This set of no-prep math worksheets is a fun way for your students to practise addition and subtraction within 20. Perfect to use in your math centres, for early finishers, as homework, or for supply teacher plans!
On each page, students solve addition and subtraction problems with sums or differences up to 20. Then they colour each section according to the key. If all the problems are solved and coloured correctly, a fun picture will be revealed.
Includes 15 colour by number worksheets:
Addition within 10 review (1 page)
Subtraction within 10 review (1 page)
Addition within 20
Subtraction within 20
Mixed addition and subtraction within 20
This resource supports year 1 maths standards and provides plenty of computation practice.
Answer keys are included.
This resource is a fun way for students to learn colour words while practising beginning reading skills!
emergent sight word reader - full-colour
emergent sight word reader - black and white
paper bracelets
colour word posters
Reader - Version A
This full-colour book features a single sentence on each page that says “I see _____” with a different colour each time. The colour words are printed in bold and there are tracking dots under the words to help beginning readers with one-to-one correspondence. Each page includes pictures of items in the target colour.
Reader - Version B
This book prints in black & white with the colour word written in a tracing font so students can practise writing the word. This version also features text tracking dots and has pictures for students to colour.
Paper Bracelets
These are a great way to connect home and school. The bracelets say “My favorite colour is” with a crayon to colour. This provides a fun and interactive way for students to share their favourite colour with their family and classmates. Parents will be thrilled to see what their child is learning at school and can help reinforce colour words at home.
Colour Words Posters
Each poster includes an image of a crayon with the colour word underneath. A rainbow stripe border makes these extra cute and colourful! Perfect for classroom display. Full-page size.
This resource on the states of matter science helps students understand the differences between solid, liquid, and gas.
This is a 6-page booklet with cut-and-glue pieces. On each page, students add the correct definitions and examples of the states of matter. The last page is a graphic organizer for students to complete with their own examples.
Show a visual representation of solid, liquid, and gas and explains the characteristics of each.
This is a set of decodable readers about flying kites with a focus on developing reading comprehension in young students. It also includes vocabulary and sight words. Designed for beginning readers.
Interactive (cut and paste) decodable book
Full-colour decodable reader
Vocabulary Word Cards & Picture Cards
Sight Word Cards
Comprehension Questions
Interactive Book
Students read each page and glue on the picture that goes with the text. A target word is highlighted in bold to help students find the correct picture. These are also good words for vocabulary instruction.
The last page of the book has four simple comprehension questions. One is multiple choice and the rest require a short written response. The answers are found directly in the story.
This version prints in black and white.
Full Colour Book
The full-colour reader includes the same text as the black and white version without the cut and glue component. The pictures are already included on each page to provide visual support while reading. The comprehension questions in back are slightly different and formatted for discussion. They also provide opportunities to make text to self connections.
This version is perfect to use in your guided reading groups before student work on the interactive version independently. It could also be used for partner reading or for take-home reading practice.
Vocabulary and Sight Words Cards
Word cards with vocabulary from the story are also included along with corresponding picture cards. These can be used to pre-teach vocabulary or on your word wall.
A second set of word cards contain sight words found in the story that you may want to practise with your students. These are non-decodable words that students need to recognise by sight rather than sounding out.
Your students will love learning the Biblical story of creation with this set of resources! Perfect for your classroom or Sunday school lessons or homeschooling.
read-aloud book
student book (black and white)
student book (color)
digital activities
Each poster focuses on one day of creation and includes a picture with scripture in child-friendly language.
Includes several pages for each of the seven days of creation. Some of the activities include:
trace and write numbers 1 through 7
identify things we see in the sky
identify light and dark
identify earth and sea
sequence the plant life cycle
living and non-living things
things that give us light
characteristics of birds and fish
animals and their babies
creation story sequencing
counting groups of objects
Some of these are cut-and-paste activities.
There are three different books included. One is a large, full-color book to read aloud. The other two are smaller, half-page books for students. One is in color and one is black and white with pictures students can color themselves.
This is the U.K. version of my best-selling Grocery Game. The Grocery Game is a highly engaging math activity that provides students with a hands-on way to practice counting money!
