Econ teacher with 10+ years full time experience in the subject. Everything is up to date, matches the syllabus and includes full exercises with answers.
Econ teacher with 10+ years full time experience in the subject. Everything is up to date, matches the syllabus and includes full exercises with answers.
After externalities (taught in a previous slide) this covers for A-level students:
Missing markets
Asymmetric Knowledge
Lack of competition
Inflated pricing (monopolies)
Labour Market failure
it is between 3 and 4 lessons depending on the speed of the class.
I have over 10 years experience teaching A-level Economics in five countries with outstanding results. These powerpoints are completely plug and play with great visuals, comprehensive graphs, embedded youtube videos and exercises with explanations. Any teacher experienced in Economic theory or not can use these slides stress free. Please enjoy the benefits of my experience.
This is a very important resource for A-level students. It firstly covers externalities positive/negative/consumption/production then goes on to explain how graphs are formulated and how goverments attempt to acheive MSC=MSB. It discusses welfare gain/ deadweight loss and why a government aim for these ideals in society. it is basically a step by step introduction to externalities that gets progressively more difficult complete with exercises and answers.
I have over 10 years experience teaching A-level Economics in five countries with outstanding results. These powerpoints are completely plug and play with embedded youtube videos/exercises/explanations for any teacher experienced in Economic theory or not. Please enjoy the benefits of my experience.
This plug-and-play set of slides is packed with precise details on Union types plus trade diversion/creation. It contains calculation exercises/answers/videos/important details all presented with beautiful royalty-free pictures. The order of information is:
customs union
monetary union
full economic union
free trade area
trade creation and trade diversion
I have over 10 years experience teaching A-level Economics in five countries with outstanding results. These powerpoints are completely plug and play with great visuals, comprehensive graphs, embedded youtube videos and exercises with explanations. Any teacher experienced in Economic theory or not can use these slides stress free. Please enjoy the benefits of my experience
This excellent-designed powerpoint file is completely plug and play for new/experienced teachers. This one videos/exercises/answers/exam question. The contents in order are:
the meaning of protectionism in the context of international trade
different methods of protection and their impact, for example, tariffs, import duties and quotas, export subsidies, embargoes
the arguments in favour/against of protectionism
Exam questions with answers
I have over 10 years experience teaching A-level Economics in five countries with outstanding results. These powerpoints are completely plug and play with great visuals, comprehensive graphs, embedded youtube videos and exercises with explanations. Any teacher experienced in Economic theory or not can use these slides stress free. Please enjoy the benefits of my experience
This is a very well designed beautiful set of lessons with royalty free pictures, great exercises and detailed information. This lesson covers:
What the budget is/ how do define it
Budget deficit/surplus explanations
Task about budget deficits in home country/ reasons for it
Discussion on why deficits are a problem
Exercise on raising fund in Africa
Progressive, regressive and proportional tax videos/exercises/answers
Overall this will facilitate an excellent understanding of the subject in a fun way. All answers are already embedded in the slides to make life easier for everyone.
This is a beautifully designed set of classes with royalty free pictures and material designed for the syllabus. I have ten years experience and leave no stone unturned with interesting short videos, exercises, designs and answers. This presentation is fully modifiable and the topics covered here are:
Definition of employment, unemployment and full employment
Changing patterns and level of employment - excercise and answers
Measurement of unemployment using calculation exercises
Causes/types of unemployment with discussion task
Consequences of unemployment - Australian case study video and discussion
Policies to reduce unemployment exercise
This is the complete Unit 4 for Cambridge international GCSE Economics syllabus 2023-2025. It has been made using over 14 years of Economics teaching experience leaving no stone unturned.
Each slide uses modern data, real world examples, beautiful designs and royalty-free pictures. I have personally created and embedded videos and exercises with answers so the teacher using these slides has all the answers ready to avoid any difficulties.
The syllabus criteria is as follows:-
The role of the government including understanding CPI and calculating inflation
Fiscal and monetary policy
Supply side policy
Tax and the budget
economic growth
This offers a really robust understanding of fiscal and monetary policy for GCSE students. I have 10 years full-time experience teaching Economics. These presentations are beautifully designed with royalty-free pictures and the lesson includes:-
List of objectives
Simplified concepts
Breakdown exercises of controlling inflation (complete with clear and easy to understand answers)
AD/AS graphs to facilitate understanding (not part of syllabus until AS but very useful for extension)
real life video exercize showing the difference between Hillary Clinton and Donald trumps policies and their after effects
This is a superbly designed lesson on Economic growth for GCSE students. I intend to use my 10 years of teach Economics to make these slides as easy to use as possible.
