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We offer bilingual critical thinking and reflective resources for growth. The resources are all set to connect knowledge to students' real lives.




We offer bilingual critical thinking and reflective resources for growth. The resources are all set to connect knowledge to students' real lives.
Feliz Día del Maestro | Maestra Collection BUNDLE

Feliz Día del Maestro | Maestra Collection BUNDLE

5 Resources
Este Bundle te ofrece todo lo que necesitas para que el día del Maestro/a sea inolvidable. Es hora de agradecer a todos los maestro/as del mundo su duro trabajo y su dedicación para con todos los niños que atienden día a día. La presentación es un recurso único que ayudará a los niños a comprender la verdadera labor de sus maestro/as. Las actividades y manualidades crearán un vínculo más fuerte entre los niños y sus maestro/as. Los maestro/as quedarán asombrados ante las muestras de admiración y cariño de sus estudiantes. Expliquemos a los niños lo que significa ser maestro/a, ayudémosles a concienciarse, apoyemos su duro trabajo y seamos portavoces de su esfuerzo y dedicación. Los maestro/as se sentirán orgullosos, felices y reconocidos por su hermoso y dedicado trabajo. Con este Bundle, podrás celebrar el día del maestro/a y el día del director/a. Además, ¡tendrás el recurso perfecto para celebrar el cumpleaños de todos los que forman parte de la escuela! ¡Echa un vistazo! Esta colección incluye los siguientes recursos: Recurso 1: Feliz Día del Maestro | Maestra Presentación PowerPoint Recurso 2: Feliz Día del Maestro/a Director/a Álbum Recurso 3: Feliz Día del Maestro/a Director/a Banderín, Taza Álbum y Quiz Recurso 4: Feliz Día del Maestro/a Director/a Manualidad Recurso 5: Álbum de Feliz Cumpleaños Maestro/as, Estudiantes y Directores** ¡Feliz Día del Maestro/a!
Growth Mindset - Editable Awards BUNDLE

Growth Mindset - Editable Awards BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Growth Mindset - Editable Awards. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms! Growth Mindset awards are an excellent way to celebrate your students’ improvements! This set of motivational awards includes the main principles of a Growth Mindset, praising your kids for all their effort and growth since the beginning of the year. These awards are perfect for monthly, quarterly, or end-of-year celebrations. Just click on the text boxes and type your students’ names, dates, grades, and teachers’ names to personalize them. When your students receive these awards throughout the year, a sense of community and a growth mindset environment will flourish in your classroom. By offering your class chances of success and progress, these awards encourage your students to do their best and embrace effort and hard work. Providing them with empowering phrases will stay with them for the rest of their lives. All the awards come with real Growth Mindset quotes, and there are 10 versions available for both boys and girls, making them more personalized for your students! The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed product description. The resource includes: 30 Color Growth Mindset Awards. (English Version) 30 Black & White Growth Mindset Awards. (English Version) 40 Certificados o Diplomas Editables a Color. (Spanish Version) 40 Certificados o Diplomas Editables a Blanco y Negro (Spanish Version) Formats: Powerpoint: microsoft’s program for windows users ready to import in Google Slides. Keynote: first choice among Apple users, an exclusive software for Mac computers. PDF file: ready to print and complete by hand personalized with your own style. Editable parts of the Award: Student’s names Teacher’s name Date Grade Enjoy the benefits of fostering a growth mindset culture in your class!
Día de la Tierra Collection BUNDLE

Día de la Tierra Collection BUNDLE

6 Resources
Este bundle es perfecto para inspirar a tus estudiantes a comprometerse con la protección del medio ambiente, animándoles a actuar, por pequeña que sea, y a formar parte del movimiento mundial dedicado a salvar el planeta que llamamos nuestro hogar. Este paquete tiene todo lo que necesitas para recordar a tus niños la importancia de la naturaleza y animarles a proteger los dones que ésta nos proporciona para sustentar nuestra existencia. Es la oportunidad perfecta para enseñar a tus estudiantes conceptos importantes, como reducir, reutilizar y reciclar, y fomentar un comportamiento respetuoso con el medio ambiente. El reto es fantástico para unir a familias y amigos en el cuidado de nuestro planeta, es una misión en la que todos podemos colaborar, y tus estudiantes disfrutarán al máximo. Esta colección incluye los siguientes recursos: Recurso 1: Día de la Tierra Presentación PowerPoint Recurso 2: Día de la Tierra Actividad Recurso 3: Día de la Tierra | Desafío de la Semana Manualidad Recurso 4: Día de la Tierra Manualidad Recurso 5: Día de la Tierra Escribe y Dibuja Recurso 6: Día de la Tierra | Tarjetas de Trabajo ¡Feliz Día de la Tierra!
Earth Day Collection BUNDLE