To play, players take turns picking food cards to fill up their grocery bags. Every card has a price, so students must pay for each item by counting out the correct amount of money from their “wallets.”
Once all players have filled their bags, they all count their money to see who has the most left. For added challenge, two coupon cards allow players to subtract money from the purchase prices.
game mats
banker’s mat
coin value reference cards
food cards
coupon cards
There is also a set of food cards without prices so you can customise them with different money amounts if you wish.
This game provides great hands-on practice with counting coins. Teacher will need to add play money (I can not sell copies of money clip art that I purchased).
This game has been a favorite of my class every year. It is truly fun to play and can be enjoyed by students at various levels.
CVC word family activities that kindergarteners can do independently? Yes! This resource includes lots of hands-on, interactive practice with CVC words that emergent readers can complete all on their own!
Includes the following word families:
• an, ap, at
• ed, en, et
• ig, ip, it
• og, op, ot
• ub, ug, un
There are 2 worksheets for each word family listed above (30 worksheets in all).
Worksheet A:
Students cut out letter tiles and glue them in place to spell each word. Then they find the words in a simple word search grid. Skills involved: initial letter sounds, onset-rime, visual discrimination, fine motor skills.
Worksheet B:
Students trace each CVC word, cut out the matching pictures, and glue them next to the word. Skills involved: reading CVC words, picture/word match, fine motor skills, letter formation.
These activities are designed for young learners and feature:
• large, primary font
• clear instructions with picture support
• uncluttered design
• plenty of space to write, cut, and glue
This is a set of CVC word families mini books that emergent readers can complete all on their own! Perfect for year 1 students.
Each little book includes multiple ways to practise reading CVC words.
• Page 1 - Colour the word family ending
• Page 2 - Match the CVC words to the corresponding pictures
• Page 3 - Read short sentences and circle the corresponding picture
• Page 4 - Colour the words that belong to the target word family
The simple sentences include beginning sight words and CVC words.
There are 20 books in this set for the following word families:
• ag, an, ap, at
• ed, eg, en, et
• ig, in, ip, it
• ob, og, op, ot
• ub, ug, un, ut
These books require minimal prep - just fold in half and in half again. They will work well in your literacy centres or as homework.
This is a set of CVCe word family (silent E words) mini books that beginning readers can complete all on their own! Each little book includes multiple ways to practice reading CVCe words.
• Page 1 - Color the word family ending
• Page 2 - Match the CVCe words to the corresponding pictures
• Page 3 - Read short sentences and circle the corresponding picture
• Page 4 - Color the words that belong to the target word family
The simple sentences include beginning sight words and CVCe words.
There are 13 books in this set for the following long vowel sound word families:
• ake, ame, ane, ate
• ide, ile, ime, ine
• ole, one, ore, ose
• u_e
The long U words are combined into one book because there aren’t enough words in any single word family to create separate books for them.
These books require minimal prep - just fold in half and in half again. They will work well in your literacy centres or as homework.
This math resource helps students learn to use the greater than, less than, and equal symbols when comparing numbers and math expressions (addition and subtraction sentences).
It includes a variety of differentiated activities so you can meet your students at their level.
Includes 3 anchor charts with fun alligator characters to explain the greater than, less than, and equal symbols.
Students compare number expressions and sort the cards according to which symbol is needed. Includes 4 different sets of cards to use based on your students’ level:
comparing an expression to a whole number
comparing two addition expressions
comparing two subtraction expressions
comparing mixed expressions
In this game, students begin by filling one side of their game board with number cards. They take turns drawing more cards to try to complete the comparisons using the greater than, less than, and equal symbols.
There are 2 versions of this game:
Level 1 - comparing whole numbers only
Level 2 - comparing whole numbers to expressions
Includes 4 differentiated cut-and-glue worksheets. Students cut out greater than, less than, and equal symbols and glue them in place to complete the comparisons.
Comparing whole numbers to whole numbers
Comparing addition expressions to whole numbers
Comparing subtraction expressions to whole numbers
Comparing expressions to expressions, mixed addition and subtraction
This plant structure and growth resource is a great way to combine science, reading, and movement.
