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History teacher & Head of Dept. Lots of lessons and resources especially Edexcel GCSE: Medicine, Germany, Anglo-Saxon Norman England, Henry VIII A Level Edexcel Russia




History teacher & Head of Dept. Lots of lessons and resources especially Edexcel GCSE: Medicine, Germany, Anglo-Saxon Norman England, Henry VIII A Level Edexcel Russia
AQA Renaissance medicine booklet (8 lesson)

AQA Renaissance medicine booklet (8 lesson)

The booklet follows the AQA GCSE History specification for Health and the People 1000-present day, it provides 8 lessons on the Renaissance period following the AQA specification. Lessons include clear outcomes for the lesson and focused titles that are key questions. Each lesson embeds key knowledge taken from the Oxford and Hodder textbooks and then provides opportunities for progress checks and application to exam questions with scaffolding and model answers. There is a lesson checklist for teachers to check the work of pupils easily. This allows for students to independently catch up on missed work. At the back of the booklet is an exam technique sheet for each question for the Health and the People section of Paper 2 as well sample questions for students to practice.
Edexcel Medicine assessment questions

Edexcel Medicine assessment questions

Common assessment questions for a department to use across the whole of the Edexcel medicine course. Includes all question types and sources for the Western Front section.
Pilgrimage of Grace Edexcel Henry VIII

Pilgrimage of Grace Edexcel Henry VIII

Lesson for students studying Edexcel GCSE Henry VIII and his ministers. Lesson starts with a recap of the Lincolnshire rebellion. Video clip to engage included. Students answer question and or create a timeline of the Pilgrimage of Grace using the info sheet - this is based on the Pearson book but reformatted, condensed and simplified. Extension tasks that involve either consolidating information or thinking about reasons for failure. Progress checks looking at role of Aske and Henry + reasons for failure/reasons for significance. 16 mark question planner at the end, with opportunity for a second lesson to write an answer. Student friendly mark scheme to 16 mark question included.
Pilgrimage of Grace information sheet

Pilgrimage of Grace information sheet

An information for students studying Edexcel GCSE Henry VIII’s ministers on the Pilgrimage of Grace. Based on the Pearson textbook but reformatted, condensed, simplified to make it more student friendly. Could be edited further.
Lincolnshire Rebellion Henry VIII Edexcel

Lincolnshire Rebellion Henry VIII Edexcel

Lesson for students studying Edexcel GCSE Henry VIII and his ministers Lesson focuses on the reasons for, events of and reasons for failure of the Lincolnshire rebellion. Card sort task to categorise reasons for the rebellion. Students then provided with a very poor description of the events, a ‘failed’ answer. They have to add specific detail to it, including sepcialist terms, dates etc using information sheet, created using the Pearson textbook but better formatted, condensed and simplified. Students then carry out a P.E.E paragraph looking at the reasons for failure of the rebellion, this links to the success criteria for a 12 mark edexcel question. Students provided with advice, writing frame etc to help with this. Kahoot style multiple choice quiz at the end without use of iPads.
Dissolution of the monasteries: winners and losers Edexcel

Dissolution of the monasteries: winners and losers Edexcel

Lesson for students studying Edexcel GCSE Henry VIII and his ministers Looks at the process of dissolution and the winners and losers. Students have to use information from Pearson textbook to answer questions form the question sheet provided on the process of dissolution. Character cards included to help with spectrum task of biggest winner/loser. Good for group discussion, however could also be done individually and students feedback their order to the class.
Impact of Reformation Henry VIII Edexcel

Impact of Reformation Henry VIII Edexcel

Lesson for students studying Edexcel GCSE Henry VIII and his ministers Lesson starts with recap on differences between Catholics & Protestants Then looks at religious change and the impact of the reformation in England under Henry. Using a protestant/catholic graph and timeline of acts/reforms (Act of Supremacy, Act of Ten Articles, Bishop Book, Six Articles) with dates. Students consider whether there was real change and whether the term religious rollercoaster is accurate. Consolidation & challenge tasks available to push all abilities. Students think about similarities/differences between the three & who was more dangerous to Henry Plenary quiz All tasks very clearly modelled on powerpoint
Opposition to Reformation Elizabeth Barton, John Fisher, Thomas More Edexcel

Opposition to Reformation Elizabeth Barton, John Fisher, Thomas More Edexcel

Lesson for students studying Edexcel GCSE Henry VIII and his ministers Lesson starts with recap on Acts of Succession & Supremacy Then focuses on 3 key individuals who opposed Henry’s religious changes, Elizabeth Barton, John Fisher and Thomas More. Information profiles provided for each individual - much simpler than the textbooks! Students provided with a table of facts, they have to decide which of the three individuals the fact applies to, this reduces notemaking and promotes thinking and reading. Extension/challenge tasks available. Students think about similarities/differences between the three & who was more dangerous to Henry Opportunity for 4 mark describe question + exemplar answer. Plenary whos whos - to check knowledge
Break with Rome Henry VIII Reformation Edexcel

