
Worksheet on stopping distance
This free resource is based on the subtopic 'stopping distance' under 'dynamics' of Cambridge O level curriculum. Answers are included with working! You can use this worksheet either after teaching or as assessment. Hope you find it useful!

Measurement Quiz
This quiz is based on the basic measurement topic under IGCSE Physics 0625. Physics explores the universe from particles to galaxies, revealing governing laws. It involves questioning, unravelling mysteries, and finding order in nature, from Newton to quantum concepts. Quizzes motivate learners, identify strengths, and enhance memory through active recall. Let’s revise chapters through quizzes!Let me know how you find this resource. Thank you!

Kinematics & Dynamics Multiple choice Quiz
This product comes with 25 multiple choice questions for the topic ‘Kinematics & Dynamics’, for Year 7 students. I have tried my best to cover most of the indicators within this 25 questions. Hope this product would be a great supplement for the end of year revision or after completion of the topic. Answers are included at the end of the file.
If you do not want to waste papers, just display the questions using projector, print and hand over only the answering sheet (included in file) to the students. Hope this product helps your class to revise the whole topic just in one period!
Kindly share your thoughts! Your feedback helps to bring out great products! Thanks in advance!

Magnetism- Task Cards
This product consists of 32 task cards on Magnetism based on GCSE curriculum. Answer key and students’ answering sheet are also included at the end. Questions 1-26 and 30-32 are multiple choice questions and brief explanation is needed for questions 27, 28, and 29.
Hope this product would be a great supplement tool for classroom revision/assessment as well as for students under home school. If you feel anything to be changed or added, please be free to share your feedback.
Thanks in advance!

Experiment to verify laws of reflection & Rules for mirror image
This power point product is about verifying the laws of reflection and the rules for mirror image. After teaching the the topic, there are questions to check learners’ understanding. This helped me a to assess my students depth of knowledge in this topic. These questions can also be used as revision for students getting ready for their finals. Thanks for your interest!

Find the resistor values- Task Cards
This product contains 40 task cards to find the resistance value of the given resistor. This can be used in class after teaching the topic ‘Resistors’ to reinforce their understanding. Also, this can be used as an assessment to check learners’ skill. Resistor colour codes are given and students have to identify the resistance value from the given 3- bands. As the tolerance band does nothing in finding the resistance, I have not shown that in each task card. The product comes with an answering sheet where students record their answers. Also, answers for all the 40 cards are provided for guidance!
If you are unable to use the colour print, just print in grey scale. Because the colours of the bands are also mentioned in words! Just check the preview!
A brief introduction is given before you start the worksheet. This enables the user to refresh their knowledge over this topic. In this introduction, I have mentioned some examples. Follow those examples if you are new to the topic. My learners showed excellence after using these cards. Hope you also find this product useful!
Thanks in advance!!

Turning Effect of forces (Moment/Torque)
This product comes with a lesson plan and a worksheet. The lesson plan is a Power Point presentation. End of the lesson there are some worked out questions to understand the topic clearly. When the teacher finds that his/her learners understood the topic well, then go for the worksheet enclosed with this product. Answers to the worksheet have been briefed out at the end of the worksheet.
Hope you find it helpful!
Kindly let me know your thoughts!

Heat Transfer-Guided Notes & Worksheet
This product covers the three modes of heat transfer. Guided notes about the three methods of transfer is given. To check students' understanding try the worksheet. The worksheet contains 10 structured questions. Detailed answers for the worksheet are provided at the end.
Kindly share your feedback! Your feedback makes me to create more helpful products!
Thanks in advance!

Kinematics- Motion Graphs
This product consists of a Power Point presentation about ‘Motion graphs’ with some exercise questions at the end of the lesson plan.
To make the understanding better, a worksheet with answers is also enclosed.
My students showed enough understanding after teaching the topic with this product. Believe it helps most of the learners.
As the exercise questions at the end of the PowerPoint and worksheet questions come with the answers, it enables students who do self-study to understand clearly and also guides teachers who are new to the teaching field.
Kindly give your feedback!
Many thanks in advance!

Colour the resistor bands
This product consists of 20 resistor cards. Each resistor has 3 blank bands. Students have to color each band appropriately according to the given values. Answers are given at the end for reference. This product can be given as homework or for revision. Hope it would help you a lot to have a clear idea about color codes that are used in resistors. Thanks for your interest!

