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Chemistry reources
Unit 19 Spectroscopy - Introduction and Infa-red spectroscopy

Unit 19 Spectroscopy - Introduction and Infa-red spectroscopy

I created this lesson for the new unit 19 level 3 applied science, assignment B, spectroscopy. This lesson lasts about 1.5 hours including completion of activities and introduces the students to spectroscopy by recapping the electromagnetic spectrum (I have also included some points in the notes section of the powerpoint which you may wish to discuss). The data sheet I used with my students was the OCR A A Level Chemistry one (just what was handy in the lab) and the PowerPoint refers to worksheet A which is part of their assignment. This can be found on the Pearson website, along with answers. I have included a link to a video I created introducing IR spectroscopy, aimed at students :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxYTIuKYbvc
Laboratory design - school mini-project / STEM club activity

Laboratory design - school mini-project / STEM club activity

Laboratory design activity that could be used for an after school STEM club, mini science project, summer project or even a class task. Aimed at school level but can be as simple or challenging as you would like to make it :) A supporting PowerPoint is attached with ideas for student instructions ie group tasks visiting laboratories, what to focus on/take notes + photos of. This can be quite hands on and you can let students measure things and do conversions, creating keys and grids in their own laboratory design plans, if you have the facility to do so.
BTEC L3 Applied Science: Introduction to Unit 7 Contemporary Scientific Issues

BTEC L3 Applied Science: Introduction to Unit 7 Contemporary Scientific Issues

Attached is a full introductory lesson created for the new BTEC Unit 7: Contemporary Scientific Issues. It is activity based, with instructions and answers, a recent case study to get students started, points for discussion, a video on the case study, explanation of terms ethical, environmental, social and economic along with reliability and validity. Gets students thinking about reliability of sources, bias, etc. Homeworks during the first few months of teaching (and tutorial sessions, if you have these) could include watching documentaries on scientific issues to broaden student’s knowledge of contemporary issues in general. You may wish to select these yourself (from Netflix, Youtube etc.) or ask the students to find 1 each for homework and bring to next lesson (to minimise your workload!) then you can decide which to watch as a class and use as a point for discussion etc. Link to video introducing Unit 7: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMFkvxYIVfU
A2 Chem: acids, bases and pH.

A2 Chem: acids, bases and pH.

This resource is a lesson created for A2 Chemistry OCR syllabus which covers Bronsted - Lowry acids and bases, conjugate acid-base pairs, mono, di and tribasic acids, neutralisation reactions with acid: carbonates, metal oxides and alkalis. Includes theory, is interactive and has questions and answers. It has step-by-step guides to calculations and refers to OCR Chemistry textbook (states page numbers of summary questions to complete at end of teaching a mini-topic). Watch me teach the basics of part this topic at ‘PhysChem with Liz’ on YouTube: weak acids (calculations): strong acids (calculations): https://youtu.be/NTEa1sBThRg
Calculations (step by step) for  unit 19 learning outcome A - Analyte determination

Calculations (step by step) for unit 19 learning outcome A - Analyte determination

Attached are step-by-step calculations with equations, ratios, units etc which were created for the new unit 19 in the level 3 applied science course (new from 2016). The calculations are for the determination of bicarbonate in bottled water, the amount of copper in brass and the amount of iron in iron tablets. There are 3 stages to the bottled water practical, the end answer states the concentration of bicarbonate in water (tap water was used to save money!) in moles per decimetre cubed.
Feasibility, thermodynamics, redox, reduction potentials

Feasibility, thermodynamics, redox, reduction potentials

This bundle includes an assignment brief (created by me), lesson on thermodynamics and feasbility (can be easily adapted for what level/content you would like to teach) and answers to the last 4 assignment questions. This was created for a level 4 course where I taught chemistry to biology apprentices (ages 18+). The title of the unit was ‘chemistry for applied biologists’ and this is one of 4 assignments set in that unit. It could also be used for A2 Chemistry as there are some worked examples and practice questions on Gibbs free energy and 2 redox practicals which include half equations and observations.
Risk assessments: The why and how

Risk assessments: The why and how

This contains a (relatively!) exciting PowerPoint lesson around what can be a boring and tedious topic - risk assessments and safety. It includes case studies and scandal, what can happen when we are not aware of the risks involved. This is suitable for any science course at any level I have also included a very short lesson on authority and accountability i.e. academic fraud, this is also suitable for any course at any level. It was initially created for the old BTEC level 3 applied science, but is not specific to this :)
Determining the Fe content of iron tablets

Determining the Fe content of iron tablets

Student worksheet including introduction, method, space for them to record results, structured calculations and error analysis. Created for the new BTEC L3 spec, unit 19 Practical Chemical Analysis. Can also be used for A Level Chemistry, HNC or other analytical science courses.