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Computer Science and Maths education resources

Computer Science and Maths education resources
Python Project - Create a Bank Account System

Python Project - Create a Bank Account System

Structured Approach to programming Using Abstraction and Decomposition, develop a solution to simulate a Bank Account allowing customers to create an account with a unique account number and sort code. Customers can sign up for standard accounts or if old enough special “gold accounts”. Customers can view their account details, make deposits and withdrawals. Using functions, lists, loops and conditions to create a simulation of a bank account system. Useful mini project to develop algorithmic thinking and programming skills for key stage 4 students All teaching resources provided including python solution.
Python Coding Challenges

Python Coding Challenges

3 Resources
Three mini python coding challenges for 14-16 year olds. Simulate a coffee shop ordering system Simulate a quiz game were the most obscure answer wins Simulate a vending machine. The projects provide pupils with the opportunity to develop programming techniques such as sequence, selection, iteration and file handling. All teaching resources provided including python solutions for teachers.
Coding Challenge - "WatchIT"  Python Film/TV Recommendation Engine

Coding Challenge - "WatchIT" Python Film/TV Recommendation Engine

Structured Approach to programming Using Abstraction and Decomposition, develop a Python solution for a simple Film/TV recommendation engine. Select a show to watch and have other shows recommended to you! Customize the Films/TV shows on offer. Using functions, file handling, SQL, loops and conditions to create a team based quiz competition Useful mini project to develop algorithmic thinking and programming skills for key stage 4 students All teaching resources provided including python solution.
Python Coding Challenges(7 projects)

Python Coding Challenges(7 projects)

7 Resources
Seven mini python coding challenges for 14-16 year olds. Simulate a coffee shop ordering system Simulate a quiz game were the most obscure answer wins Simulate a vending machine. Test your times table project Book Cinema Tickets Python Millionaire Game project A Film Recommendation System The projects provide pupils with the opportunity to develop programming techniques such as sequence, selection, iteration, functions, parameters, file handling and SQL. All teaching resources provided including python solutions for teachers.
Python Snakes and Ladders Game

Python Snakes and Ladders Game

A project to create a version of snakes and ladders using Python. Teaching pupils key algorithmic thinking skills such as abstraction and decomposition. Pupils can use Selection, Iteration, Lists and Dictionaries to create a two plaver snakes and ladders game. Teaching materials and snakes and ladders solution included.
Coding Challenge  - Computing Cats Coffee Shop

Coding Challenge - Computing Cats Coffee Shop

Structured Approach to programming Using Abstraction and Decomposition, develop an ordering system to allow cats to order their favourite drinks and snacks from a menu, pay for them and receive their change. Learning how to apply coding techniques such as file handling, lists, loops, conditions, functions and parameters to develop a working solution. Useful project to develop programming skills for key stage 4 students All teaching resources provided including python solution.
Coding Challenge - Book Cinema Tickets

Coding Challenge - Book Cinema Tickets

Structured Approach to programming Using Abstraction and Decomposition to develop algorithmic thinking and programming skills. Create a solution to allow customers to book tickets to see their favourite films providing they are old enough. Learn about using functions, parameters, loops and conditions in your programming. Useful mini project to for key stage 4 students who are learning Python. All teaching resources provided including python solution for teachers.
Coding Challenge - Computing Cats Super Snack Machine

Coding Challenge - Computing Cats Super Snack Machine

Structured Approach to programming Using Abstraction and Decomposition to develop algorithmic thinking and programming skills. Create a solution to simulate the operation of a snack machine. Learn about using lists, loops and conditions in your programming. Useful mini project to for key stage 4 students All teaching resources provided including python solution for teachers.
Python Turtles Unit of Work

Python Turtles Unit of Work

Seven lesson unit of study teaching pupils how to write programs to control a turtle and draw shapes on screen. The shapes become progressively more challenging and teach pupils key computing skills such as abstraction, decomposition and problem solving. Programming skills covered include sequence, selection, iteration, parameters and lists. All teaching resources, python solutions and assessment activities included.
Coding Challenge - Computing Cats "Obscure" Quiz

Coding Challenge - Computing Cats "Obscure" Quiz

Structured Approach to programming Using Abstraction and Decomposition, develop a solution to a multi player quiz were the player with the most obscure answers wins! Using functions, dictionaries, lists, loops and conditions to create a team based quiz competition Useful mini project to develop algorithmic thinking and programming skills for key stage 4 students All teaching resources provided including python solution.
GCSE Programming - Python Millionaire

GCSE Programming - Python Millionaire

GCSE Programming Mini Project Take your pupils through programming techniques such as Sequence, Selection, Iteration and File Handling required to create a Python Program to simulate the popular quiz show “Who wants to be a Millionaire”. The program will read in a list of questions, the question value, possible answers and the correct answer. PowerPoint guide and teacher solutions provided.
Coding Challenge -Test your Times Tables

Coding Challenge -Test your Times Tables

Structured Approach to programming Using Abstraction and Decomposition to develop algorithmic thinking and programming skills. Create a solution to create a quiz of random questions to test your times tables. Learn about using lists, loops and conditions in your programming. Useful mini project to for key stage 4 students who are learning Python. All teaching resources provided including python solution for teachers.
Coding Challenge - Stock Order System

Coding Challenge - Stock Order System

Structured Approach to programming Using Abstraction and Decomposition, develop a stock order system to allow users to select a stock item to order, a quantity and calculate the cost. Learning how to apply coding techniques such as file handling, lists, loops, conditions, functions and parameters to develop a working solution. Useful project to develop programming skills for key stage 4 students Python solution provided.
Coding Challenge -Python Barcode Checker

Coding Challenge -Python Barcode Checker

Python Programming Challenge Python solution for a EAN13 barcode checker to work out the valid checksum for a 12 digit barcode. Can be used to teach sequence, selection, iteration and lists. Python solution can be downloaded below.
Coding Challenge - Fun with Strings

Coding Challenge - Fun with Strings

Python Programming Challenge Python solutions for manipulating strings such as changing characters, cases, slicing strings and counting index positions Can be used to support teaching of sequence, selection, iteration and functions. Python code solutions and suggest activities for students (solution for teachers) can be downloaded below.