A detailed design brief to provide students with details to complete a designer inspired clock project. Aimed at AS product design students but suitable for younger students with some adaption. Editable document.
I devloped these resources to use to assess the basic abilities of new students in Design & Technology. The baseline assessment can be run in all areas of technology and covers general skills like rendering, measuring, designing and the use of basic tools like scissors. Our students come from a range of feeder schools and come with a variety of different skills, this allows us to compare them easily.
This sceme can be run in any of the technology areas and does not require specific materials other than the basic stationary and thin card.
Included is a powerpoint that can be used to guide students through the task, a work booklet for students to complete and a scheme of work which details each lesson. Aimed to run over 4 x 1hr lessons but all resources are editable so can easily be adapted but can also be used as is.
This powerpoint presentation can be used in a lesson to introduce the 6 R's but also make a great display when slides are printed out. There are 12 slides in total createing a 3 x 4 or 4 x 3 display.
A technology based numeracy mat which can be displayed on desks in classrooms but could also be used as a poster. This mat covers all the different areas of Design & Technology.
Includes in these resources are a range of different activities developing in complexity to teach students how to use a drawing board and associated tools to create a range of different drawings including isometric drawing and orthographic projections plus adding dimensions.
Included is a set of worksheets, a PowerPoint to set the activities off plus a SOW giving an overview o each lesson.
The project is a travel game designed to be enclosed inside a CD case. Students work to design and develop a game design that can be laser cut. They then also develop a CD sleeve using graphics skills. Extension tasks can be used to develop a blister packaging or the game.
This project includes various resources including a project plan, student work booklet, example templates.
A set of recipes used to tech students a range of different cooking skills with a sweet focus. These were used as part of a Bake Off project where students were taught a range of skills before developing their own recipes to complete in a bake off style competition.
All recipes can be cooked in 1 hour and include picture stages as well as written stages to allow for differentiation. All recipes are editable so can be adapted or your own use if needed.
This resource can be used as a poster or table/desk mat for students to use in lessons. Covers a range of different keywords and descriptive words that can be used in literacy activities. Also includes annotation and product analysis resources.
A word of the week powerpoint with a word for each school week, can be displayed on screens around school, printed as a display or used as a starter activity. Full editable.
This short project is based around designing a tooth brush for someone with a disability eg arthritis. The project includes lesson powerpoint and objectives plus design sheet (included in powerpoint). There is also an assessment sheet.
This could be run purely as a design task or through to a styrofoam prototype (using basic pre-bought toothbrush head).
Lesson Powerpoint & sheets are fully editable. Could be developed further to include packaging. Includes exemplar design work and final products.
This project is based about a simple light concept based on a piece of PVC electrical conduit with a simple LED USB light. Students then develope the basic concept into a finished product. This project comes with supporting powerpoint and lesson objectives plus a student template and examples outcomes. All resources are fully editable to be adapted to meet the specific needs of your students. This offers the opportunity to cover product analysis, materials testing, polymer theory, design ideas, modelling, development and evaluation.
The project has been trialed with Y10 students plus Y12 students but could be adapted to work with most year groups.
A high, mid and low project booklet with full lesson powerpoint covering 18 x 1 hr lessons. Originally run with Y8 students but could be done with higher or lower year groups.
Documents and resources are editable so can be adapted to meet the needs of your students.
Covers batick, applique, tie dye, patch pockets in the processes but can easily be adapted to add or remove techniques to suit your students.
This project includes editable powerpoint lessons and a work booklet for a basic MDF desk tidy. We use this project as an introduction to basic manufacturing and surface finishes for Y10 but could easily be adapted for lower years. It could also be extended to add in more design elements e.g. drawer inserts and drawer knobs.