This comprised of 70 slides and includes:
beautiful royalty free picture
base rate calculation exercises + answer
nominal vs real GDP short vid + explanation
Graph analysis + explanation
Real GDP calculation exercises + answers
real life example video of Phillipines economic growth + summary
Summary of growth and recession
These slides on money are created from over ten years experience teaching Economics. They have beautiful pictures, rich exercises, informative videos and exam questions with answers.
the format is as follows:-
Bartering exercise to show the problems we have without money
Exercise on 4 functions of money
Explanation of the five characteristics
Three exercises with Wechat, Bitcoin and prison ramen to show the functions/characteristics in use
Commercial and Central banks explained (with video)
Exam questions exercises with answers
These lessons on firm classification are a culmination of over 10 years of experience teaching Economics. They include beautiful pics, a logical layout, videos and good exercises with answers. They are completely plug and play for new/experienced teachers
the order of the companies is:
Sole trader
Private limited
Public Limited
Public corporation (SOE)
Why small firms survive
These integration slides represent a culmination of over 10 years experience teaching Economics full-time. They include beautiful pictures, exact information, informative videos, exercises, group work and answers. They are completely plug and play.
The order of this set of slides is as follows :
Quick sector recap
Types of integration explanation with exercises
Mergers + case study + discussion
Internal and external economies of scale
Exam questions and answers
These slides on Spending, saving and borrowing represent over ten years experience teaching Economics. They include, beautiful pictures, clear graphs, recent country data, lots of exercises and finally, real exam questions and answers
The structure of these lessons is as follows:
What determines how much we spend + basic idea of MPC + country comparison
Mindmap/discussion on why spending patterns differ
Why we overspend video + exercise
Changing patterns in spending over 30 years
Influences on savings
Exam questions + answers
These lessons on Firms and Production represent over ten year experience teaching Economics full-time. They include beautiful pictures and graphs, videos and real life scenarios, aswell as lots of exercises and exam questions. The are the complete plug and play package.
The format of these slides is as follows:
Labour-intensive vs Capital-intensive production +video +exercise
Production vs Productivity & calculation exercises
Fixed vs Variable costs + Exercise
4 mark Exam question + Answer
Perfect competition + monopolies + video + exercise
Exam question + answer
This presentation contain beautiful pictures, and lots of great, detailed info, videos, exercises and answers for students.
The format is as follows;
the factors that affect population growth (comparison of birth rates and death rates in different countries)
reasons for different rates of population growth in different countries (Video on emigration from Venezuela with discussion exercise)
Video + discussion on the benefits and negatives of immigration in the UK
the effects of changes in the size and structure of population on different countries
Population pyramid exercises
Exam question
This powerpoint contains beautiful imagery, interesting videos, rich exercises and answers to help students fully grasp the meaning of poverty.
The order is as follows:
What absolute poverty is (definition with video)
What relative poverty is (definition with video and exercise)
Further causes of poverty
The consequences of being relatively poor
What a government can do to help (with video and exercise)
this chapter contains plug and play powerpoints based on my 10 years experience teaching economics. They include beautiful pictures, modern, related videos, group exercises with answers and exam questions.
the contents for this chapter are:-
GDP per capita and Economic growth
HDI +advantages/disadvantages
Absolute and relative poverty
Population growth
These slides are incredibly comprehensive and represent over 10 years experience teaching Economics. They have beautiful imagery, modern videos, great group tasks as well as real exam questions and answers.
the format is as follows:
Externalities (negative/positive/consumption/production + exercises)
Missing markets + free rider problem + overcoming it exercise
Asymmetric Knowledge + group exercise on how to fix + examples through video
Lack of competition
Inflated pricing (monopolies) ( diamond video in Africa - exercises on how they work + OPEC)
Labour Market failure (questions + answers)
Exam question on market failure + answer
This is a complete Unit of AS Economics presentations that is completely plug and play. From a decade of experience it contains great information, pacing, exercises and answers for experienced and inexperienced economics teachers alike.
this chapter includes:
scarcity choice and opportunity cost
types of goods, ceteris paribus
n/p statements & factors of production
Types of economy
Production possibility frontier
Public/private goods
This plug and play slide contains beautiful imagery, rich exercises, videos and questions with answers.
Firstly we look at what is GDP per capita with a video, definitions and compare multiple countries. Students are then presented data and asked to compare data and find any discrepancies or anomolies between countries.
We then look with video examples of the positives and negatives of GDP growth and finally an exam question is given for research (with answers)