I Design Bilingual Resources Focused on Reflective and Critical Thinking to Foster Growth. The resources are all set to connect knowledge to students' real lives.
I Design Bilingual Resources Focused on Reflective and Critical Thinking to Foster Growth. The resources are all set to connect knowledge to students' real lives.
This engaging Pizza Puzzle game is perfect for young children to practice numbers from 1 to 10. Ideal for math learning centers, small groups, or individual learning, this game helps kids reinforce their understanding of numbers through various representations, including number words, finger counting, tallies, pictures, dice, and ten blocks. To enhance the experience, encourage children to dress up as chefs and set up a tablecloth on the floor or a table. They’ll love playing with the pizza pieces and “creating” their pizzas.
To get started, print and laminate the materials for added durability, cut out the pieces, mix them up, and begin assembling the pizza puzzle.
Enjoy this fun and delicious learning adventure!
Have fun and enjoy the delicious learning experience!
★ Related Resources:
Download the Spanish Version!
Happy National Pizza Day
Este recurso sobre el Racismo, Color de Piel y Antirracismo (Racism and Antiracism in Spanish) está diseñado para ayudarte a dirigir debates significativos sobre la raza, el racismo y la lucha contra el racismo de una manera fácil de entender para los niños. En las actividades se utiliza un lenguaje adaptado a los niños, lo que facilita la comprensión de estos importantes conceptos. Al utilizar este recurso, ayudarás a tus estudiantes a apreciar y respetar las diferencias raciales, fomentando la empatía, el respeto y la tolerancia.
Las actividades inspiran a los estudiantes a actuar para promover la justicia y la igualdad. Este recurso también capacita a los niños mostrándoles que el racismo puede combatirse y que ellos tienen las herramientas para marcar la diferencia. Es una forma poderosa de animarles a formar parte de la soluciones.
Además, este recurso es ideal para compartir con las familias. Apreciarán la oportunidad de trabajar estos importantes temas con sus hijos en casa, reforzando el mensaje y fomentando conversaciones importantes más allá del aula.
Este recurso incluye:
Página 1: Hablo Sobre la Raza y el Color de la Piel
Página 2: Racismo
Página 3: Antirracismo
Página 4: Yo Detengo el Racismo
Página 5: Antirracismo - Mi Voz
★ Related Resources:
Descarga la Versión en Inglés
Día de la Emancipación - Día Juneteenth
Racismo y Antirracismo Manualidad Autorretrato
Racismo (Color de Piel) Antirracismo Presentación PowerPoint
¡Disfruta Enseñando la Igualdad Racial!
Este paquete esencial sobre Racismo y Antirracismo proporciona un conjunto poderoso de recursos para ayudar a los niños a comprender conceptos complejos como el racismo, el color de piel y el antirracismo de una manera apropiada para su edad. Incluye una presentacion en PowerPoint, hojas de trabajo interactivas y una actividad de autorretrato que fomenta la empatía y la auto-reflexión. Con estas herramientas podrás guiar a los estudiantes en la comprensión de la igualdad, el respeto y la importancia de defenderse contra el racismo.
¿Por Qué Usar Este Recurso?
Enseñar a los niños sobre el racismo y la igualdad sienta las bases para un mundo más inclusivo. Este paquete te proporciona los materiales para facilitar discusiones honestas y significativas sobre las diferencias raciales, la empatía y la justicia, creando un espacio seguro para que los estudiantes exploren sus propias identidades y aprendan a valorar a los demás. Estas actividades no solo fomentan la conciencia, sino también un compromiso con el respeto que los estudiantes podrán llevar adelante en sus vidas.
¿Qué Habilidades Desarrollan los Estudiantes con Este Recurso?
Empatía y Respeto: Al discutir sobre el color de piel y las experiencias con el racismo, los estudiantes desarrollan empatía y aprenden a ver el mundo desde la perspectiva de otros.
Pensamiento Crítico: Las hojas de trabajo interactivas motivan a los estudiantes a pensar de manera crítica sobre los temas raciales, promoviendo conversaciones que desafían estereotipos y malentendidos.
Conciencia Social: A través de actividades atractivas, los niños comprenden el impacto social de la discriminación y el valor de defender la igualdad.
Auto-reflexión: La actividad de autorretrato promueve la reflexión personal sobre la identidad, ayudando a los estudiantes a apreciar su singularidad mientras valoran a los demás.
Este paquete inspira a los jóvenes a construir un mundo que valore a cada individuo por igual. Perfecto para educadores dedicados a fomentar un futuro basado en el respeto y la inclusión.
