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The Union Flag!

The Union Flag!

Waving the flag! Using the Olympic timeline the children identify the last four countries and cities to host the Summer Olympic Games. The flag for Great Britain is pulled apart to see which countries make up the Union Jack.
Ndebele Beadwork

Ndebele Beadwork

Zooming in on South Africa, children are introduced to the incredible beadwork of the Ndebele people of KwaNdebele. Through web images children explore the history of this craft and investigate its key visual elements.
Tropical Fruit

Tropical Fruit

In this session, we identify and describe fruits grown in sub-Saharan Africa. The need for fruit as part of a healthy diet is discussed and children taste some tropical fruits. Children follow a recipe to make Cameroon banana bread.
Fair Trade Tuck Shop

Fair Trade Tuck Shop

Children consider arguments for and against fairtrade. They plan to set up a fairtrade tuck shop to raise awareness. Design and make posters to advertise the tuck shop and explain some of the issues surrounding fairtrade. Some children organise the stock and accounts.
Mountains to Seas

Mountains to Seas

Using an exciting presentation, children look at a variety of images from across Africa, the largest landmass on the planet. They begin a research project to find out more about a particular type of landscape, possibly linking this to their chosen country. Suitable for years 5 and 6.
Our Street

Our Street

Children look at streets around the school, houses, shops and street furniture. Compare today with the 1940s. Use old photos of home town/village or city as resources. Children produce a leaflet showing how their street has changed between then and now.
Endangered orang-utans (1)

Endangered orang-utans (1)

Using the internet and fact sheets children find out more about the Orang-utans and why they have become endangered. What is being done to protect them and their habitats? What else can be done?
How Are We Changing The World?

How Are We Changing The World?

Children consider ways in which we use the land and how it has changed since WW2. The four main ways are human land use, industrial agriculture, deforestation and urban sprawl. Children help decide the future of the imaginary Grousebrook Valley in the Peak District NP.
Weather In The Future

Weather In The Future

Discuss extreme weather events from present and past. Using data they have been given about England’s weather over the past 30 years, some children draw a climate graph and predict what will happen in the future. Other children create a weather forecast for 2050.
Goli Masks

Goli Masks

Narrowing the focus, children discover more about the features of a Goli mask used in all-day festivals of the Baulé peoples. Children carry out an investigation into stylistic elements of the mask and their meanings and purpose.
Feeling Welcome

Feeling Welcome

New arrivals in Britain should be made to feel welcome. Think about children moving to a new school from another part of Britain or from another country. Children create posters or write leaflets to welcome newcomers to their school.
Describing Your Place

Describing Your Place

Listen carefully to some children in Ghana describing their home town or use descriptions from your link school friends of their town. Imagine the teacher and some children from your link school are going to visit your town! Describe the places they should visit. Suitable for years 5 and 6.
More than a game… Saving The Environment

More than a game… Saving The Environment

Who says learning can’t be fun! Children play and interact with a variety of computer games in the internet, all with a serious message. Children evaluate which are the most fun to play but also best at getting that message across.
World Trade Game

World Trade Game

Through playing the Christian Aid Chocolate Trade Game (need internet) children come to understand, in a fun way that world trade rules are unfair to developing food producing countries. They think about human causes of food security issues.
Ethiopian Icon Painting

Ethiopian Icon Painting

Take a trip back in time to introduce art of icon painting from ancient kingdom of Ethiopia. Children explore features of this art form and consider how they were painted and their purpose. They copy small areas of icons to capture style elements.
One Well

One Well

Imagine that all the water on Earth came from one well! Children learn that the amount of water on our planet never changes and that we are all connected by the way we draw water from the same source. Children then convey this understanding through poetry. Suitable for years 5 and 6.
Fair Trade

Fair Trade

Children consider arguments for buying fair trade produce and look at relevant websites including Christian Aid and Oxfam. Children think about how fair trade does not address causes – unfair trade rules and greedy practices. How can we campaign to change these?