Earth Day Collection BUNDLE

6 Resources
Our bundle is designed to provide you with everything you need to encourage your kids to protect the gifts that nature provides us to sustain our existence. With this bundle, you’ll be able to teach your children about important concepts such as reducing, reusing, and recycling, and promote respectful behavior towards the environment. This bundle is perfect for inspiring your students to take action, however small, toward environmental protection. It’s also a great opportunity to join families and friends in the care of our planet. It’s a mission that we can all work together on, and your children will enjoy it to the fullest. This Earth Day bundle will not only benefit your students but also the environment. Our materials are designed to make a difference. Inspire the next generation to become responsible stewards of our Earth. So, why wait? let’s work together towards our future. This collection includes the following resources: Resource 1: Earth Day PowerPoint Presentation Resource 2: Earth Day Activity Resource 3: Earth Day Week Challenge Craft Resource 4: Earth Day Craft Resource 5: Earth Day | Draw and Write Resource 6: Earth Day | Task Cards Happy Earth Day!
Regreso a la Escuela Monstruos Collection BUNDLE

Regreso a la Escuela Monstruos Collection BUNDLE

6 Resources
El comienzo del curso escolar puede suponer un reto tanto para los estudiantes como para los maestros, pero con esta colección tendrás todo lo que necesitas para que la vuelta a la escuela sea más fácil y divertida. La colección presenta decoraciones únicas que cautivarán y motivarán a los estudiantes con adorables monstruitos divertidos y carismáticos. Cada actividad presenta una oportunidad para conectar con tus estudiantes y sus familias, proporcionando información valiosa, conocimientos y motivación extra para empezar el año escolar con buen pie. Tendrás acceso a materiales exclusivos que los niños y sus familias apreciarán y adorarán. Con esta colección, el inicio del curso escolar puede ser más fácil y agradable de lo que imaginas. Esta colección incluye: Recurso 1: Regreso a la Escuela Monstruos Decor | Tablón de Anuncios y Puerta Recurso 2: Regreso a la Escuela Pósteres de Monstruos Recurso 3: Regreso a la Escuela | Los Monstruos Aman la Escuela Actividad Recurso 4: Regreso a la Escuela Álbum de Monstruos Recurso 5: Regreso a la Escuela Monstruos Marcapáginas Manualidad Recurso 6: Regreso a la Escuela Monstruos | Tarjetas de Trabajo ¡Feliz Regreso a la Escuela!
Back to School Monsters Collection BUNDLE

Back to School Monsters Collection BUNDLE

6 Resources
The beginning of the school year can pose challenges for both students and teachers, but with this collection, you will have everything you need to make back to school easier and more enjoyable. The collection features unique decorations that will captivate and motivate your students with fun and charismatic monsters. Each activity presents an opportunity to connect with your students and their families, providing valuable information, knowledge, and extra motivation to kick-start the school year on the right note. You will have access to exclusive materials that children and their families will appreciate and adore. With this collection, the start of the school year can be more effortless and enjoyable than you might have imagined. This collection includes: Resource 1: Back to School Monsters Decor | Bulletin Board and Door Resource 2: Back to School Monsters Posters Resource 3: Back to School | Monsters Love School Activities Resource 4: Back to School | Monsters Album Resource 5: Back to School Monsters Bookmark Craft Resource 6: Back to School Monsters Task Cards Happy Back to School
Teacher Appreciation Day | Collection BUNDLE

Teacher Appreciation Day | Collection BUNDLE

6 Resources
It is time to thank all the teachers for their hard work and dedication to the children they serve. This bundle gives you everything you need to make the teachers’ week unforgettable. The presentation is a unique resource that will help children understand the real work of teachers. The activities and crafts will create a stronger bond between the children and their teachers. The teachers will be amazed by their students’ expressions of admiration and love. Let’s explain to children what it means to be a teacher, help them raise awareness, support their hard work, and be a spokesperson for their effort and dedication. Teachers will feel proud, happy, and recognized for their beautiful and dedicated work. With this Bundle, you can celebrate Teacher’s day and Principal’s day. In addition, you will have the perfect resource to celebrate the birthday of all those who are part of the school! Just take a look! This collection includes the following resources: Resource 1: Teacher Appreciation Day PowerPoint Presentation Resource 2: Teacher and Principal Appreciation Day Album Resource 3: Teacher | Principal Appreciation Day - Pennant, Cup Album and Quiz Resource 4: Teacher and Principal Appreciation Day Craft Resource 5: Happy Birthday Album Teachers, Students and Principals Resource 6: Happy Teacher Appreciation Day!
Día Internacional de la Mujer Collection BUNDLE

