I Design Bilingual Resources Focused on Reflective and Critical Thinking to Foster Growth. The resources are all set to connect knowledge to students' real lives.
I Design Bilingual Resources Focused on Reflective and Critical Thinking to Foster Growth. The resources are all set to connect knowledge to students' real lives.
¿Estás buscando una actividad atractiva para enseñar y celebrar el Día de la Constitución? Este recurso es perfecto para sumergir a los estudiantes en el espíritu de la ocasión. La Constitución puede suponer un reto para los estudiantes más jóvenes debido a la complejidad de sus conceptos. Sin embargo, he creado un recurso específicamente diseñado para enseñarles los principios básicos de forma fácil.
Este recurso sirve de valiosa herramienta para que los niños exploren la Constitución y adquieran un conocimiento más profundo del gobierno. Está escrito utilizando un lenguaje apropiado para los niños, lo que les facilita la comprensión de conceptos difíciles.
A través de este recurso, los estudiantes tendrán la oportunidad de reconocer hechos clave sobre la Constitución. También pueden realizan actividades en las que dibujen y completen información sobre figuras importantes como los V.I.P.s o los Forjadores. Además, el recurso incluye un diagrama de árbol que ilustra de forma excelente cómo la Constitución divide el gobierno.
Estas actividades son muy eficaces para enseñar a los estudiantes el Día de la Constitución de forma rápida y sencilla, al tiempo que se asegura de que disfrutan y comprenden el material.
Este recuerso incluye:
Página 1: Hechos Principales de la Constitución
Página 2: Creadores de la Constitución V.I.P.
Página 3: La Constitución y las Tres Ramas del Gobierno
Página 4: ¿Qué sabes de la Constitución?
Página 5: "La Constitución"de Mi Clase
Feliz Día de la Constitución!
★Related resources:
English Version - PDF Printable
Spanish Version - PDF Printable
English Version - Google Slides
Spanish Version - Google Slides
Día de la Constitución Presentación PowerPoint
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Día de la Constitución
Día del Patriota - Batalla de Lexington y Concord
Martin Luther King, Jr. - Actividad
Are you searching for an engaging activity to teach and celebrate Constitution Day? This resource is perfect for immersing students in the spirit of the occasion. The Constitution can pose challenges for young learners due to its complex concepts. However, I have created a resource specifically designed to teach them the basic principles in an easy way.
This resource serves as a valuable tool for kids to explore the Constitution and gain a deeper understanding of the government. It is written using language that is appropriate for kids, making it easier for them to comprehend difficult concepts.
Through this resource, students will have the opportunity to recognize key facts about the Constitution. They can also engage in activities where they draw and complete information about important figures such as V.I.P.s or Framers. Additionally, the resource features a tree diagram that excellently illustrates how the Constitution divides the government.
These activities are highly effective for teaching young students about Constitution Day in a quick and easy manner, all while ensuring they enjoy and understand the material.
This resource includes:
Page 1: Constitution Main Facts
Page 2: Constitution Framers V.I.P
Page 3: Constitution Branches Coloring Page
Page 4: What do you know about the Constitution…
Page 5: My Classroom “Constitution”
Download More Versions
English Version - PDF Printable
Spanish Version - PDF Printable
English Version - Google Slides
Spanish Version - Google Slides
Constitution Day PowerPoint Presentation
**You may like these resources **
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Martin Luther King, Jr.
Patriot’s Day - Battle of Lexington and Concord
Happy Constitution Day!
This Labor Day Activities resource helps students explore the meaning of Labor Day or Worker’s Day in a fun and meaningful way. Through reflection and creativity, students will appreciate workers’ vital role in society. They’ll interview family or school staff, discover different jobs, and recognize workers’ contributions to their communities. To express gratitude, children will design a heartfelt pennant card with a personal message honoring workers. Perfect for fostering appreciation and learning, this resource makes Labor Day both educational and inspiring!
These pennants make fantastic decorations for the classroom or home, and it’s always a delight for kids to see their work showcased throughout the school.
Another activity included is ‘If I were a worker,’ which inspires students to consider their career aspirations and brainstorm different types of jobs they might be interested in.
This activity fosters empathy and social skills, making it an EXCELLENT addition to any lesson plan.
This resource includes:
Labor Day Celebration Mind map
Labor Day Main Facts Mind map (empty format)
Labor Day Interview
Labor Day Pennant/Banner Card
If I were a Worker …
★Related Resources:
Download the Spanish Version!
Labor Day | International Workers’ Day PowerPoint Presentation
Happy Labor Day!
Este recurso para el Día del Trabajo (Labor Day Activity in Spanish) ayuda a los estudiantes a explorar el significado del Día del Trabajo o Día del Trabajador de una manera divertida y significativa. A través de la reflexión y la creatividad, los niños aprecian el papel vital de los trabajadores en la sociedad. Entrevistarán al personal de la familia o del colegio, descubrirán diferentes trabajos y reconocerán las contribuciones de los trabajadores a sus comunidades. Para expresar su gratitud, los niños diseñarán una sentida tarjeta con un mensaje personal en honor de los trabajadores. Perfecto para fomentar el aprecio y el aprendizaje, este recurso hace que el Día del Trabajo sea educativo e inspirador.