Static Electricity
The resources here are a powerpoint tutorial for Physics 5054 Static Electricity, notes for the concerned topic and two worksheets with answers. Hope they would be helpful for teachers and learners. Kindly leave your feedback. Thanks!

Heat Transfer - Revision Flash Cards
This product consists of 20 pairs of flash cards based on the topic Heat Transfer –Conduction, Convection & Radiation. You can print back to back and laminate them. These cards can be used after the completion of the topic which reinforces the students to understand the three modes of transfer of thermal energy. The cards can also be used for formative assessment to weigh up learners’ understanding skill and teachers can work out the area of learners’ weakness and fill out the gaps to excel.
I received a good response from my learners after using them. Hope you find the same for your class! Please let me know your feedback!

Free fall of a parachutist
This product consists of:
1. a lesson plan/tutorial in PowerPoint (Total slides 19)
2. Free fall of a parachutist – Worksheet 1(total pages 2)
3. Free fall of a parachutist – Worksheet 1- Answers
4. Free fall of a parachutist – Worksheet 2 (total pages 4)
5. Free fall of a parachutist – Worksheet 1- Answers
The PowerPoint file clearly explains the free fall of parachutist with air resistance. The file also includes 8 questions for checking the understanding of the concept taught. This file can be used in classroom for teaching the topic. I assure that learners will find this easy.
The two worksheets can be given as a class work or homework to enhance learners’ understanding.
I find this bundle to be helpful in my class for thorough understanding. Hope they serve the same to you as well! Enjoy teaching!
Let me know your feedback please! Thank you in advance!

Find the correct match- Card Sort- Current in electric circuits- Valentine's Day Activity
Need a fun way to review Current in a Circuit? This product consists of 2 different files. The file titled ‘Find the correct match’ contains 14 cards with questions based on electric circuit basics and the file titled ‘Find the correct match- Answer cards’ contains 28 cards with answers. Each question card has two different answers and students have to find the correct answer and match it with the question.
For students who complete the task fast, you can ask them to find the error(s) in the cards that prevent the cards to be ‘a perfect match’!
The answers to the 14 questions are given at the end of Answer cards file. Also, the cards with errors are mentioned and briefly reasoned out for not being the right match! In total you will have 14 question cards+ 28 Matching Cards + 3 cards with answers and errors highlighted and briefly explained.
Hope, this fun activity will be an alternative way to gauge students’ understanding. It is not specific that this activity should be used only on Valentine’s Day, you can have fun anytime you wish!
Thank you!

Revision Worksheet- Transformer
Hi! This resource is a revison worksheet based on the topic " Transformer’. The resource is suitable for both IGCSE Physics(0625) and CIE Physics (5054). Answers are provided for your reference. Hope you find this useful.

Phases of the Moon- Task Cards
A card game is an effective teaching tool that lets the instructor gauge how well-versed the class is in a certain subject. Teachers adore card games because they are quick and simple to implement, and they provide students with an enjoyable approach to learning and comprehending the material. This is a fantastic method for reiterating the subject and raising student engagement. There are 24 task cards on **Phases of the Moon that can be used for any curriculum.
Cut and print these cards. You can also laminate each card for added benefits. Give each student a deck of cards and the answer sheet that is part of this material. After marking their response, students can swap cards. I hope you find this resource useful. Please share your thoughts.

Electric Symbols- Interactive Flashcards
Hi! This resource has a worksheet, that can be used to test the students’ knowledge, and after the test, the answers can be revealed using the interactive flashcards.
I hope you find this resource useful!

Circuit Symbols -Task cards
A card game is an effective teaching tool that lets the instructor gauge how well-versed the class is in a certain subject. Teachers adore card games because they are quick and simple to implement, and they provide students with an enjoyable approach to learn and comprehend the material. This is a fantastic method for reiterating the subject and raising student engagement. There are 24 task cards on circuit symbols in this resource, covering KS3 and KS4 IGCSE curriculum. Cut and print these cards. You can also laminate each card for added benefits.
Give each student a deck of cards and the answer sheet that is part of this material. After that, students can swap cards.
Please share your feedback! Thanks!

Phases of the Moon-Bundle- Lesson, Worksheets, poster, Task cards
This is a bundle that consists of a lesson, a poster, 2 worksheets and task cards based on the topic ‘Phases of the Moon’. Grades 3 to 10 will find this bundle useful.
Please share your thoughts.

Speed of sound & echoes
speed of sound/ characteristics of speed of sound/ reflection of sound
Kindly view the presentation as power point show!(else you may get dizzy!)