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Funky Phonics

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Looking for something different for your phonics lessons? Then you have come to the right place. We have resources covering Phase 2 to Phase 5 of Letters and Sounds as well as resources that compliment Speed Sounds in Read Write Inc for sets 1-3. We also have tricky word resources, common exception word resources for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 and even some Maths resources.




Looking for something different for your phonics lessons? Then you have come to the right place. We have resources covering Phase 2 to Phase 5 of Letters and Sounds as well as resources that compliment Speed Sounds in Read Write Inc for sets 1-3. We also have tricky word resources, common exception word resources for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 and even some Maths resources.
Read Write Inc Set 1 - Fred's Sounds

Read Write Inc Set 1 - Fred's Sounds

This pack contains an A5 sized sound board for each of the set 1 sounds and corresponding pictures cards. Each sound board has 5 or 6 matching pictures. Match the pictures to the correct lily pad. Use as part of continuous provision, intervention or even as part of your phonics lesson or display.
Phonics Phase 5 Revision Board Game

Phonics Phase 5 Revision Board Game

This game has been designed to be used as revision and interventions. Depending on the focus the cards can be used in different ways (see following pages for details). Not all the cards need to be used. For example you might wish to revise split digraphs so you would use the sound and word cards for those and any alien words cards that use those and previous sounds. For intervention you may want to focus on sounds and words your students need more practice with. Ideally use with 2 – players. It can be used with a 1-3 or 1-6 dice depending on time and preference.
Phase 3 Phonic Books

Phase 3 Phonic Books

There is a book from each vowel diagraph apart from ear/air/ure which are combined in one book. Whole book is in in black and grey to save on colour ink when mass copying or printing. There is a PDF for each book so saves scrolled through trying to find the one you need. Activities Super Searcher (page 2) - find 10 given words that contain the sound Match it (page 3) - read the word and match it to the correct picture Read It Write It (pages 4 &5) - mini board game where if they land on a word they read it. Land on a picture they write the word. Monster Mayhem (page 6) - jumbled up words for the sound Sort, Write and Draw (page 7) - jumbled sentence that contain one or more words with the sound. They sort it out and write it, then draw a picture about it. Ideal for sending home. UPDATE: now includes 8 more books covering set 6 and 7 sounds as well as consonant digraphs
Phase 5 Phonic Books

Phase 5 Phonic Books

There is a book from each vowel diagraph. Whole book is in in black and grey to save on colour ink when mass copying or printing. There is a PDF for each book so saves scrolled through trying to find the one you need. Activities Super Searcher (page 2) - find 10 given words that contain the sound Match it (page 3) - read the word and match it to the correct picture Read It Write It (pages 4 &5) - mini board game where if they land on a word they read it. Land on a picture they write the word. Monster Mayhem (page 6) - jumbled up words for the sound Spelling Slueth (page 7) - colour or circle the correct spelling of the word. Wrong spelling use either phase 3 or 5 similar sounds.
Phonics  Phase 2 Cut,Stick, Match

Phonics Phase 2 Cut,Stick, Match

A collection of cut and stick worksheets for Phase 2. These cover words from sets 1 to 5 sounds. Pupils cut the pictures and match it to the correct word. Simply photocopy and use either in your phonics lessons or send home. All works sheets are in black and white to save on photocopying costs.
Phonics Phase 2 - Lost and Found Matching

Phonics Phase 2 - Lost and Found Matching

Help the** lost** penguin find the boy in our Lost and Found themed pack for Phase 2. This pack contains matching word and picture cards based on the characters from Lost and Found. They can be used as a matching activity, memory type games, snap or use the picture cards as a writing activity.
Phonics Phase 2 Christmas Tree Bingo

Phonics Phase 2 Christmas Tree Bingo

This park contains Christmas Tree Bingo Boards for the Phase 2 sets 1-5 and Phase 3 sets 1-7. Pick a bauble card from a bag or pile. If the word that matches the picture on the bauble in on the board cover it with a counter or pompoms. Instead of using fingers these could be placed with tweezers.
Christmas Phonics - Phase 3 Santa's Sack

Christmas Phonics - Phase 3 Santa's Sack

A fun Christmas themed writing activity for Phase 3 of Letters and Sounds. Choose a sack and write a list for Santa on the present list sheet. Each sack has pictures which use the sounds from sets 1-7, consonant digraphs and long vowel (except ure) in Phase 3. Ideal for end of phase practice. Answer sheets now included
Phonics Phase 4 Books