Break with Rome Henry VIII Reformation Edexcel

Lesson for students studing Edexcel GCSE Henry VIII and his ministers Looks at reasons for break with Rome and counter arguments to aid analysis Clear differentiation and progression from identifying reasons, to adding evidence, to explanation and then analysis and evaluation. Card sort/colour code activity + counter arguments 12 mark explain question opportunity with clear guidance, advicem writing frame and opportunity for self/peer marking and feedback
Differences between Catholics and Protestants Edexcel GCSE Henry VIII

Differences between Catholics and Protestants Edexcel GCSE Henry VIII

For students studying Edexcel GCSE Henry VIII and his ministers Lesson focuses on importance of religion and role of church, key words (transubstantiation etc) and differences between catholics and protestants. Students conclude on why protestants wanted reform. Information stations activity. Lots of progress checks including key word test and catholic and protestant splat. All resources created with pictures and clear information simplified and condensed from Pearson textbook. Focuses on thinking rather than notemaking. All resources in powerpoint ready for printing.
Anne of Cleves reasons for marriage and annulment

Anne of Cleves reasons for marriage and annulment

Lesson for students studying Edexcel GCSE Henry VIII & his ministers. Lesson looking at reasons for the marriage and annulment to Anne of Cleves. Group work activity, easily applicable to your own group. Work sheets included if students would prefer to work on a sheet. Extension/challenge tasks included. For use with Pearson textbook
Reasons for the fall of Anne Boleyn Edexcel

Reasons for the fall of Anne Boleyn Edexcel

Lesson for students studying Edexcel GCSE Henry VIII & his ministers. Lesson on reasons for fall of Anne Boleyn Looks at building up reasons for her downfall (points) adding evidence to support points/reasons, explaining the reasons and deciding which was most important. Detailed colour code/card sort with info taken from Pearson textbook Task included that helps students build links between the reasons in order to help them evaluate.
Cromwell and the annulment from Catherine of Aragon

Cromwell and the annulment from Catherine of Aragon

Lesson for students studying Edexcel GCSE Henry VIII & his ministers. Lesson on Cromwell gaining the annulment for Henry VIII from Catherine of Aragon 4 different starter activities to choose from, include true or false, gimme 5, link it Info sheet written up from Pearson textbook, simplified and condensed Opportunity for answering a 12 mark explain exam question, i
Thomas Cromwell Edexcel GCSE Henry VIII and his ministers

Thomas Cromwell Edexcel GCSE Henry VIII and his ministers

Lesson for students studying Edexcel GCSE Henry VIII & his ministers. Lesson on Thomas Cromwell’s life & work with Henry - covers everything students need to know about Cromwell from Edexcel spec simplified into one document rewritten using Pearson textbook. Looks at Cromwell’s life. Students then use info to track Cromwell’s achievements/ups and downs throughout his life. They evaluate biggest achievement/failure & what/who helped him.
Wolsey's failure to gain an annulment for Henry VIII from Catherine of Aragon Edexcel

Wolsey's failure to gain an annulment for Henry VIII from Catherine of Aragon Edexcel

Lesson for students studying Edexcel GCSE Henry VIII & his ministers. Lesson on Wolsey’s attempts to gain the annulment & subsequent failure. Looks at different strategies, reasons for failure and who was to blame. Includes clear progression, identify, describe, explain, analyse, evaluate - clear challenge for all. Differentiated work sheet for weaker students available to aid notemaking. Info simplified into 1 document for printing from Pearson textbook Crossword plenary Opportunity for further lesson answering an exam question, includes advice, writing frames and student friendly mark scheme.
Why did Henry VIII want an annulment from Catherine of Aragon Edexcel GCSE Henry VIII

Why did Henry VIII want an annulment from Catherine of Aragon Edexcel GCSE Henry VIII

For students studying Edexcel Henry VIII and his ministers. Lesson on reasons for the annulment. Notes on powerpoint included. Uses Edexcel GCSE textbook Leads up to a 12 mark explain question, previous activities provide students with everything they need to be able to answer it + notes for their books. Advice on how to answer 12 mark explain question + sentence starters Mark scheme for final self/peer assessment.
Amicable Grant Edexcel GCSE Henry VIII

Amicable Grant Edexcel GCSE Henry VIII

For students studying Edexcel Henry VIII and his ministers. Lesson on Wolsey’s Amicable Grant and finance following on from his other domestic policies. Notes on powerpoint included. Complex info taken from Edexcel Pearson textbook and simplified whilst keeping key details - could be easily printed for students to stick in their books. Activity that involves them reading the information and then applying it. 4 mark describe exam technique included, with advice and guidance and exemplar answer that students could use for peer/self assessment and/or improvement. Dummies guide to activity that ensures all students understand basics of Amicable Grant Group work activity that focuses on thinking rather than notemaking
Thomas Wolsey early life and rise to power Edexcel Henry VIII

Thomas Wolsey early life and rise to power Edexcel Henry VIII

For students studying Edexcel Henry VIII and his ministers catered to this exam board. Useful as it includes 4 mark describe exam technique and key miles stones in Wolsey’s life according to edexcel spec. Focuses on chronology, includes card sort task and differentiated tasks. Notes included on ppt and card sort task within powerpoint for easy printing