20 fact cards about plants, plants structure, and growth
Basic question/recording sheet
Challenge question/recording sheet
Answer keys
To complete the activity, spread the fact cards around the room. Give each students a copy of the question/recording sheet. Send them around the room to find cards that contain the answers to the questions on their sheets. This involves reading short passages of text to find specific information about plants, their structure, and growth.
There are 2 versions of the recording sheet. The basic one tells students which card to read in order to find the answer. The challenge sheet requires them to find which card contains the needed information.
This scavenger hunt activity can be used with any size group.
This resource can also be used during a whole group lesson. Large (full-page) fact cards are included so you can project them onto your whiteboard. Read the passage together and then have students find a question on their recording sheet that can be answered by the information on the card.
Your emergent readers will love being able to read and understand sentences with this set of centers and worksheets! The materials are designed to build sight word fluency and decoding skills at the kindergarten level.
Sight Word Cards
Cut and Glue Worksheets
Differentiated Sentence Reading Centers
Digital Activities
Includes 32 commonly taught kindergarten high frequency words. These cards can be used for instruction or to send home as flashcards for extra practice.
Each worksheet focuses on a few basic sight words. Students read the sentences and glue the matching picture next to it. Includes 4 worksheets and answer keys.
To complete these activities, students choose a card and read the sentence. Then, they find the picture card that matches what they read. The sentences all contain a mix of sight words and decodable words (mostly CVC). These centers are divided into several differentiated sets.
SET 1 - Includes 42 sentence cards that are color-coded according to which sight words are targeted. Each set builds upon the previous set by introducing one or two new sight words while still including those already learned.
SET 2 - Includes 36 sentence cards with sentences containing a mix of all the sight words in this pack plus plenty of decodable words.
These sight word center include 36 picture cards that match up with the sentence cards. The same set of pictures can be used with both centers.
Inspire your young scientists with this set of quote posters - perfect for the STEM classroom!
Each poster focuses on a quality of a good scientist along with a quote about it and clip are of the person who said it.
Be Curious - Ellen Ochoa
Ask Questions - Claude Lévi-Strauss
Imagine - Albert Einstein
Make Mistakes - Jules Verne
Have Courage - Jacob Brownowski
Persevere - Thomas Edison
There is also a title banner that says “How To Be a Scientist” that you can hang above the posters.
Finally, there are 4 writing prompts that ask students to write a bit about the scientist who was quoted and then make a personal connection to the focus characteristic.
This set of word and picture cards about weather will build your students science vocabulary. They can be used as flashcards, in a pocket chart, or as a memory/concentration game.
21 picture cards
21 definition cards
Vocabulary graphic organizer
Includes the following weather vocabulary words:
water cycle
water cycle
The vocabulary graphic organizer is also provided in digital format through Easel. This can be assigned to students on any device.
Students will use common prefixes and suffixes to determine word meaning with this set of task cards.
Each task card includes a word and a sentence that provides context for the word. After reading the word and sentence, student will choose the answer choice that best defines the word.
There is also a second set of cards without the sentences (identical otherwise). This allows for differentiation within your classroom and also allows you to see who understands the word meanings without needing to use context clues.
Includes the following prefixes and suffixes:
This resource includes:
24 task cards with sentences for context
24 task cards without sentences (words in isolation)
Recording sheet
Answer key
Main idea is something we have to teach all year. Wouldn’t it be nice to have ready-to-go worksheets and graphic organizers right at your fingertips? These no-prep activities are just what you need! They teach students to find and discriminate between the main idea and supporting details in a hands-on and engaging way.
This resource includes two different types of worksheets to practice reading strategies in both printable and digital formats.
8 Reading Comprehension Worksheets
On each page, students will read a short story or informational passage and then use the text to answer comprehension questions. After completing this page, they will move on to the main idea and details activity:
8 Main Idea & Details Worksheets
These go along with the reading passages. Each page has a cut-and-glue graphic organizer. Students cut out four statements found in the comprehension story and glue them onto the graphic organizer to show which is the main idea and which are the supporting details.
In most of the passages, the main idea is explicitly stated. However, in several it is implied. There are plenty of details in the text to help readers determine the main point.
Answer keys are included.