Esta colección incluye los siguientes recursos:
Recurso 1: Racismo (Color de Piel) Antirracismo Presentación PowerPoint
Recurso 2: Racismo (Color de Piel) Antirracismo Actividad
Recurso 3: Racismo y Antirracismo | Manualidad Autorretrato
★ Download the English Collection
¡Disfruta de la enseñanza de la igualdad racial!
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Racism - (Skin Color) - Anti-Racism. These Racism and Skin Color Antiracism Activities for Kids are designed to help teachers lead engaging, meaningful discussions on race, racism, and antiracism in an easy-to-understand way for students. The activities use kid-friendly language and simple explanations, making it easier for children to grasp these critical concepts. By using this resource, you’ll encourage students to appreciate and respect racial diversity, promoting empathy, tolerance, and respect. It is perfect for teachers looking to educate students on antiracism and respecting differences.
The activities will inspire your students to take action to promote fairness and equality. This resource also empowers your students by showing them that racism can be challenged and they have the tools to make a difference. It’s a powerful way to encourage them to be part of the solution.
Additionally, this resource is great to share with parents. They’ll appreciate the opportunity to work on these important topics with their children at home, strengthening the message and fostering important conversations beyond the classroom.
The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.
This resource includes:
Page 1: I Talk About Race and Skin Color (English and Spanish Version)
Page 2: Racism (English and Spanish Version)
Page 3: Anti-Racism (English and Spanish Version)
Page 4: I Stop Racism (English and Spanish Version)
Page 5: Anti-Racism - My Voice (English and Spanish Version)
Enjoy Teaching Racial Equality!
This resource includes an English and This resource includes an English and Spanish version of the Tolerance Bear Theme. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms and schools! This Tolerance Activity encourages moments of reflection and helps develop your children’s judgment skills. Children will explore various instances of intolerance and discover solutions to prevent them. They will gain a true understanding of the meaning and importance of tolerance, inclusivity, respect, and acceptance. This activity promotes meaningful discussions that celebrate diversity, fostering empathy and understanding, essential for addressing social issues. It also encourages children to respect and value people of all backgrounds.
This activity promotes a discourse that supports diversity, which is particularly vital for addressing social issues. Additionally, teach your children to respect people of all backgrounds.
This adorable bear serves as a perfect tool to illustrate the importance of tolerance and how to practice this remarkable quality.
The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.
This resource includes:
Page 1: Tolerance (English and Spanish Version)
Page 2: I respect others (English and Spanish Version)
Page 3: I put myself in the other person’s shoes (English and Spanish Version)
Page 4: I accept other people’s differences and I develop my curiosity (English and Spanish Version)
Page 5: Teach the bear to be tolerant (English and Spanish Version)
Enjoy Teaching Tolerance to Your Students!
This Tolerance Activity encourages moments of reflection and helps develop your children’s judgment skills. Children will explore various instances of intolerance and discover solutions to prevent them. They will gain a true understanding of the meaning and importance of tolerance, inclusivity, respect, and acceptance. This activity promotes meaningful discussions that celebrate diversity, fostering empathy and understanding, essential for addressing social issues. It also encourages children to respect and value people of all backgrounds.
This adorable bear is a perfect tool to illustrate the importance of tolerance and how to practice this remarkable quality.
Encourage your students to share their responses with their families for further reinforcement. It also serves as an excellent conversation starter for families!
This resource includes:
Page 1: Tolerance
Page 2: I respect others
Page 3: I put myself in the other person’s shoes
Page 4: I accept other people’s differences and I develop my curiosity
Page 5: Teach the bear to be tolerant
★Related Resources:
Download the Spanish Version
Honesty Panda Theme
Patience Turtle Theme
Responsibility Rabbit Theme
Self-Respect Fox Theme
Social Problem Solving Journey Raccoon Theme
Social Problem Solving Raccoon Theme
Tolerance Bear Theme
Enjoy Teaching Tolerance to Your Students!
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of the Easter Egg Hunt. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms. Make Easter extra special for your students with this Easter Egg Hunt Writing Activity and Pennant resource! This resource concerns the Easter Egg Hunt with Writing Activities and a Pennant! It not only adds festive decorations to your classroom but also promotes responsibility, organization, and creativity in a fun, Easter-themed way. Students will practice important sequencing skills as they prepare for the egg hunt, and teachers can rest assured that everyone feels included and excited.
