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Mummy, wife & MFL Teacher in Hampshire, UK || Author of 100 Ideas for Secondary Teachers - Outstanding MFL Lessons || Check out my blog - morganmfl.weebly.com




Mummy, wife & MFL Teacher in Hampshire, UK || Author of 100 Ideas for Secondary Teachers - Outstanding MFL Lessons || Check out my blog - morganmfl.weebly.com
French: A week in Paris - Vocabulary Cards

French: A week in Paris - Vocabulary Cards

Vocab cards to be cut up for students to match up translations. To go alongside Metro 2 Module 5. EDIT: There is a mistake on one of the cards - it should be 'je fais des photos&' not &';potos'. Unfortunately I didn&'t realise this until I&';d cut up 8 sets of cards :/
Perfect tense SB

Perfect tense SB

A few Smartboard activities to revise the perfect tense. Good for getting the whole class involved. Split class into two groups. The avoir page with the sweet on - I used sweets to explain avoir and each student had to say j'ai un bonbon, tu as un bonbon, il/elle (depending on their neighbour) a un bonbon.
Emploi du temps

Emploi du temps

French school timetables Say the day/time/after break/after lunch and students have to give subject Say subjects and students have to guess day Could be done in pairs
Les pays et les capitales - Europe (full lesson)

Les pays et les capitales - Europe (full lesson)

Powerpoint, card game and worksheet including European countries and capitals. Powerpoint with each country and capital, teaches difference between a, en and au. Card game - match country, capital and flag. Worksheet with vocab grid to fill in and ID card grid Hope it's useful Dannielle x
School Subjects

School Subjects

Taught to my year 8 bottom set. School subjects J'adore, j'aime, je n'aime pas, je déteste Pourquoi Parce Que Reasons The sens ou non sens game on SB - students decide which sentences don't make sense and change them so that they do (the second part of the incorrect sentences can be moved. if the sentence is correct the ending won't move). I also did an activity where students had to write a j'adore etc sentence on their mini whiteboards then read them out to the class, if someone else had the same sentence they had to wipe theirs clean.
School vocabulary

School vocabulary

A list of vocab about school including: subjects, opinions/reasons why, adjectives to describe lessons/teachers. Hope it's useful Miss Morgan x
Guess the Film

Guess the Film

I used this as a starter with my Y10s and it seemed to go down well. Students have to guess the film title in English. I found out what the Spanish call each of the films instead of translating them directly so you may want to explain this to your students Hope it's useful Dannielle
4 Pictures 1 Word - French

4 Pictures 1 Word - French

PowerPoint based on the app '4 pictures 1 word'. Various vocab covered including family, descriptions, where you live, colours. In French but could be adapted for other languages. This one is mainly for Y7 but could be used for other years to recap vocab. I have done one for Y8 and Y9 as well. Can be used as a starter activity. Students try to guess the word from the pictures and the letters given.
Perfect tense

Perfect tense

You will probably want to change the footer. For 'avoir' we only did '-er' verbs! The groupwork doc is to go with the MS VAN DER TRAMP slide - as there are only 'etre' verbs. I have also attached the sheets that I used for the 'etre' game which you will need to cut up. I also printed out the picture on slide 5 for them to stick in their books (I found the picture on the internet). Slide 8 onwards - students write the correct sentence on mini whiteboards (correct answer should appear when you click next).