A very simple powerpoint about Valentines day containing inprint symbols. Contains a simple version of the story of Saint Valentine, song and craft idea.
A simple Power Point presentation looking at families - Do all families look the same? What do you love about your family?
Presentation also includes a link to a story.
A Power Point presentation discussing many aspects of the Stone age. Power Point uses CIP widgit symbols to support SEN learners. It provides a general overview of the Stone age period, simple to understand but includes useful information and facts.
Power point includes -
-General /basic information about the period
-Stone age people - what did they look like? Where did they live?
Stone age food
Stone Age clothing
Cave painting
Fire making
Some links to videos
Stone Age beliefs
A simple powerpoint presentation using CIP widgit symbols to support all learners.
Powerpoint includes photos for discussion, video links and a task at the end.
an A3 feelings promp poster - following the ‘zones of regulation’ colours.
Perfect resource for learner who struggle to label their emotions and feelings
A Power Point exploring different types of poetry based on the sea/ oceans. The Power Point covers rhyming words, acrostic, shape and listing poems - also includes widgit symbols.
A power point to teach about random acts of kindness day. Has simple examples of what is being kind.
Power point also includes a story at the end ‘Have you filled your bucket today?’ a story to reinforce kindness.
This presentation has been written using Inprint3 (widgit symbols) and also includes links to videos and songs.
A collection of different resources for Poppy day within a SEN classroom.
Assembly Powerpoint
Questions for a soldier
Design a medal
Colourful Semantics
All with Widgit symbols to support
A simple (symbol) widgit booklet for making christmas salt dough decorations.
Booklet includes symbols and photos to give clear and simple step by step instructions.
Perfect activity for Christmas time which makes a great gift for parents!
A powerpoint presentation explaining the life cycle of frogs - in particular the stunning glass frog. The powerpoint includes images, links to videos and is fully supported by CiP symbols.
This lesson includes a warm up (part part whole), whole class activity and plenary.
This resource is perfect for a year 3 class. I have included chilli challenges to support every learner so they can differentiate appropriately.
A Powerpoint presentation explaining how to use different types of conjunctions to extend sentences. The Powerpoint includes a chilli challenge to support differentiation within the lesson. I have also included the activity sheet (sentences to extend using learnt conjunctions).