Perfect for engaging young learners, this Easter-themed writing activity allows students to practice letter writing in a fun and festive context. Whether they are writing invitations or reflecting on the event, they will enjoy both the creativity and the chance to get into the Easter spirit.
The two resources I include in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.
This resource includes:
An Easter Egg Hunt Pennant in black and white. (English and Spanish version)
I am going on an Easter Egg Hunt - Invitation card. (English and Spanish version)
I am going on an Easter Egg Hunt - Sequencing worksheets. (English and Spanish version)
Easter Egg Hunt Rules - (for the more sensitive kids). (English and Spanish version)
I am going on an Easter Egg Hunt - I would like to see… (English and Spanish version)
If I were an Easter Bunny. (English and Spanish version)
Dear Easter Bunny Letter - (needs and wants) (English and Spanish version)
The more you prepare your students they will enjoy the most.
Happy Easter Egg Hunt!
Haz que la Pascua sea muy especial para tus estudiantes con este recurso: Actividad de escritura para la Búsqueda del Huevo de Pascua y Banderín (Easter Egg Hunt in English). Este recurso no sólo añade una decoración festiva a tu clase, sino que también fomenta la responsabilidad, la organización y la creatividad de una forma divertida y con temática de Pascua. Los estudiantes practican importantes habilidades de secuencia mientras se preparan para la búsqueda de los huevos, y los maestros pueden estar seguros de que todos se sienten incluidos y entusiasmados.
Esta actividad ayuda a los niños a expresar sus pensamientos, escribir invitaciones y compartir su ilusión por el evento; todo ello mientras desarrollan habilidades de escritura.
Perfecta los pequeños, esta actividad de escritura con temática de Pascua permite a los estudiantes practicar la escritura de cartas en un contexto divertido y festivo. Tanto si escriben invitaciones como si reflexionan sobre el acontecimiento, disfrutarán tanto de la creatividad como de la oportunidad de impregnarse del espíritu de la pascua.
Este recurso incluye:
Voy a una búsqueda de huevos de Pascua. - Tarjeta de invitación.
Voy a una búsqueda de huevos de Pascua. - Hoja de secuencia.
Reglas de la Búsqueda de Huevos de Pascua. (Para los niños más sensibles y menos competitivos).
Voy a ir a la Búsqueda de los Huevos de Pascua… - “Me gustaría ver.”
Si yo fuera un Conejito de Pascua.
Carta al conejito de Pascua. - (Quiero- Necesito).
Banderín de la búsqueda de los huevos de Pascua.
Cuanto más preparas a tus estudiantes, más disfrutan.
★Related Resources:
Descarga la versión en Inglés!
La Pascua - Me Siento Feliz
¡Feliz Búsqueda de los Huevos de Pascua!
This resource, the Easter Egg Hunt with Writing Activities and a Pennant adds festive decorations to your classroom but also promotes responsibility, organization, and creativity in a fun, Easter-themed way. Students will practice important sequencing skills as they prepare for the egg hunt, and teachers can rest assured that everyone feels included and excited.
This activity helps students express their thoughts, write invitations, and share their anticipation for the event; all while developing essential writing skills.
Perfect for engaging young learners, this Easter-themed writing activity allows students to practice letter writing in a fun and festive context. Whether they are writing invitations or reflecting on the event, they will enjoy both the creativity and the chance to get into the Easter spirit.
This resource includes:
An Easter Egg Hunt Pennant in black and white.
I am going on an Easter Egg Hunt - Invitation card.
I am going on an Easter Egg Hunt - Sequencing worksheets.
Easter Egg Hunt Rules - for the more sensitive kids. **
I am going on an Easter Egg Hunt - I would like to see…
If I were an Easter Bunny.
Dear Easter Bunny Letter - (needs and wants)
The more you prepare your students they will enjoy the most.
★Related Resources:
Download the Spanish Version!
Easter Activity - I Feel Happy
Happy Easter Egg Hunt!
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of the International Women’s Day Activity. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms and schools! Develop Critical Thinking on International Women’s Day! This engaging International Women’s Day: Read, Draw & Write resource helps students think critically about the history, impact, and inspiring women who shaped our world. Through reading, writing, and creative reflection, young learners will analyze key events, identify cause and effect, and make predictions about women’s rights.
Students begin with a KWL chart to activate prior knowledge before diving into a comprehensible history passage that breaks down the significance of March 8th. They’ll then engage in thought-provoking activities, including a graphic organizer, cause-and-effect analysis, quizzes, and a reflective craft.
