A bumper 68 page quiz pack, featuring riddles, logo quiz, catchphrases and more. Hours of fun for just £2.00!
For more great resources, see my page here:
Guess the country quiz!
Round 1 – name the country from the flag – 30 flags with answers.
Round 2 – remember the country from round 1 and try to guess and order the population size. 3 sets of 5 puzzles with answers.
See my home page for more great lessons, bundles and resources:
A bumper 68 page quiz pack, featuring riddles, logo quiz, catchphrases and more. Hours of fun for just £2.00!
For more great resources, see my page here:
A fun murder mystery generator to help students write a murder mystery story! The generator will provide a random generation of suspect, motive, weapon and setting.
Great for creative writing or drama!
Also includes a murder bingo activity.
See more great resources here from my shop page: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish
(Credits: royalty free images, Pixabay, Gamevuze.)
A 36 page attractive bumper presentation of the faces of the new banknotes – Sir Winston Churchill, JMW Turner and Jane Austen!
Presentation includes: facts, biography, quotes, images, links to video clips, questions and more!
Ideal for form time, assemblies or as a basis for many different types of lessons.
For more great resources see here:
(Credits given in the presentation.)
Quiz Triple Pack – Great Value Download
Quiz triple pack – great value download, ideal for form time, time passing activities or part of a lesson featuring:
Word Quizzes £2:
Flags of the World Quiz £2:
Euro 2016Guess the Player Quiz 2:
For more great resources and lessons visit my shop here:
(Credits given in each page.)
Venice Quiz
An interactive, 10 question quiz on Venice. Students have to decide if the landmark is in Venice or not in Venice with bonus points available if they can name where the other landmark is situated.
Ideal as plenary, starter or form time fun.
Pleases note: that the Venice quiz is part of the Venice lessons below:
For a range of other interesting lessons and great resources visit my page here:
(Credits:Taketours, Monarch, Wikipedia, cooltext.com.)
Christmas Quiz Pack
A MUST download, including:
* The Ultimate Christmas Quiz
* Fun Quiz Pack
* Christmas Fun Pack
* Word Games
Well over 100 pages of quiz and Christmas fun.
Click on the links for further details.
A great value download.
For more great resources and lessons, visit my page here:
A presentation on Leicester City and their amazing Premier League story of 2015/16 season!
Ideal for form time presentations or assemblies.
For more great resources or lessons see here:
(All images are credited within the Power Point. Most of the images are taken from guardian.co.uk)
The New British Banknotes Presentation
A 36 page attractive bumper presentation of the faces of the new banknotes – Sir Winston Churchill, JMW Turner and Jane Austen!
Presentation includes: facts, biography, quotes, images, links to video clips, questions and more!
Ideal for form time, assemblies or as a basis for many different types of lessons.
For more great resources see here:
(Credits given in the presentation.)
A 36 page attractive bumper presentation of the faces of the new banknotes – Sir Winston Churchill, JMW Turner and Jane Austen!
Presentation includes: facts, biography, quotes, images, links to video clips, questions and more!
Ideal for form time, assemblies or as a basis for many different types of lessons.
For more great resources see here:
(Credits given in the presentation.)
Bumper 35 page Power Point on Euro 2016 – the story so far!
The attractive presentation presents highlights of all the action in the group stages, last 16, quarter finals leading up to the semi-final clashes between Wales and Portugal and Germany and France.
Fantastic resource for presentations and form times or lesson fillers!
Visit my shop for more great lessons and resources:
(Credits: all images taken from the excellent BBC Euros sport pages.)
Excellent and engaging bingo style literacy game. Students simply write True or False on their 5x5 true or false cards and mark them off if the displayed literacy clue is true or false. Subject areas include: capital letters, punctuation, their, there and they're; was and were; and spellings. Power Point game suitable for key stages 2 and 3, printable true or false cards included and further instructions on how to play inside. Great for spelling and SPAG.
For more great resources and lessons see here:
(Copyright free images. Frog image from pixabay, public domain: https://pixabay.com/en/frog-green-animal-amphibian-48234/P
Emotive and visually appealing writing to advise lesson based on the excellent charity, Hope for Paws.
Suitable for KS3 classes in particular.
Attractive Power Point includes:
* Video clip link starter
* Diamond 9 activity (included)
* Mini-writing task
* Main writing task
* Quiz and word puzzle plenary
Visit my shop page for more great lessons and resources:
(Credits from YouTube, Hope for Paws channel.)
Inspire your students with these framed 10 pack of A4 sized inspirational quotations. Ideal for displaying around the classroom or on a motivational wall. Visually appealing as well as emotionally stimulating.
For more great resources and lessons, see my page here:
Literacy Games and Christmas Fun Pack
A fantastic collection of fun and educational literacy resources, including:
* Literacy Bingo
* Literacy True or False
* Christmas Quiz
* Christmas Fun Pack
Click on the links for further details.
A great value download.
For more great resources and lessons, visit my page here:
A newspaper sports writing lesson based on the England vs Wales match!!!
Full lesson includes:
• Title page
• What to include page
• Lesson objectives
• Starter task
• What to write about page
• Six Ws and planning page
* Video link page to the winning goal
• Tips page
• Writing prompt page
• Review slide
Newspaper template , 5 minute planning sheet and match facts included!
For more great resources and lessons, visit my page here:
( Images accredited to The Sunday Mirror, AFPGetty images, Daily Mail, Telegraph, BBC and the Guardian.)
Bargain sale of premium Quizzes.
Here you get £18.00 of resources for £5.00!!
See the bundle links for further information.
For more great resources and lessons visit my shop here:
A topical classroom debate lesson on the government’s plans to increase school hours. Guaranteed to provoke a response!
Attractive Power Point featuring information on what the proposals are, for or against video clips, detailed lesson objectives, for or against planning and writing prompts.
This download is everything you need for a full lesson on this issue. No printing or photocopying required.
*Also Included are 10 free KS3 lesson starters*
For the letter writing version of this lesson (including a free card sort download) see here:
Visit my page for more great lessons and resources:
(Credits: Image copyright free from Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1G-bB6a6sk, Osborne image, copyright free flickr.com, Gove copyright free from Wikipedia.co)