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History teacher & Head of Dept. Lots of lessons and resources especially Edexcel GCSE: Medicine, Germany, Anglo-Saxon Norman England, Henry VIII A Level Edexcel Russia




History teacher & Head of Dept. Lots of lessons and resources especially Edexcel GCSE: Medicine, Germany, Anglo-Saxon Norman England, Henry VIII A Level Edexcel Russia
Impact of germ theory Edexcel medicine

Impact of germ theory Edexcel medicine

Lesson for students studying Edexcel medicine GCSE - also suitable for other boards. Lesson starts off by looking at reponses to a 4 mark question on ideas about the cause of disease, students mark and provide feedback. They can then have a go at answering the question well to achieve 4 marks. Students then sort evidence to look at the positives and negatives of germ theory. A 16 mark question is provided with advice and an essay planning sheet including sentence starters.
Pasteur and Koch Germ theory and development

Pasteur and Koch Germ theory and development

Lesson for students studying GCSE Edexcel medicine - would be suitable for other boards too. Looks at the ideas about the cause of disease prior to germ theory. Then goes through story of Pasteur and Koch’s discoveries. Students listen to the animated story read out by the teacher from the powerpoint - feel free to put on French and German accents!! As students listen to each development they plot on their graph who the development belongs to - Pasteur or Koch and whether it was a high or low point for them in their career. Information sheet for them to then stick in their books to have as notes. This lesson therefore includes more listening, thinking than note making, but notes are covered due to typed up notes sheet. Who’s who activity and quiz to finish.
Germ theory board game

Germ theory board game

Lesson for students studying medicine through time would work for any exam board - I do Edexcel Revision activity on germ theory Students roll dice twice to decide which box they land on and have to answer question Tally up points in back of book
Improvements in surgery Industrial medicine James Simpson Joseph Lister Edexcel

Improvements in surgery Industrial medicine James Simpson Joseph Lister Edexcel

Lesson for students studying Edexcel medicine GCSE could also be used for other exam boards. Students look at problems in surgery pre - Simpson and Lister Clip on both individuals Notemaking & tasks looking at what each individual discovered, impact including positives/negatives, factors that helped/hindered and evaluation/comaprison of importance. Plenary competitive girl v boy game.
Reasons for Second Public Health Act Edexcel Medicine

Reasons for Second Public Health Act Edexcel Medicine

For students studying Edexcel GCSE medicine - could be used for other boards. Students look at the Second Public Health Act - what it involved. They then study the different reasons for its passing, students analyse the importance of these reasons, looking at reasons why they were important and limitations to judge the most important factor in the passing of the Act.
John Snow cholera Edexcel medicine

John Snow cholera Edexcel medicine

Lesson for students studying Edexcel medicine GCSE, also suitable for other boards. Investigation style engaging lesson. Students recreate John Snow’s investigation - tracking the deaths onto a map to work out the cause of the cholera. Students use evidence to piece together Snow’s findings. Students also look at the impact of Snow’s findings. Resources on slides.
Public Health in the Industrial period 1848 Public Health Act Chadwick Edexcel

Public Health in the Industrial period 1848 Public Health Act Chadwick Edexcel

Lesson for students studying Edexcel medicine GCSE, also suitable for other boards. Looks at the state of public health in the period through source analysis - a court for King cholera. Students use information around room (in slides) to complete work sheet. Work sheet includes: definition of public health conditions in towns and cities problems caused by these conditions cholera -symptoms and what it was appointment of Chadwick and his report response to Chadwicks report 1848 Public Health Act Limitations of Act/reasons for failure What else it would take for government to do more Differentiation for lower ability and consolidation/challenge tasks Notes on slides for teacher
Florence Nightingale Edexcel

Florence Nightingale Edexcel

Lesson for students studying Edexcel medicine GCSE, also suitable for other boards. Lesson around workseet on Nightingale (Publisher doc) Looks at care prior to Nightingale, story of Nightingale, impact of Nightingales work and importance. Challenge task gets students to establish a criteria for significance as required by 16 mark essay style question to then compare Nightingale to other individuals significant to this period in the area of medicine. Clip and KAHOOT also included.
Edward Jenner Smallpox vaccination

Edward Jenner Smallpox vaccination

Lesson for students studying Edexcel medicine at GCSE. Suitable also for other boards. Lesson looks at the discoveries of Edward Jenner through a BBC clip. Students are introduced to a 16 mark essay style question on the importance of vaccination for preventing illness. Students find evidence for and against this argument and then develop an evaluation.
Industrial medicine intro