Día Internacional de la Mujer Collection BUNDLE

7 Resources
Mejora tu experiencia del Día de la Mujer con este bundle, diseñado para ahorrarte tiempo y esfuerzo en la preparación e investigación. Con todos los materiales disponibles en cuestión de minutos, podrás celebrar el Día de la Mujer con tranquilidad y confianza. Presenta claramente el tema del Día de la Mujer a tus estudiantes, ya que todas las actividades incluidas en este paquete fomentan la escritura espontánea, la comprensión, la reflexión y el autodescubrimiento. Es una oportunidad fantástica para inspirar a los niños y educarlos sobre el importante papel que desempeñan las mujeres en la sociedad. Celebra con tus estudiantes el día dedicado a todas las maestras, madres y mujeres que forman parte de tu escuela y de tus familias. Sorpréndelas con un regalo único que hará que este día tan especial sea aún más memorable. Sé testigo de las amplias sonrisas que iluminarán los rostros de las mujeres extraordinarias de tu vida. Da rienda suelta a la creatividad y la imaginación decorando tu clase con los cautivadores y distintivos materiales de este paquete. Las manualidades incluidas no sólo son adorables, ¡sino que además recibirás cumplidos de cualquiera que las vea! Esta colección incluye: Recurso 1: Día Internacional de la Mujer Presentación PowerPoint y Decor Recurso 2: Día Internacional de la Mujer Actividad Recurso 3: Día Internacional de la Mujer - Banderines e Investigación Biográfica Recurso 4: Día Internacional de la Mujer - Banderines e Investigación Bio - Google Slides Recurso 5: Día Internacional de la Mujer Historia | Leer, Dibujar y Escribir Recurso 6: Día Internacional de la Mujer - Manualidad y Tarjeta Recurso 7: El Día Internacional de la Mujer Significa para Mí… ¡Feliz Día Internacional de la Mujer!
International Women's Day Collection BUNDLE

International Women's Day Collection BUNDLE

7 Resources
Enhance your Women’s Day experience with this bundle, designed to save you time and effort in preparation and research. With all the materials readily available within minutes, you can celebrate Women’s Day with peace of mind and confidence. Clearly introduce the Women’s Day theme to your students, as all the activities included in this bundle encourage spontaneous writing, comprehension, reflection, and self-discovery. It’s a fantastic opportunity to inspire children and educate them about the important role women play in society. Join your students in celebrating the day dedicated to all teachers, mothers, and women who are part of your school and families. Surprise them with a unique gift that will make this special day even more memorable. Witness the broad smiles that will light up the faces of the remarkable women in your life. Unleash creativity and imagination by decorating your classroom with captivating and distinctive materials from this bundle. The crafts included are not only adorable but also guaranteed to receive compliments from anyone who sees them! This collection includes the following resources: Resource 1: International Women’s Day - PowerPoint Presentation and Decor Resource 2: International Women’s Day Activity Resource 3: International Women’s Day - Banners / Pennants and Biography Research Resource 4: International Women’s Day - Banners / Pennants and Bio Research - Google Slides Resource 5: International Women’s Day | History of IWD Read, Draw and Write Resource 6: International Women’s Day Craft and Card Resource 7: International Women’s Day Means to Me… Happy International Women’s Day!
Monthly Activities | Full Year ENGLISH BUNDLE

Monthly Activities | Full Year ENGLISH BUNDLE

12 Resources
This is the ideal time to teach kids about time management, planning, and organization. You and your families will appreciate this resource every month of the year! Planning and organization is the key to turning dreams and goals into reality. When your students dedicate a few minutes to working on them, achieving them becomes easier. The Monthly Activities - ENGLISH BUNDLE provides a simple and comprehensive planning and organizing process that children can follow from the beginning through all the months of the year. Kids receive the information they need to anticipate and prepare for new challenges. They organize their events, schedule their tasks, and set their achievements and goals. This process also helps them become more aware of their strengths and areas for improvement. The monthly self-portraits are perfect for hallway displays, gifts, or memory books. They are not only adorable but also incredibly easy to create, suitable for any skill level. Through this, children and families can preserve a sweet memory for a lifetime. This bundle includes all twelve resources, each of which is available for individual purchase. The list above outlines what you will receive. Feel free to click on each link to access a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Welcome January Monthly Activity Welcome February Monthly Activity Welcome March Monthly Activity Welcome April Monthly Activity Welcome May Monthly Activity Welcome June Monthly Activity Welcome July Monthly Activity Welcome August Monthly Activity Welcome September Monthly Activity Welcome October Monthly Activity Welcome November Monthly Activity Welcome December Monthly Activity "--------------------------------------- ★ Related resource: [Download the SPANISH BUNDLE Version](http://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/actividades-mensuales-a-o-completo-spanish-bundle-12347268) ----------------------------------------" Happy Monthly Activities!
Growth Mindset Collection BUNDLE

