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IB Psychology | A-Level AQA Psychology | A-Level AQA Sociology | BTEC Health and Social Care | KS3 RE (Buddhism) | EPQ




IB Psychology | A-Level AQA Psychology | A-Level AQA Sociology | BTEC Health and Social Care | KS3 RE (Buddhism) | EPQ
Psychology whole course knowledge organisers - Revision / summary / 13 topics

Psychology whole course knowledge organisers - Revision / summary / 13 topics

If you’re intending on sharing these on your school website or with multiple students, you should be purchasing the school license. Made for AQA Psychology and includes 1 A4 pager per topic of concise and summarised information with appropriate imagery. Optional topics include Aggression, Schizophrenia, Gender, Relationships and Forensic Psychology. NEW - clean and simple designs for most topics. Once purchased you should be able to download any updates for free.
WHOLE COURSE AQA Psychology revision mats & Issues and Debates synoptic

WHOLE COURSE AQA Psychology revision mats & Issues and Debates synoptic

23 Revision Mats included. 1x Social Influence 1x Memory 1x Attachment 2x Approaches 1x Psychopathology 3x Research Methods 1x biopsychology 2x comparison tables 6x IAD 2x Gender (optional topic) 1x Aggression (optional topic) 2x Schizophrenia (optional topic) 2x Relationships (optional topic) Slide size is set to A3. easy to amend and ideal for revision. Also includes Issues and Debates synoptic activity.
AQA Psychology Approaches - FULL TOPIC - Year 1/2

AQA Psychology Approaches - FULL TOPIC - Year 1/2

Includes videos, wider reading and research methods incorporated throughout. workbook included. Revision materials included. Exemplar essays included. Detailed additional notes and links in the notes section of each slide.
AQA Psychology Psychopathology - FULL TOPIC - Year 1

AQA Psychology Psychopathology - FULL TOPIC - Year 1

10 lessons (full topic) for Psychopathology which includes activities, videos, wider reading and exam practice. Suicide and self-harm focus. Videos to demonstrate each disorder. Consolidation activity. 1x abnormalities 3x Depression (Characteristics, explanations, treatment) 3x Phobias (Characteristics, explanations, treatment) 3x OCD (Characteristics, explanations, treatment)
Psychology & HSC Handbooks / Independent Learning

Psychology & HSC Handbooks / Independent Learning

Includes; 2 handbooks for AQA Psychology and BTEC Health and Social Care which you’ll need to adapt to meet your own departments needs. ‘Nandos’ themed differentiated tasks for Psychology topics. Independent Record Book template - Students to fill in what activities that are completing in ‘Private Study’ periods and what they have learnt from it.
L3 BTEC Health and Social Care - Unit 2 (Working in HSC) LA.B and LA.C

L3 BTEC Health and Social Care - Unit 2 (Working in HSC) LA.B and LA.C

BTEC Level 3 - Health and Social Care - Unit 2 - Learning Aim B and C Several lessons which walk through all of learning aim B and C and include several independent research tasks to consolidate and apply learning. Several examples of policies included and a learning aim C checklist. Revision recap sheets Exam command word structure guidance. All Exam questions currently available included.
AQA Sociology - Families and Households - Social Policy

AQA Sociology - Families and Households - Social Policy

18 slides to support the Social Policy section of Families and Households. Wider reading and resources added Eg. Surveillance state and various other gender regimes. There are two large tasks where students can research into one cross-cultural social policy in-depth and a second where students can research into current politics and British Social Policies (both tasks attached)
KS3 Buddhism - Wesak Day & Wheel of Life

KS3 Buddhism - Wesak Day & Wheel of Life

2 lessons. Wesak day is an independent PC project which allows students to research into Wesak day and create a leaflet aimed at tourists. The document asks questions to guide them to create a leaflet, which include basic teacher answers. Wheel of life lesson goes through the wheel of life elements and allows students to create their own.
Psychology or Whole School revision guide  / preparation / evidence-based / ideas

Psychology or Whole School revision guide / preparation / evidence-based / ideas

Updated version. Initially made for my own students to help with revision - it's not designed to be delivered but for students to use and go through themselves. 49 slides include: Exam and assessment information. Various revision techniques for all learning styles. Various note-taking techniques (hows and whys) Essay structure (how to understand a mark scheme, how to get an A, how to write strong AO3) Wider reading (websites, and twitter provided) How to deal with stress. How to deal with procrastination.
AQA Sociology - Families and Households - perspectives 7 lessons

AQA Sociology - Families and Households - perspectives 7 lessons

87 slides Covers: Families Vs Households Conflict Vs Consensus theories Functionalism (Murdock & Parsons) Marxism (Engels & Zaretsky) Feminism x4 (Somerville, Greer, Ansley) New Right (Murray) Personal Life Perspective (Smart & Nordqvist) Includes relevant AO2 and links to articles/videos in the notes. Includes tasks to complete. Dyslexia friendly. Used alongside the Naprier Press workbooks (available online for fre)
AQA Psychology - Issues and debates revision / summary

AQA Psychology - Issues and debates revision / summary

Available as part of a bundle of 11 powerpoints for the whole two year course. Presentation that covers all of issues and debates for the AQA spec. Can be used as a revision summary. Also includes synoptic activity and all exam questions available 2015 - 2018