Industrial medicine intro

Lesson for students studying Edexcel medicine at GCSE. An introduction to the period and the key changes/important factors in this period. An overview of the key individuals and their discoveries. Evaluation of importance through balloon debate task. Sticky post it note on the head game as plenary. *IMPORTANT Uses info about key individuals from Hodder textbook - you will need this or will need your own info about each individual
Great Plague lesson

Great Plague lesson

Lesson for students studying Edexcel medicine at GCSE. *Done as an observation lesson under the old Ofsted grading system, given outsanding grading Lesson that recaps the Black Death at the start - as a starter. Then looks at ideas, preventions and treatments at the time of the Great Plague. Students categorise these. Students then measure each idea/prevention/treatment in terms of change and continuity. Students can then evaluate the level of change between the Black Death and Great Plague. Activity that uses a sample 16 mark essay style question from the Edexcel spec. Notes on slide, all resources included.
William Harvey

William Harvey

Lesson for students studying Edexcel medicine at GCSE. Suitable for other boards also. Looks at discoveries of Harvey, impact and factors that helped/hindered. Comparison of importance to Vesalius. Use Harvey help for information - taken from Pearson textbook. Notes on slides to help teacher.
Andreas Vesalius Renaissance Medicine

Andreas Vesalius Renaissance Medicine

Lesson for students studying Edexcel medicine at GCSE. Would also be suitable for other boards. Lesson recaps anatomical ideas prior to Vesalius - Galen - clip included. Lesson then looks at Vesalius through information and clips and focuses on: *Galens ideas that he challenged *Vesalius’ discoveries/developments *impact *factors that helped/hindered Finishes with a source analysis of the front cover of the Fabrica, students use knowledge to drawn out different aspects show on the front cover & explain why they have been included. Starter includes a 4 mark exam question recapping previous learning. Notes on slides to aid teacher.
Renaissance healers, care and training

Renaissance healers, care and training

Lesson for students studying Edexcel medicine through time Lesson focused on healers and training in Renaissance period and differences/change/continuity with Medieval period 16 mark question that focuses on reasons for changes in training
Renaissance medicine preventions and treatments

Renaissance medicine preventions and treatments

Done as an observation lesson that was graded outstanding under the old Ofsted grading system still used in some schools. For students studying Edexcel medicine. High level thinking starter that gets students to recap knowledge of medicine so far through 'odd one out’ Card sort/coding task looks at differences between preventions and treatments and tracks continuity and change. Challenge encourages students to evaluate the level of change and continuity in preventions and treatments Practice exam question linked to Edexcel specification - Explain on way… (4) advice/sentence starters to help. All resources included and notes on each slide that talks you through the lesson.
Renaissance: Sydenham, Printing Press & Royal Society - factors affecting ideas about disease

Renaissance: Sydenham, Printing Press & Royal Society - factors affecting ideas about disease

Lesson for students studying Medicine through Time GCSE (Edexcel). The lesson focuses on three key aspects of the Renaissance period that affected ideas about the cause of disease and illness (Thomas Sydenham - individual, printing press - technology and Royal Society - government). A differentiated note making sheet is included, where the challenge is stepped. Firstly this involves students basically getting down the facts, to then linking to factors, to then explaining impact to then judging and evaluating importance. This sheet is to be completed with the information worksheet compiled from information gathered from the Edexcel Pearson textbook made simpler. 2 examination style questions included 4 Explain one way… & 12 Explain why… Student friendly mark schemes and model answers provided to allow students to mark and improve their own in the lesson. This could be 2 lessons in 1! Also includes link to knowledge checking KAHOOT for a mini plenary/plenary.
Renaissance medicine introduction/overview lesson

Renaissance medicine introduction/overview lesson

Lesson for students studying Edexcel (would be suitable for other boards too) medicine through time. Lesson looks at key aspects of the period, including ideas about the cause of disease, preventions, treatments, technology attitudes, anatomy and students decide the levels of continuity and change in the period. Challenge tasks that encourage analysis that links to the 16 mark essay question. Notes on slides to explain the lesson. Presentation includes resources.
Atom bomb

Atom bomb

KS3 lesson on the dropping of the atomic bomb. Focuses on whether or not it can be ‘justified’. Source work + extended writing task. Some resources are on powerpoint, others are attached as word documents. Instructions/teacher commentary in the notes section of each slide to help navigate. Leave review!
Battle of Britain KS3

Battle of Britain KS3

A lesson on the Battle of Britain for KS3 looking at categorising reasons for British victory. Also looks at a propaganda poster so includes source analysis skills. Extended writing P.E.E GCSE style paragraph included with writing frame. Code breaker starter that hooks students in straight away with second secret mission. Done as a lesson observation was graded as outstanding. All resources on powerpoint except for card sort and plenary sheet whichare word docs Instructions in the note section of the powerpoint should talk you through the lesson & basic instructions also attached as a word doc. Please leave a review!