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Chemistry reources
Organic Chem triominoes activity

Organic Chem triominoes activity

A resource for Unit 5 Chemistry for A2 topic on the Level 3 Applied Science course These can be printed and laminated to be done as a card sort or they could be printed and used as a cut and stick activity #unit5chemistry #level3appliedscience #organicchemistry
OCR science only: Checklist for A Level success

OCR science only: Checklist for A Level success

A Checklist for A Level success, most relevant to those studying OCR A Biology, Chemistry or Physics. (The links are to OCR resources and answers) I have 9 years experience teaching the A Level and my colleague has over 30 - together we have noticed and written down the most effective ways for science students to revise and see the fastest and biggest improvement in their grades. This information is provided in a student-friendly checklist format :)
AQA science only: Checklist for A Level success

AQA science only: Checklist for A Level success

A Checklist for A Level success, most relevant to those studying AQA Biology, Chemistry or Physics. (The links are to AQA resources and answers) I have 9 years experience teaching the A Level and my colleague has over 30 - together we have noticed and written down the most effective ways for science students to revise and see the fastest and biggest improvement in their grades. This information is provided in a student-friendly checklist format :)
A2 Kc and Kp past paper questions

A2 Kc and Kp past paper questions

Mixed past paper questions on this topic from OCR A which are readily available on past paper finder (still suitable for use for those studying other exam boards). Suitable for A2 students. #A2chemistry #Kc #Kp
Organic mechanisms worksheets + answers

Organic mechanisms worksheets + answers

Organic mechanisms worksheets + answers nucleophilic substitution, nucleophilic addition, addition-elimination and elimination. Students are given the steps describing each mechanism and they have to put them in the correct order. Answers included. Suitable for A2 Chemistry students or applied science students studying #unit14chemistry #A2Chemistry
A2 Synthesis past paper questions

A2 Synthesis past paper questions

Mixed past paper questions on this topic from OCR A which are readily available on past paper finder (still suitable for use for those studying other exam boards). Suitable for A2 students. Video going through answers: COMING SOON #A2synthesis #organicsynthesis
A2 Mechanisms past paper questions

A2 Mechanisms past paper questions

Mixed past paper questions on this topic from OCR A which are readily available on past paper finder (still suitable for use for those studying other exam boards). Suitable for A2 students. Video going through answers: https://youtu.be/zY4UmqZXo24 #A2mechanisms #A2organic
A2 Acids, bases, buffers PPQ

A2 Acids, bases, buffers PPQ

Mixed past paper questions on this topic from OCR A which are readily available on past paper finder (still suitable for use for those studying other exam boards). Suitable for A2 students. Video going through answers: https://youtu.be/t2OLH5DnZNw #A2acidsandbases #buffercalculations #pHcalculations
A2 Rates past paper questions

A2 Rates past paper questions

Mixed past paper questions on this topic from OCR A which are readily available on past paper finder (still suitable for use for those studying other exam boards). Suitable for A2 students. #A2rates #arrhenius #initialrates #orders
AS Analysis past paper questions

AS Analysis past paper questions

Mixed past paper questions on this topic (infra-red, mass spectrometry and elemental analysis) from OCR A which are readily available on past paper finder (still suitable for use for those studying other exam boards). Suitable for AS students. #infrared #massspec #elementalanalysis
AS enthalpy and rates past paper questions

AS enthalpy and rates past paper questions

Mixed past paper questions on these topics from OCR A which are readily available on past paper finder (still suitable for use for those studying other exam boards). Suitable for AS students. #enthalpy #ratesofreaction #ASChemistryrevision
AS equilibria past paper questions

AS equilibria past paper questions

Mixed organic past paper questions from OCR A which are readily available on past paper finder (still suitable for use for those studying other exam boards). Suitable for AS students. Video going through all answers: https://youtu.be/0WxXIbwBjdk #equilibria #ASChemistryrevision #ALevelChemistry
AS organic past paper questions

AS organic past paper questions

Mixed organic past paper questions from OCR A which are readily available on past paper finder (still suitable for use for those studying other exam boards). Suitable for both AS and A2 students. #organicchemistry #ASorganic
AS Chemistry revision overview workbook

AS Chemistry revision overview workbook

Overview of AS Chemistry revision workbook. Answers attached. Useful for students to have a go at independently using their textbook and class notes, or from memory closer to the exam/mock. Teachers may also wish to use this during revision sessions together with past paper questions. Include examiner comments at the end which state how to do well on breadth and depth papers. #ASChemistryrevision #ASChemistryoverview
Electrons, bonding, forces and shape questions

Electrons, bonding, forces and shape questions

Mixed past paper questions on moles from OCR A past papers which are readily available on past paper finder (still suitable for use for those studying other exam boards). Suitable for both AS and A2 students. #electronconfiguration #intermolecularforces #VSEPRtheory
Moles past paper questions

Moles past paper questions

Mixed past paper questions on moles from OCR A past papers which are readily available on past paper finder (still suitable for use for those studying other exam boards). Suitable for both AS and A2 students. #ASmoles #ALevelmoles #moleschemistryALevel