Teaching sequence to support the story ‘Coming to England’.
Covers Literacy/ Communication and Language, Understanding the World (linking to History and Geography), PSED and Expressive Art and Design.
Smartboard lessons and supporting activity sheets.
Each, Peach, Pear, Plum - Sequence of Learning
Title page and resources to support the story Each, Peach, Pear, Plum. 8 lesson resources to support the teaching of initial sounds and rhyming words in EYFS.
3 sessions focusing on initial sounds
5 sessions focusing on rhyming words
No Nonsense Spellings - Year 2 - Autumn Term - Weeks 1-6 Lesson Resources Bundle
Lesson Resources to support the teaching of No Nonsense Spellings Year 2.
Tennis planning suitable for a Year 1 or Year 2 class. This lesson sequence is six weeks long, more skills could be added if needed for more weeks. Quick and easy to follow. Only preparation is getting out the PE equipment.
Jolly Phonics Letter Formation Cards
Letter formation cards for Phase 2 with Jolly Phonics images and easy to remember rhymes. Children can practise the letter formation for the sound taught.
Can be used as is or laminated to reuse year after year.
Year 3, No Nonsense Spelling Lists - Spring, Week 1 - 12
Ready made spelling list to give to Year 3 children that are being taught through the No Nonsense Spelling Scheme. Quick print out, can be used year after year.
Basketball planning suitable for a Year 1 or Year 2 class. This lesson sequence is four weeks long, more skills could be added if needed for 6 weeks. Quick and easy to follow. Only preparation is getting out the PE equipment.
Literacy Lesson resources to support the teaching of The Snail and the Whale. This sequence of lessons would last approximately 3 weeks. Lesson resources can be easily edited. Suitable for both Year 1 and Year 2. Differentiation is shown in some lessons. The only supporting resources I used were the book itself and literacy word mats.
Got some wonderful inference work and written work from the children. My class thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and completely the work set each day.
Year 2, No Nonsense Spelling List - Autumn, Week 1 - 12
Ready made spelling list to give to Year 2 children that are being taught through the No Nonsense Spelling Scheme. Quick print out, can be used year after year.
Ready made bundle for the Autumn Term. If bought individually the total cost would be £24, as a bundle, sold at £12.
Questions to go alongside The Tear Thief to enable children to reach Greater Depth. I used last year for moderation evidence and the moderator was extremely impressed that the children could access this work.
Year 2, No Nonsense Spelling List - Spring, Week 1 - 12
Ready made spelling list to give to Year 2 children that are being taught through the No Nonsense Spelling Scheme. Quick print out, can be used year after year.
Year 2, No Nonsense Spelling Lists - Summer, Weeks 1 - 9
Ready made spelling list to give to Year 2 children that are being taught through the No Nonsense Spelling Scheme. Quick print out, can be used year after year.
Challenge cards to support Mixed Year 1/2 maths lessons which follow White Rose.
Objective from the White Rose Maths Hub in regards to Block 3, Shape is ‘To draw 2D shapes’.
This would be an activity to go alongside children drawing the shapes on dotted paper.
More resources to follow for the rest of this block. Keep an eye out for a bundle with all planning for Block 3, including a planning overview to ensure all objectives are taught.