Los anderines son una fantástica decoración para la calse o el hogar, y siempre es un placer para los niños ver sus trabajos expuestos por toda la escuela.
Otra actividad incluida es “Si yo fuera un trabajador”, que inspira a los niños a considerar sus aspiraciones profesionales y a hacer una lluvia de ideas sobre distintos tipos de trabajos que podrían interesarles. Esta actividad fomenta la empatía y las habilidades sociales, lo que la convierte en un EXCELENTE complemento para cualquier plan de clases.
Este recurso incluye:
Celebración del Día del Trabajo. Mapa Mental
Datos Principales del Día del Trabajo. Mapa Mental (formato vacío)
Entrevista del Día del Trabajo
Día del Trabajo. Banderín-Tarjeta
Si Yo Fuera Trabajador…
Feliz Día del Trabajo!
★ Related Resources:
Descarga la Versión en Inglés
Actividades del Mes de la Historia Negra de Martin Luther King Jr. (Martin Luther King Jr. in Spanish) Estas hojas de trabajo y manualidades ayudan a los niños a reconocer datos clave sobre Martin Luther King Jr. y a completar una hoja de trabajo de investigación sobre su biografía. El banderín sirve como una gran decoración para tu clase y la escuela, inspirando a los niños a pensar como individuos líderes que pueden marcar la diferencia. Además, los niños escribirán por qué el liderazgo es importante para ellos y para los que les rodean.
Los niños se inspiran en Martin Luther King Jr. y reflexionan sobre su discurso y sus valores. A continuación, escriben su discurso, expresando sus sueños y su visión de un futuro mejor, al tiempo que adquieren confianza en sus voces.
Además, sus estudiantes tendrán la oportunidad de llevarse a casa una medalla con esta fantástica figura histórica. Imagínatelos paseando orgullosos por el colegio o saliendo de él, llevando en el pecho a este asombroso e inspirador personaje.
Este recurso incluye:
Página1: Martin Luther King, Jr. Investigación Biográfica
Página 2: Si Fuera Un Líder Como Martin Luther King, Jr.
Página 3: Martin Luther King, Jr. - Datos de Interés
Página 4: Martin Luther King, Jr. Banderín
Página 5: Martin Luther King, Jr. - Medalla (versión Tengo un Sueño)
Página 6: Martin Luther King, Jr. - Medalla (versión vacía)
★Related Resources:
Download the English Version
George Washington Carver - Actividad
Harriet Tubman - Actividad
Martin Luther King Jr. - Actividad
Rosa Parks - Actividad
Ruby Bridges - Actividad
Nelson Mandela - Actividad
Feliz Día de Martin Luther King, Jr.
Are you ready for Veterans Day? This resource helps your students express their appreciation and understand the significance of this important day. It serves as an excellent tool for educating children about the sacrifices made by veterans and their families. The activities include writing letters of gratitude, suggesting ways to support veterans, and receiving a badge to acknowledge their empathy and understanding of the dedication shown by those who have served.
Gratitude, empathy, and courage are at the core of this resource, empowering students with a meaningful way to demonstrate respect and appreciation for veterans.
This resource includes:
Happy Veterans Day (Flag Pennant)
Proposal For Improving Veterans Lives
Veterans Badge
Mind Map: Five Branches of Military
Veterans Day Interview
★ Related Resources:
Download the Spanish Version
★ You may like these Veterans Day resources:
Memorial Day Badge Craft
Veterans Day - Google Slides
Remembrance Day Banner / Pennant
Veterans Day Crown
Happy Veterans Day!
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Labor Day / International Workers’ Day. This Labor Day Activities resource helps students explore the meaning of Labor Day or Worker’s Day in a fun and meaningful way. Through reflection and creativity, students will appreciate workers’ vital role in society. They’ll interview family or school staff, discover different jobs, and recognize workers’ contributions to their communities. To express gratitude, children will design a heartfelt pennant card with a personal message honoring workers. Perfect for fostering appreciation and learning, this resource makes Labor Day both educational and inspiring!
These pennants make fantastic decorations for the classroom or home, and it’s always a delight for kids to see their work showcased throughout the school.
Another activity included is ‘If I were a worker,’ which inspires students to consider their career aspirations and brainstorm different types of jobs they might be interested in.
The two resources I include in this bundle are sold separately. Above is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.
This resource includes:
Labor Day Celebration Mind map (English and Spanish Version)
Labor Day Main Facts Mind map - empty format (English and Spanish Version)
Labor Day Interview (English and Spanish Version)
Labor Day Pennant/Banner Card (English and Spanish Version)
If I Were a Worker … (English and Spanish Version)
Happy Labor Day!
Feliz Día del Trabajador!
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Constitution Day. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms and schools!
This resource is perfect for immersing students in the spirit of the occasion. The Constitution can pose challenges for young learners due to its complex concepts. However, I have created a resource specifically designed to teach them the basic principles in an easy way.
