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Student Test Tracking Spreadsheet v3.5 - multiple tests

Student Test Tracking Spreadsheet v3.5 - multiple tests

This spreadsheet will allow you to track the performance of up to 40 students for up to 10 tests. It will automatically calculate totals, percentages, grades (according to grade boundaries that you specify), comparisons to target grades, averages etc. It will also colour code performances on questions against the maximum marks available and provide you with the opportunity to print out individually tailored feedback sheets to your students. I have found that this gives me an excellent method for communicating with students about their relative performance, rather than simply telling them that they have achieved 58% for example. The file will come to you as a password protected document. The reason for this is so that it is not possible to make changes to the formulae and thus make it so that it does not work. You do not need to unprotect it to make full use of it, but just in case you wish to make changes, the password for the file is “table”. I have made a video demonstrating it and telling you how to use it, which can be found at: https://youtu.be/-_PgyXItLik I also have a smaller version, available here on the TES website, for the analysis of just one test.
Skills Progress Assessments

Skills Progress Assessments

This series of assessments is intended to be taken at the start of every term from Year 7 to Year 11. Each assessment tests purely the mathematical skills of the students and tracks their progress over the years via the included spreadsheet. Almost every question is provided without context so that the skills are at the forefront of the assessments. To use the spreadsheet, enter the names of the students in the first sheet. This will then populate throughout the rest of the sheets. For each test, simply put the score for each question for each student, and everything else is then calculated automatically. The last sheet on the spreadsheet, “Progress Sheet” can then be printed out and given to the students so that they can directly see their progress for each skill. Numerical links to Hegarty Maths tasks are also given. When printing out sheets for the students, note that it will only print out the results for one student at a time, but it will just give them the coloured progress section. When discussing their work, we don’t make any reference to total mark, or what it is out of as we prefer to just focus on their progress with the skills rather than the students just focusing on their total mark. Should you wish to make any changes to the spreadsheet, the password is “mouse”.