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Chemistry reources
NEW L3 Applied Science Unit 19 - PRACTICAL - nitrate from soil UV spectroscopy

NEW L3 Applied Science Unit 19 - PRACTICAL - nitrate from soil UV spectroscopy

Attached is a full lesson 5 page worksheet containing a detailed step-by-step method (including how to use the UV-vis), introduction including theory on Beer’s Law, space for students to tabulate and record their results, questions around the topic, answers and sample results. There are a couple of photographs (taken by me when I was trialling this) to help students visualise how things should look when they are carrying out the method. This can take around 1 hour - 2.5 hour lesson depending on equipment availability and how you wish to deliver it. :-) Please leave a review!
BTEC L3 Applied Science: Introduction to Unit 7 Contemporary Scientific Issues

BTEC L3 Applied Science: Introduction to Unit 7 Contemporary Scientific Issues

Attached is a full introductory lesson created for the new BTEC Unit 7: Contemporary Scientific Issues. It is activity based, with instructions and answers, a recent case study to get students started, points for discussion, a video on the case study, explanation of terms ethical, environmental, social and economic along with reliability and validity. Gets students thinking about reliability of sources, bias, etc. Homeworks during the first few months of teaching (and tutorial sessions, if you have these) could include watching documentaries on scientific issues to broaden student’s knowledge of contemporary issues in general. You may wish to select these yourself (from Netflix, Youtube etc.) or ask the students to find 1 each for homework and bring to next lesson (to minimise your workload!) then you can decide which to watch as a class and use as a point for discussion etc. Link to video introducing Unit 7: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMFkvxYIVfU
Determining the Fe content of iron tablets

Determining the Fe content of iron tablets

Student worksheet including introduction, method, space for them to record results, structured calculations and error analysis. Created for the new BTEC L3 spec, unit 19 Practical Chemical Analysis. Can also be used for A Level Chemistry, HNC or other analytical science courses.
U19/15 Bottled water prac - SAMPLE RESULT SETS X4

U19/15 Bottled water prac - SAMPLE RESULT SETS X4

Here are 4 sets of sample results that students can use to practice the calculations or in case they lost their results. There is also a video which they can follow along with as a guide while they do their calculations, which explains each step: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kb3f_9rxcac The other document is a task list, which tells the student step by step how to structure their report (what headings in which order), where to put their results and where to follow along with the video :) This resource is ideal for an online lesson or cover lesson task.
Unit 19 Spectroscopy - Introduction and Infa-red spectroscopy

Unit 19 Spectroscopy - Introduction and Infa-red spectroscopy

I created this lesson for the new unit 19 level 3 applied science, assignment B, spectroscopy. This lesson lasts about 1.5 hours including completion of activities and introduces the students to spectroscopy by recapping the electromagnetic spectrum (I have also included some points in the notes section of the powerpoint which you may wish to discuss). The data sheet I used with my students was the OCR A A Level Chemistry one (just what was handy in the lab) and the PowerPoint refers to worksheet A which is part of their assignment. This can be found on the Pearson website, along with answers. I have included a link to a video I created introducing IR spectroscopy, aimed at students :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxYTIuKYbvc
NEW BTEC L3 Applied Science UNIT 19 - NMR Spectroscopy lesson

NEW BTEC L3 Applied Science UNIT 19 - NMR Spectroscopy lesson

A powerpoint presentation (consisting of activities and answers and a link to the RSC video on NMR) and worksheet (comic strip to help students condense information and remember the main points of NMR) to assist teaching with the new L3 Applied Science Unit 19. This was created to help teach NMR spectroscopy. It has activities throughout and is step-by-step, I have simplified where possible. Has a couple of extension/early finishers activities in. I have created a series of 3 videos in which I teach NMR, the first can be found here and is about chemical equivalency :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fWA108hr8M
U19 Applied Science AsB help for teachers - Quantitative IR spectroscopy

U19 Applied Science AsB help for teachers - Quantitative IR spectroscopy

Some pointers and ideas to help you devise a method and practical for the new unit 19 applied science unit. This practical is one of the 4 options for assignment B. I know that the use of IR for quantitative analysis is uncommon, but it can be done. Find attached a journal article of a similar experiment and a short outline of a method (word doc). Journal is obviously not my own work, I have just uploaded these to help centres devise their own methods for this assignment. I hope this is helpful for you. Please take a look at my other resources :-)
L3 U18: Industrial Chem Reactions Checklists