Phonics Phase 4 Books

There are 8 books in total. -Book 1+ 2 – CVCC words using set 1-7 sounds -Book 3 –CVCC words using Phase 3 sounds -Book 4 – CCV/CCVC words using set 1-7 sounds -Book 5+6 - CCV/CCVC words Phase 3 sounds -Book 7 – CCVC/CCCVC/CCCVC words using set 1-7 sounds - Book 8 – polysyllabic words Activities Super Searcher (page 2) - find 10 given words Match it (page 3) - read the word and match it to the correct picture Read It Write It (pages 4 &5) - mini board game where if they land on a word they read it. Land on a picture they write the word. Monster Mayhem (page 6) - jumbled up words Read It Find It/Read It Colour It (page 7) - colour or circle the tricky words given on the page.
Phonics Phase 2 - Picture Park It

Phonics Phase 2 - Picture Park It

This pack contains 6 sets of sound boards with matching car cards which have the sounds on them. Included in the pack are word boards which are sectioned into set 1-3 words, 1-4 words and 1-5 words. These also have matching car cards with the words on them. How to use: Either use the labelled car cards with the words or sounds for a matching activity or sound out the word or say the sound and players park their car in the correct bay. Alternative use the word boards and players park their car in the bay that rhymes with the word you say.
Phonics Read Write Inc Set 1 to 3 - Oh No! Game

Phonics Read Write Inc Set 1 to 3 - Oh No! Game

Sets 1-3 are included. Oh No! Game is an alternate to flashing sounds and the children have loved it! How to play Place all the cards in a small bag. Pass the bag around the group. Each child picks a card and says the sound on their card. If the children gets the sound right they keep the card (younger children may ask a friend for help). If the child picks an ‘Oh no!’ card they have to say ‘Oh no!’ and put any cards they have won back in the bag. (They can say ‘Oh no!’ in a silly voice)
Phonics Phase 5 Christmas Tree Bingo

Phonics Phase 5 Christmas Tree Bingo

This park contains Christmas Tree Bingo Boards for Phase 5. Pick a bauble card from a bag or pile. If the word that matches the picture on the bauble in on the board cover it with a counter or pompoms. Instead of using fingers these could be placed with tweezers.
Year 2 Common Exception Words - Kym's Game

Year 2 Common Exception Words - Kym's Game

Looking for a fun way to practice reading and writing words for the Common Exception Words? Then this is for you. Kym's Game is a memory game where pupils have to remember which word is missing. It can be used as a writing activity and a reading activity by getting the pupils to read a chosen word by saying it's colour. Pupils identify which picture they think is missing by writing the word. Challenge slides are included for each game to solve, which include cloze procedure, word jumbles and using the word that didn't disappear in a sentence.
Read Write Inc Set 3 - Home Learning Pack 4

Read Write Inc Set 3 - Home Learning Pack 4

This is the third in a series of packs that use the order that sounds are taught in the Read Write Inc phonics scheme. This pack covers the sounds ear, ure, tion, tious/cious and alternative sound** ue.** The pack is designed to be used at home to support learning but can also be used for interventions in school. The pack includes these activities for reading and writing: revising previous taught sounds identifying focus sound letter formation ideas word reading identifying correct spellings sentence reading revise spelling words using the focus sounds revise reading words using the focus sounds This pack contains 32 pages which includes a front cover and credit page.
Number lines and Number Tracks 0 to20

Number lines and Number Tracks 0 to20

This pack includes a range of numberline and tracks using Numicon shapes and Base 10. Numicon versions: Number line with words and digits Number line with digits Number line with words Number track with words and digits Number track with digits Number track with words Base 10 versions: Number line with words and digits Number line with digits Number line with words Number track with words and digits Number track with digits Number track with words
Phonics Read Write Inc Set 1 - Find Fred

Phonics Read Write Inc Set 1 - Find Fred

This pack includes all the sounds and words for Word Time! 1-7 as in the Read Write Inc Speed Sounds Book. How to play Play as a group or in pairs. Players close or cover their eyes. Adult or chosen child hides one of the frog (Fred) cards underneath a lily pad. Players take turns to guess which lily pad by saying the sound or word that’s on the lily pad. Winner hides the frog next.