This resource fosters higher-order thinking skills, empowering students to question, reflect, and celebrate women’s contributions throughout history. Perfect for classroom discussions, bulletin board displays, and cross-curricular lesson.
The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.
This resource includes:
Page 1: Cover & What I Know, What I Want to Know (English and Spanish Version)
Page 2: The History of International Women’s Day, Part I (English and Spanish Version)
Page 3: The History of International Women’s Day, Part II (English and Spanish Version)
Page 4: The History of International Women’s Day, Part III (English and Spanish Version)
Page 5: Inspiring Women In History (English and Spanish Version)
Page 6: Inspiring Women In History (English and Spanish Version)
Page 7: What I Learned and Thoughts… (English and Spanish Version)
Page 8: International Women’s Day History Graphic Organizer (English and Spanish Version)
Page 9: Women’s Day - Cause and Effect (English and Spanish Version)
Page 10: Women’s Day - Making Predictions (English and Spanish Version)
Page 11: Pop Quiz: Amazing Women’s Achievements in History (English and Spanish Version)
Page 12: Positive Message Poster for Women’s Day (English and Spanish Version)
Page 13: The Heart of Women’s History Craft (English and Spanish Version)
Page 14: Pop Quiz: Amazing Women’s Achievements in History Answer Sheet (English and Spanish Version)
Happy International Women’s Day!
Happy International Women’s Day!
Educa y mantén a tus niños alejados de las drogas desde una edad temprana. Utiliza este bundle para presentar y desarrollar este tema de forma clara, sencilla y adecuada a su edad. Ayúdales a sentirse seguros y confiados a la hora de comprender la importancia de tomar decisiones acertadas y evitar los riesgos asociados a las drogas.
Estos recursos utilizan ejemplos y preguntas provocadoras para guiar a tus estudiantes en la comprensión de que, a pesar de la existencia de las drogas como una realidad preocupante, ellos están equipados y preparados para decir NO.
Es fundamental que los niños comprendan que la decisión de consumir drogas es exclusivamente suya, sin influencias externas. Al inculcarles una conciencia crítica sobre el consumo y el abuso de drogas desde una edad temprana, puedes capacitar a tus niños para que tomen decisiones informadas y responsables.
Esta colección incluye:
Recurso 1: Listón Rojo (Red Ribbon Week) Presentación PowerPoint
Recurso 2: Listón Rojo Actividad - Red Ribbon Spanish
Recurso 3: Semana del Listón Rojo Manualidad | Dile NO a las Drogas
¡Feliz Semana del Listón Rojo!
★ Download the English Collection:
Red Ribbon Collection BUNDLE
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Red Ribbon. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms and schools! This Red Ribbon Week Activity resource encourages open discussions with children about drug awareness. It addresses their questions and raises awareness of the dangers of drug use. The activities promote self-love, self-respect, decision-making, and self-esteem through age-appropriate conversations. Children will also write a heartfelt message to their future selves, creating a meaningful keepsake.
The included Red Ribbon necklace adds a sense of pride as children wear it at school or home. It helps them understand the significance of Red Ribbon Week and reinforces its message. For best results, print the necklace on cardstock, laminate if possible, cut along the edges, punch a hole at the top, and use yarn or string to create a wearable symbol of their commitment.
The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.
This resource includes:
Page 1: Red Ribbon - Necklace - (English and Spanish Version)
Page 2: I Love My Body - (English and Spanish Version)
Page 3: I Take Care of Myself - (English and Spanish Version)
Page 4: I Believe in Myself - (English and Spanish Version)
Page 5: Message to My Future Me - (English and Spanish Version)
Happy Red Ribbon WeeK!
This Red Ribbon Week Activity resource encourages open discussions with children about drug awareness. It addresses their questions and raises awareness of the dangers of drug use. The activities promote self-love, self-respect, decision-making, and self-esteem through age-appropriate conversations. Children will also write a heartfelt message to their future selves, creating a meaningful keepsake.
This activity is crucial as it allows them to revisit their message later, recognizing its importance and potentially influencing their choices positively.
The included Red Ribbon necklace adds a sense of pride as children wear it at school or home. It helps them understand the significance of Red Ribbon Week and reinforces its message. For best results, print the necklace on cardstock, laminate if possible, cut along the edges, punch a hole at the top, and use yarn or string to create a wearable symbol of their commitment.
