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Plantain Parties

Plantain Parties

Children discuss how all cultures have celebrations and festivals – special days in which special foods are eaten and shared. In parts of West Africa a child’s 5th birthday is special as many do not live to be five. Children make fried plantain and decorate plates.
Appliqué – Cutting & Sewing

Appliqué – Cutting & Sewing

In this session children complete their Appliqué by cutting and sewing the pieces of their design before proudly displaying it in the classroom. They take time to reflect on the whole dyeing and designing process and evaluate the finished product.
Headdress to Impress!

Headdress to Impress!

The Kayapo Indians who live in the Rainforests of Brazil are famous for their ceremonial headdresses. In this session children use the internet to study their designs before creating their own to wear in the classroom.
Jungle Junk

Jungle Junk

Listen to the Rhythm of the Rainforest in this session! Children start by studying the Baka people who live in the African Rainforests, looking in detail at their instruments. Children then create simple instruments of their own using junk modelling techniques.
Street Model

Street Model

Building on previous session, children make a model of a street near the school (or from imagination). Class is split in two – one group make a ‘then’ model and one a ‘now’ model – using junk modelling techniques. Display along with leaflets previously made.
Design & Make Catapults

Design & Make Catapults

Children look again at Roman catapults. Using a wide variety of materials, incl some mechanical components, they design & create a working model of a catapult in the Roman style. They develop their ideas, then compete to see whose catapult works best! Suitable for years 3 and 4.
Designing an Amphitheatre

Designing an Amphitheatre

Children continue the work on gladiators and Roman entertainment and look at amphitheatres. They study what they look like and realise that these varied from place to place. They begin to plan and design their own model amphitheatre. Suitable for years 3 and 4.
Beads On The Catwalk

Beads On The Catwalk

Hold a fashion show in class! Children create their own beadwork belts based on Ndebele designs and using traditional methods. Sensational!
Cloth Creation

Cloth Creation

Inspired by the Adinkra cloths worn on special occasions all over Ghana, children create their own versions. Children think carefully about overall design of their cloth and how they will block print using stamps.
Get Beading!

Get Beading!

Time to have a go at beading! The traditional Ndebele methods of beading are demonstrated and children have a chance to experiment with this new technique.
Beadwork Fashion

Beadwork Fashion

Ndebele beadwork is a thriving tradition and can be found on all sorts of modern items. Children explore how it has been used in fashion and design simple belts based on the geometric designs of the Ndebele people
Wall hangings

Wall hangings

Using the techniques of flour resist batik, children create wall hangings in the style of the Mozambique batik they have studied. Children are encouraged to carefully select techniques and tools to create a quality product.
Icon Creation

Icon Creation

Create an Ethiopian pocket icon. Children explore techniques of painting on wood and create their own icon images based on their studies.


This session we consider how we are using up fossil fuels. How did we heat our homes and cook in the past? Discuss renewable energy and any local schemes to try and use more renewable energy. Challenge children to make a solar oven and cook something with it!