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OCB B Geography - Case study knowledge organiser - Paper 1

OCB B Geography - Case study knowledge organiser - Paper 1

5 knowledge organisers covering all of the content for the nine required case studies in Paper 1, Our Natural World. Case studies of two contrasting natural weather hazard events arising from extreme weather conditions. A case study of a tectonic event that has been hazardous for people, including specific causes, consequences of and responses to the event. Explore a range of social, economic and environmental impacts of climate change worldwide Explore a range of social, economic and environmental impacts of climate change within the UK such as the impact on weather patterns, seasonal changes and changes in industry. Case study of one coastal landscape to include the study of: its landforms created by geomorphic processes the geomorphic processes operating at different scales and how they are influenced by geology and climate human activity, including management, works in combination with geomorphic processes to impact the landscape Case study of one river basin to include the study of: its landforms created by geomorphic processes the geomorphic processes operating at different scales and how they are influenced by geology and climate human activity, including management, works in combination with geomorphic processes to impact the landscape. A case study to illustrate attempts to sustainably manage an area of tropical rainforest, such as ecotourism, at a local or regional scale. A case study to examine one small-scale example of sustainable management in either the Antarctic or the Arctic. A case study to examine one global example of sustainable management in either the Antarctic or the Arctic
2023 Geography Christmas Quiz - Geography in the news and general knowledge quiz

2023 Geography Christmas Quiz - Geography in the news and general knowledge quiz

Geography quiz and answer sheet for 2023. There are 5 rounds in total and 20 questions are based on news stories from 2023. Round 1 – Geography in the news 2023 – Dingbats round - questions with a dingbats (catchphrase) clue Round 2 – Geography in the news 2023 – Maps round - questions about place with an outline map. Round 3 – Globalisation round – Guess the Logo Round 4 – Landmarks map – Where did Santa leave his hat? Bonus Round – Christmas food miles - maths skills task Answer sheet included and answers are displayed on the PowerPoint at the end of each round.
A-Level Geography Changing Places - Lesson 7 - Representations of place

A-Level Geography Changing Places - Lesson 7 - Representations of place

Fully resourced lesson covering this area of the specification: How places may be represented in a variety of different forms such as advertising copy, tourist agency material, local art exhibitions in diverse media (eg film, photography, art, story, song etc) that often give contrasting images to that presented formally or statistically such as cartography and census data Range of activities included e.g true or false, table to complete, geo-spatial data and exam question with mark scheme
KS3 Geography - Progress in Geography - Rivers - Lesson 2 - The water cycle

KS3 Geography - Progress in Geography - Rivers - Lesson 2 - The water cycle

Fully resourced lessons covering the content from the Progress in Geography Rivers second lesson on how water flows to rivers. This resource includes a variety of different activities: Video - Focus on careers - students complete a careers case study sheet for a hydrologist. Water cycle - Activity sheet - 2 activities included. Links between the spheres task Water cycle poem task.
AQA Geography 2025 Final revision - Paper 1 areas not examined for some time

AQA Geography 2025 Final revision - Paper 1 areas not examined for some time

Revision work booklet and fully resourced powerpoints for the 2025 exams. The content is based on areas not examined in the last 3 years so assuming they are more likely to come up this year. There are seven powerpoints in total, a revision work book with tasks and exam questions linked to these areas. Also included are knowledge tests that will be set as homework on the case studies that haven’t been examined yet/haven’t come up for a while. The content should take approximately 8 hours to cover.