This resource includes:
Page 1: Red Ribbon - Necklace
Page 2: I Love My Body
Page 3: I Take Care of Myself
Page 4: I Believe in Myself
Page 5: Message to My Future Me
★ Related Resources:
Download the Spanish Version
Red Ribbon
KWL - Red Ribbon Week - FREE
Red Ribbon - PowerPoint Presentation
Red Ribbon Week Craft - Say NO to Drugs
Happy Red Ribbon WeeK!
Educate and keep your children away from drugs starting at an early age. Use this bundle to introduce and develop this topic in a clear, simple, and age-appropriate manner. Help them feel secure and confident in understanding the importance of making wise choices and avoiding the risks associated with drugs.
These resources use examples and provoking questions to guide your children in realizing that, despite the existence of drugs as a concerning reality, they are equipped and prepared to say NO.
It is crucial for children to understand that the decision to use drugs is solely theirs to make, free from external influences. By instilling a critical awareness of drug use and abuse from an early age, you can empower your children to make informed and responsible choices.
This collection includes:
Resource 1: Red Ribbon PowerPoint Presentation
Resource 2: Red Ribbon Activity
Resource 3: Red Ribbon Week Craft | Say NO to Drugs
Happy Red Ribbon Week!!
★ Download the Spanish Collection:
Listón Rojo Collection BUNDLE
Celebrate Paul Bunyan Day with a fun and simple storytelling activity! Invite your students to read classic American folklore and choose their favorite tale. Afterward, they can organize the plot points, and share the story with the class.
This one-page resource is perfect for classroom hallway displays or as a take-home activity. Children will love immersing themselves in larger-than-life adventures, and you will surely receive glowing feedback!
This resource includes:
Page 1: Page 1: Paul Bunyan - Story Order (Writing activity)
Page 2: Page 2: Paul Bunyan - Story Order (Drawing activity)
Happy Paul Bunyan Day!
★ Related Resources:
Download the Spanish Version
Dr. Seuss / Theodore Seuss Geisel - Activity
National Poetry Day Activities
National Reading Day
Nonfiction Books Activity
Nonfiction Books Activity - Google Slides
World Book Day Activity
World Book Day Activity - Google Slides
¡Celebra el Día de Paul Bunyan (Paul Bunyan Day Activity in Spanish) con una actividad de narración divertida y sencilla! Invita a tus estudiantes a leer cuentos clásicos del folclore estadounidense y a elegir su favorito. Luego, podrán organizar los puntos clave de la trama y compartir la historia con la clase.
Este recurso de una sola página es perfecto para decorar los pasillos del aula o enviar como actividad para casa. ¡A los niños les encantará sumergirse en aventuras más grandes que la vida, y seguro recibirás comentarios muy positivos!
Este recurso incluye:
Página 1: Paul Bunyan - Estructura de la Historia (Actividad de Escritura)
Página 2: Paul Bunyan - Estructura de la Historia (Actividad de Dibujo)
¡Feliz Día de Paul Bunyan!
★Related Resources:
Descarga la Versión en Inglés
Día Internacional del Libro - Actividad
Día Internacional del Libro Actividad - Google Slides
Día Nacional de la Lectura
Día Nacional de la Poesía - Actividades
Dr. Seuss / Theodore Seuss Geisel - Actividad
Libros de No Ficción - Actividad
Libros de No Ficción Actividad - Google Slides
This Labor Day Activities resource helps students explore the meaning of Labor Day or Worker’s Day in a fun and meaningful way. Through reflection and creativity, students will appreciate workers’ vital role in society. They’ll interview family or school staff, discover different jobs, and recognize workers’ contributions to their communities. To express gratitude, children will design a heartfelt pennant card with a personal message honoring workers. Perfect for fostering appreciation and learning, this resource makes Labor Day both educational and inspiring!
These pennants make fantastic decorations for the classroom or home, and it’s always a delight for kids to see their work showcased throughout the school.
Another activity included is ‘If I were a worker,’ which inspires students to consider their career aspirations and brainstorm different types of jobs they might be interested in.
This activity fosters empathy and social skills, making it an EXCELLENT addition to any lesson plan.
This resource includes:
Labor Day Celebration Mind map
Labor Day Main Facts Mind map (empty format)
Labor Day Interview
Labor Day Pennant/Banner Card
If I were a Worker …
★Related Resources:
Download the Spanish Version!
Labor Day | International Workers’ Day PowerPoint Presentation
Happy Labor Day!
