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No Magic Tap

No Magic Tap

Find out about children’s experience of water all around the world using Oxfam’s Our World Of Water and compare with life in the UK. In a similar style to the book, children create a ‘scrapbook’ page comparing their lives with Khadija or Gamuchu from Africa. Suitable for years 5 and 6.
Poverty and Food Security

Poverty and Food Security

Children think positively about ways in which we can help to improve the lives of people who lack food security. Thinking about our responsibilities as world citizens, children discuss ways of campaigning to change the causes of lack of food in Africa.
World Trade Game

World Trade Game

Through playing the Christian Aid Chocolate Trade Game (need internet) children come to understand, in a fun way that world trade rules are unfair to developing food producing countries. They think about human causes of food security issues.
Fair Trade

Fair Trade

Children consider arguments for buying fair trade produce and look at relevant websites including Christian Aid and Oxfam. Children think about how fair trade does not address causes – unfair trade rules and greedy practices. How can we campaign to change these?
Tumble Driers

Tumble Driers

Children find out how a tumble drier works, list the advantages and disadvantages of tumble driers and then have a debate about whether they are a good or bad thing!
Mandela: A Hero

Mandela: A Hero

Look in more detail at Mandela’s life and in particular share with children a film of his release from prison. Reflect on reasons why Mandela is considered a hero by so many people all over the world. Add further details to the timeline. Suitable for years 5 and 6.


Link apartheid to Mandela. Who he is, where he comes from, why he is so famous, right up to the present day. Use internet and books to find information about Mandela’s life and start to develop a time line as a useful tool to refer to throughout the theme. Suitable for years 5 and 6.
African Sporting Stars

African Sporting Stars

Who is your sporting hero? Children consider who their sporting heroes are, what makes them great and introduces the idea of sportspeople as role models. Children then investigate some African football idols for a game of top trumps.
Historic South African election

Historic South African election

Black Africans were very eager to vote in the 1994 South African election. Discuss the significance of Mandela’s election as the first black president in South Africa. Use historic film footage to show queues of voters and reactions to the election. Suitable for years 5 and 6.
Children can make a difference

Children can make a difference

Children research what are key health issues for their own class. Focus on accidents and how they can be prevented. Understand concept of preventable and how children can play an important role in prevention Suitable for years 5 and 6.
Extended Family

Extended Family

Now children are going to expand the information about themselves to include their family. They draw family trees. Discuss the role of women – do children’s mothers have the same role as their grandmothers or earlier generations? What about the African women? Suitable for years 5 and 6.