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Whole School (Infant) overview
A table with key heading to help plan out key dates for the whole school.
Writing adjectives about Bubbles
An activity sheet to write adjectives about bubbles inside bubbles.
Subitising cards
Cards i created to develop subitising skills within my reception class.
Covers 1-10
Contains numicon, dots and other visual representation of numbers.
w for window -art to enhance the w sound
Window outline to support the w sound.
Children can draw own view from the window.
Count the peas
Count the peas on a plate - we used this linked to our Supertato work.
1 -10.
ar sound - fill the jar
Activity to enhance the ar sound within your provision.
Fill your jar with sweets.
Rhyming string animal heads
Animal heads to start the rhyming strings.
ur sound - surfboard
Activity to enhance the ur sound within your provision.
design you own surfboard.
dot the d pre-cursive
Use a cotton bud to dot the d sound.
An activity to support the phonic d sound and the formation.
Pre-cursive Gruffalo tracing letters
Gruffalo Cursive handwriting enhancements
Phase 2 and 3 pre-cursive letters to trace.
EYFS early reading book - using sounds satpin
A simple book to support children blending simple CVC words containing the sounds s, a, t, p, i and n.
EYFS early reading book - using satpinm sounds
A simple book to support children blending simple CVC words containing the sounds s, a, t, p, i, n and m.
Reception Jack and the Beanstalk ideas and 6 week overview
Jack and the Beanstalk Talk 4 Writing ideas and overview of Growth and change topic.
These are just ideas to support our weekly planning.
Pete the Cat unpicking key vocabulary PowerPoint
A Pete the Cat PowerPoint made to highlight and discuss key vocabulary to support children’s understanding.
I used it with Reception, but can be used with other year groups.
Early Years Medium Term Plan
Our EYFS Meduim Term formate that puts the end point first.
CVC writing rocket tops
rocket tops with pictures of CVC items in them. children to use squared paper to form the CVC word and create a rocket.
J sound activities
A sheet with two j sound activities
how many j sounds can you fit in the jar (encouraging letter formation)
how many j words can you write (segmening words)