Growth Mindset Collection BUNDLE

12 Resources
This bundle helps you gain time and energy in preparation and research. This resource has everything you need to teach and help your students show their full potential and become more successful. This is the perfect package to introduce, teach and practice all the principles of the growth mindset. This bundle helps your students believe in themselves, train their minds, grow up, and recognize how they perceive the world and themselves. Help your kids realize that anything they want to learn is possible. Each activity explains how growth and fixed mindsets perceive the world, strategies to develop a growth mindset, and questions to guide your students to reflect on their attitudes and beliefs. Make your class stand out; students, families, and fellow teachers will recognize your classroom easily because you and your kids encourage a growth mindset through different activities, posters, badges, awards, and cards. You and your class will never be the same! This collection includes the following resources: Resource 1: Growth Mindset and Fixed Mindset PowerPoint Presentation Resource 2: Growth Mindset | Overcoming My Challenges Mini Book Resource 3: Growth Mindset Friendship Resource 4: Growth Mindset Friendship Google Slides Resource 5: My Growth Mindset Backpack Resource 6: Growth Mindset | Spring (Spring Break) Mini Book Resource 7: Growth Mindset | "Trick or Three” Halloween Mini Book Resource 8: Growth Mindset | My New Year’s Resolutions Mini Book Resource 9: Growth Mindset | Santa’s Christmas Gifts Mini Book Resource 10: Growth Mindset Posters, Badges and Cards Resource 11: Growth Mindset | Editable Awards Resource 12: Growth Mindset - O - Meter Enjoy the benefits of fostering a growth mindset culture in your classroom!
Mentalidad de Crecimiento Collection BUNDLE

Mentalidad de Crecimiento Collection BUNDLE

12 Resources
Este BUNDLE te ayudará a ganar tiempo y energía de preparación e investigación. Este recurso tiene todo lo que necesitas para enseñar y ayudar a tus estudiantes a mostrar todo su potencial y tener más éxito. Este es el paquete perfecto para introducir, enseñar y practicar todos los principios de la mentalidad de crecimiento. Ayuda a los estudiantes a creer en sí mismos, a entrenar su mente, a crecer y a reconocer cómo perciben el mundo y a sí mismos. Ayudalos a darse cuenta de que todo lo que quieran aprender es posible. Cada actividad explica cómo perciben el mundo las mentalidades fijas y de crecimiento, las estrategias para desarrollar una mentalidad de crecimiento, y las preguntas o enunciados para guiar a los niños a reflexionar sobre sus actitudes y creencias. Haz que tu clase destaque; los estudiantes, las familias y tus compañeros de trabajo reconocerán fácilmente tu clase porque tú y tus estudiantes fomentan una mentalidad de crecimiento a través de diferentes actividades, carteles, insignias, premios y tarjetas. ¡Ni tú ni tu clase volverán a ser los mismos! Esta colección incluye los siguientes recursos: Recurso 1: Mentalidad de Crecimiento y Mentalidad Fija Presentación PowerPoint Recurso 2: Mentalidad de Crecimiento | Superando Mis Desafíos Mini Libro Recurso 3: Mentalidad de Crecimiento La Amistad Recurso 4: Mentalidad de Crecimiento La Amistad Google Slides Recurso 5: Mi Mochila de Mentalidad de Crecimiento Recurso 6: Mentalidad de Crecimiento Primavera | Mini Libro (Spring Break) Recurso 7: Mentalidad de Crecimiento | "Trick or Three” Halloween Mini Libro Recurso 8: Mentalidad de Crecimiento | Mis Propósitos para el Año Nuevo Mini Libro Recurso 9: Mentalidad de Crecimiento | Regalos de Navidad Papá Noel Mini Libro Recurso 10: Mentalidad de Crecimiento Posters, Tarjetas e Insignias Recurso 11: Mentalidad de Crecimiento | Certificados o Diplomas Editables Recurso 12: Mentalidad de Crecimiento - O - Metro ¡Disfruta de los beneficios de fomentar la mentalidad de crecimiento en tu clase!