L3 U18: Industrial Chem Reactions Checklists

Student (and teacher!) friendly assignment checklists for the first 2 assignments of Unit 18 (Industrial Chemical Reactions) in the Level 3 Applied Science. I have created these using my own interpretations of the brief and teacher guidance. Useful for teacher as can help speed up the marking process.
AS Revision Board Game

AS Revision Board Game

AS Module 2 Revision Board Game on bonding, structure, properties, shape, electronegativity and polarity. Students really enjoyed playing this game and it was an excellent way to revise. Teacher will need: scissors, printer, card or a laminator (so the playing cards last), counters (1 per student), dice (1 per group). Included: cards for 1, 2 and 3 point questions with Qs and As blank versions of cards for 1, 2 and 3 point questions so you can adapt/write your own board game About: This is a learner-led revision activity. Recommended group size per board game: 4 Estimated time to complete game based on this group size: 50min - 1 hour (based on experience and length of student engagement). Game can be any length of time as winning is based on number of points rather than reaching the end of the board. Rules: Class to be split into roughly groups of 4 Each group to be given 1 board game mat, 4 counters, 1 dice and a set of 1, 2 and 3 point Q cards. They also need scrap paper and pens/pencils for working out Each group can either nominate a reader for the Q cards or they may take it in turns to read. #bondingstructureproperties #ASChemistryrevisiongame #Chemistryrevision #VSEPRrevision
Plant chromatography method + Qs (with answers)

Plant chromatography method + Qs (with answers)

Method, with link to useful YouTube video demonstrating the practical. Practical-based Qs testing students understanding of the steps in the method, answers at bottom. Slightly different method for stretch and challenge - can run more than 1 chromatogram simultaneously and some extra Qs at the bottom relating structure to Rf value. #plantchromatography
AS Chemistry revision overview workbook

AS Chemistry revision overview workbook

Overview of AS Chemistry revision workbook. Answers attached. Useful for students to have a go at independently using their textbook and class notes, or from memory closer to the exam/mock. Teachers may also wish to use this during revision sessions together with past paper questions. Include examiner comments at the end which state how to do well on breadth and depth papers. #ASChemistryrevision #ASChemistryoverview
L3 App Sci Unit 2 Lab book - all practicals

L3 App Sci Unit 2 Lab book - all practicals

A lab book created for Applied Science students studying Unit 2: Practical Scientific Procedures and Techniques. This can be used as an electronic lab book to store results and calculations or can be printed and issued to students at the start of the unit.
Yoga, meditation and other stress management techniques

Yoga, meditation and other stress management techniques

I created and wrote this booklet and delivered a session (lasts around 45min-1 hour depending which yoga sequences and meditation you choose to do) to a cohort of stressed out trainee teachers and staff just before the Christmas break. The session was well received and had excellent feedback with several people saying they found it really helpful. The booklet starts with assessing your level of stress, looking at how you spend your week (divided into 30min sections) - this is a good opportunity to discuss and be able to visualise work-life balance. The booklet then takes you through many ideas for stress management techniques, with a couple of mini activities including a page introducing the concept of a gratitude journal and a ‘meditation challenge’. At the end are some books, apps, journal articles and contacts in case people wish to find out more.
gratitude, mindfulness and intention

gratitude, mindfulness and intention

The new year is a time when many people set resolutions or ‘intentions’, however, these can be set at any time in the year and are beneficial towards our personal growth. Inside this short booklet are ideas of intentions (what habits/things do you want to create or release?) and how to go about choosing them positively (i.e. avoid negatives such as losing weight, how about 'eating healthier foods 70% of the time?) There are also prompts and ideas for starting your own gratitude journal and plenty of things to complete to get you thinking, including how we can view our challenges in a positive light - what can we learn from them? This booklet can be easily adapted if you wish to use it with a class, assembly, project, colleagues etc.
AS equilibria past paper questions

AS equilibria past paper questions

Mixed organic past paper questions from OCR A which are readily available on past paper finder (still suitable for use for those studying other exam boards). Suitable for AS students. Video going through all answers: https://youtu.be/0WxXIbwBjdk #equilibria #ASChemistryrevision #ALevelChemistry