This resource serves as a valuable tool for kids to explore the Constitution and gain a deeper understanding of the government. It is written using language that is appropriate for kids, making it easier for them to comprehend difficult concepts.
Through this resource, students will have the opportunity to recognize key facts about the Constitution. They can also engage in activities where they draw and complete information about important figures such as V.I.P.s or Framers. Additionally, the resource features a tree diagram that excellently illustrates how the Constitution divides the government.
These activities are highly effective for teaching young students about Constitution Day in a quick and easy manner, all while ensuring they enjoy and understand the material.
The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.
This resource includes:
Page 1: Constitution Main Facts (English and Spanish Version)
Page 2: Constitution Framers V.I.P (English and Spanish Version)
Page 3: Constitution Branches (English and Spanish Version)
Page 4: What do you know about the Constitution…(English and Spanish Version)
Page 5: My Classroom “Constitution” (English and Spanish Version)
Happy Constitution Day!
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Martin Luther King, Jr. Activity. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms and schools. Martin Luther King Jr. Black History Month Activities: These worksheets and crafts help children recognize key facts about Martin Luther King Jr. and complete a biography research worksheet. The pennant serves as a great classroom and school decoration, inspiring children to think like persevering individuals who can make a difference. Additionally, kids will write about why leadership is important for themselves and those around them.
Children take inspiration from Martin Luther King Jr., reflecting on his speech and values. They then write their speech, expressing their dreams and vision for a better future while building confidence in their voices.
Moreover, your students will have the opportunity to take home a medal featuring this fantastic historical figure. Imagine them proudly walking through the school or leaving it, wearing this amazing and inspiring character on their chest.
The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.
This resource includes:
Page 1: Martin Luther King, Jr. Biography Research (English and Spanish Version)
Page 2: If I Were a Leader Like Martin Luther King, Jr. (English and Spanish Version)
Page 3: Martin Luther King, Jr. - Interesting Facts (English and Spanish Version)
Page 4: Martin Luther King, Jr. Pennant (English and Spanish Version)
Page 5: Martin Luther King, Jr. Medal - I have a dream version (English and Spanish Version)
Page 6: Martin Luther King, Jr. Medal - Empty version (English and Spanish Version)
Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day!
Transform mealtime into a character-building experience with the Character Education Burger Menu! This exciting resource makes learning essential life skills enjoyable for children. Get ready for your kids to relish delicious burgers and the opportunity to develop vital social and critical thinking skills. The activity highlights the six core pillars of character education: Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Citizenship, and Caring. While enjoying their tasty burgers, children will reflect on their actions, attitudes, and behaviors, helping them internalize the importance of positive values.
Celebrate National Burger Day with this FANTASTIC resource that blends flavor with character education! Perfect for parents and educators looking to inspire young minds through engaging and meaningful activities.
This resource includes:
Menu: Character Education
Burger 1: Trustworthiness
Burger 2: Respect
Burger 3: Responsibility
Burger 4: Fairness
Burger 5: Caring
Burger 6: Citizenship
★ Related Resources:
Download the Spanish Version!
I hope you enjoy a delicious way to work on character education!
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Veterans Day. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual language classrooms and schools. Are you ready for Veterans Day? This resource helps your students express their appreciation and understand the significance of this important day. It serves as an excellent tool for educating children about the sacrifices made by veterans and their families. The activities include writing letters of gratitude, suggesting ways to support veterans, and receiving a badge to acknowledge their empathy and understanding of the dedication shown by those who have served.
Gratitude, empathy, and courage are at the core of this resource, empowering students with a meaningful way to demonstrate respect and appreciation for veterans.
The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.
This resource includes:
Happy Veterans Day (Flag Pennant) (English and Spanish Version)
Proposal For Improving Veterans Lives (English and Spanish Version)
Veterans Badge (English and Spanish Version)
Mind Map: Five Branches of Military (English and Spanish Version)
Veterans Day Interview (English and Spanish Version)
Happy Veterans Day!
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Character Education - My Burger Menu. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms. Transform mealtime into a character-building experience with the Character Education Burger Menu! This exciting resource makes learning essential life skills enjoyable for children. Get ready for your kids to relish delicious burgers and the opportunity to develop vital social and critical thinking skills. The activity highlights the six core pillars of character education: Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Citizenship, and Caring. While enjoying their tasty burgers, children will reflect on their actions, attitudes, and behaviors, helping them internalize the importance of positive values.
Celebrate National Burger Day with this FANTASTIC resource that blends flavor with character education! Perfect for parents and educators looking to inspire young minds through engaging and meaningful activities.
The two resources I include in this bundle are sold separately. Above is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.
This resource includes:
Character Education “Burger Menu” (English & Spanish Version)
Trustworthiness “Burger Menu” (English & Spanish Version)
Respect “Burger Menu” (English & Spanish Version)
Responsibility “Burger Menu” (English & Spanish Version)
Fairness “Burger Menu” (English & Spanish Version)
Caring “Burger Menu” (English & Spanish Version)
Citizenship “Burger Menu” (English & Spanish Version)
I hope you enjoy a delicious way to work on character education!