas in pairs in answer to the bullet points, which are differentiated by colour. Then, we shared them, and I expanded the vocabulary and more ideas. Afterwards, I explained the importance of these type of communication present in small towns and villages in the Hispanic world, parallel to the word of social media.