Este recurso para el Día del Trabajo (Labor Day Activity in Spanish) ayuda a los estudiantes a explorar el significado del Día del Trabajo o Día del Trabajador de una manera divertida y significativa. A través de la reflexión y la creatividad, los niños aprecian el papel vital de los trabajadores en la sociedad. Entrevistarán al personal de la familia o del colegio, descubrirán diferentes trabajos y reconocerán las contribuciones de los trabajadores a sus comunidades. Para expresar su gratitud, los niños diseñarán una sentida tarjeta con un mensaje personal en honor de los trabajadores. Perfecto para fomentar el aprecio y el aprendizaje, este recurso hace que el Día del Trabajo sea educativo e inspirador.
Los anderines son una fantástica decoración para la calse o el hogar, y siempre es un placer para los niños ver sus trabajos expuestos por toda la escuela.
Otra actividad incluida es “Si yo fuera un trabajador”, que inspira a los niños a considerar sus aspiraciones profesionales y a hacer una lluvia de ideas sobre distintos tipos de trabajos que podrían interesarles. Esta actividad fomenta la empatía y las habilidades sociales, lo que la convierte en un EXCELENTE complemento para cualquier plan de clases.
Este recurso incluye:
Celebración del Día del Trabajo. Mapa Mental
Datos Principales del Día del Trabajo. Mapa Mental (formato vacío)
Entrevista del Día del Trabajo
Día del Trabajo. Banderín-Tarjeta
Si Yo Fuera Trabajador…
Feliz Día del Trabajo!
★ Related Resources:
Descarga la Versión en Inglés
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Labor Day / International Workers’ Day. This Labor Day Activities resource helps students explore the meaning of Labor Day or Worker’s Day in a fun and meaningful way. Through reflection and creativity, students will appreciate workers’ vital role in society. They’ll interview family or school staff, discover different jobs, and recognize workers’ contributions to their communities. To express gratitude, children will design a heartfelt pennant card with a personal message honoring workers. Perfect for fostering appreciation and learning, this resource makes Labor Day both educational and inspiring!
These pennants make fantastic decorations for the classroom or home, and it’s always a delight for kids to see their work showcased throughout the school.
Another activity included is ‘If I were a worker,’ which inspires students to consider their career aspirations and brainstorm different types of jobs they might be interested in.
The two resources I include in this bundle are sold separately. Above is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.
This resource includes:
Labor Day Celebration Mind map (English and Spanish Version)
Labor Day Main Facts Mind map - empty format (English and Spanish Version)
Labor Day Interview (English and Spanish Version)
Labor Day Pennant/Banner Card (English and Spanish Version)
If I Were a Worker … (English and Spanish Version)
Happy Labor Day!
Feliz Día del Trabajador!
Mejora tu experiencia del Día de la Mujer con este bundle, diseñado para ahorrarte tiempo y esfuerzo en la preparación e investigación. Con todos los materiales disponibles en cuestión de minutos, podrás celebrar el Día de la Mujer con tranquilidad y confianza.
Presenta claramente el tema del Día de la Mujer a tus estudiantes, ya que todas las actividades incluidas en este paquete fomentan la escritura espontánea, la comprensión, la reflexión y el autodescubrimiento. Es una oportunidad fantástica para inspirar a los niños y educarlos sobre el importante papel que desempeñan las mujeres en la sociedad.
Celebra con tus estudiantes el día dedicado a todas las maestras, madres y mujeres que forman parte de tu escuela y de tus familias. Sorpréndelas con un regalo único que hará que este día tan especial sea aún más memorable. Sé testigo de las amplias sonrisas que iluminarán los rostros de las mujeres extraordinarias de tu vida.
Da rienda suelta a la creatividad y la imaginación decorando tu clase con los cautivadores y distintivos materiales de este paquete. Las manualidades incluidas no sólo son adorables, ¡sino que además recibirás cumplidos de cualquiera que las vea!
Esta colección incluye:
Recurso 1: Día Internacional de la Mujer Presentación PowerPoint y Decor
Recurso 2: Día Internacional de la Mujer Actividad
Recurso 3: Día Internacional de la Mujer - Banderines e Investigación Biográfica
Recurso 4: Día Internacional de la Mujer - Banderines e Investigación Bio - Google Slides
Recurso 5: Día Internacional de la Mujer Historia | Leer, Dibujar y Escribir
Recurso 6: Día Internacional de la Mujer - Manualidad y Tarjeta
Recurso 7: El Día Internacional de la Mujer Significa para Mí…
¡Feliz Día Internacional de la Mujer!