While these activities are designed to help teach main idea, some of the comprehension questions include practice with other reading skills as well including:
cause and effect
making inferences
using context to determine meaning
finding text evidence
When answering the comprehension questions, I like to have my students highlight where they found the answers (as pictured on the cover). This shows me that they referred back to the text to find the information and reinforces the importance of using text evidence.
These worksheets work well as homework, in literacy centers, or even for assessment. They are also excellent for students with a main idea IEP goal because they let you easily target the skill and collect specific data. The hands-on features are ideal for keeping students engaged.
This Christmas cookie themed math center is a FUN way to practice comparing numbers using the greater than and less than symbols. This activity includes 3 levels of cards so you can differentiate and meet the needs of all your students.
Place the cards in your math center. Students choose a cookie card and compare the number pairs on the card. Then, they sort the cookies onto the greater than or less than cookie sheets. To add some extra fun, you can put out a real spatula to pick up and move the cookies with.
One student will be “greater than” and the other will be “less than”. Shuffle the cookie cards and place them face-down on the table. Students take turns choosing a card. If it belong on their cookie sheet, keep the card. If not, return it to the table. Keep playing until someone fills their cookie sheet.
This activity includes 3 levels of cookie cards:
SET A - Comparing numbers up to 20
SET B - Comparing 2-digit numbers within 100
SET C - Comparing 3-digit numbers within 1000
48 cookie cards
2 cookie sheet sorting mats
Recording sheet
This resource is a really fun way to keep students focused on learning and practicing important math skills during the holidays!
This is a set of activities for learning about the life cycle of a frog.
Frog life cycle diagram
Metamorphosis – includes definition and illustration
Stages of the frog’s life – includes a description of each stage
Frog Life Cycle Diagram 1 – Students cut out labels and glue them into the correct spaces on the diagram.
Frog Life Cycle Diagram 2 – Students cut out pictures and glue them into the correct spaces on the diagram.
Stages of the Frog’s Life 1 – Students cut out descriptions of each stage and glue them back in the correct sequence.
Stages of the Frog’s Life 2 – Students cut out pictures and glue them next to the matching description.
Answer Keys
Full color cards with illustrations and titles that can be used for sequencing stages in the frog’s life cycle.
This is an 8-page little book that student can color and read independently.
This is a set of decodable readers about bats with a focus on developing reading comprehension in young students. It also includes vocabulary and sight words. Designed for beginning readers (1st grade).
Interactive (cut and paste) decodable book
Full-color decodable reader
Vocabulary Cards
Sight Word Cards
Comprehension Questions
Students read about bats on each page and glue on the picture that goes with the text. A target word is highlighted in bold to help students find the correct picture. These are also good words for seasonal vocabulary instruction.
The last page of the book has four simple comprehension questions. One is multiple choice and the rest require a short written response. The answers are found directly in the story.
This version prints in black and white.
The full-color reader includes the same text as the black and white version without the cut and glue component. The pictures are already included on each page to provide visual support while reading. The comprehension questions in back are slightly different and formatted for discussion. They also provide opportunities to make text to self connections.
This version is perfect to use in your guided reading groups before student work on the interactive version independently. It could also be used for partner reading or for take-home reading practice.
A set of word cards with vocabulary about bats is also included along with corresponding picture cards. These can be used to pre-teach vocabulary, as a matching activity in centers, or on your word wall.
A second set of word cards contain sight words found in the story that you may want to practice with your students. These are non-decodable words that students need to recognize by sight rather than sounding out.
This plant structure and growth resource is a great way to combine science, reading, and movement.
20 fact cards about plants, plants structure, and growth
Basic question/recording sheet
Challenge question/recording sheet
Answer keys
To complete the activity, spread the fact cards around the room. Give each students a copy of the question/recording sheet. Send them around the room to find cards that contain the answers to the questions on their sheets. This involves reading short passages of text to find specific information about plants, their structure, and growth.
There are 2 versions of the recording sheet. The basic one tells students which card to read in order to find the answer. The challenge sheet requires them to find which card contains the needed information.
This scavenger hunt activity can be used with any size group.
This resource can also be used during a whole group lesson. Large (full-page) fact cards are included so you can project them onto your whiteboard. Read the passage together and then have students find a question on their recording sheet that can be answered by the information on the card.