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New Town Planning

New Town Planning

Find out about the New Towns that were planned to help with housing shortages. Look at some examples. Children identify the key elements that they would like included in a new town, and then write a report for a new town planning committee.
Keeping Food Fresh

Keeping Food Fresh

Food was rationed during WW2 and the government constantly gave out advice about how to grow and preserve food using various methods. Fridges went into mass production after WW2. Children explore a BBC site – rations, shops, a quiz, etc!


Ensure that children understand that all the people who have come to live here since Roman times have made an impact on Britain. Children research one country that people have immigrated from and add a picture and label to a large class version of the jigsaw.
The Festival of Britain

The Festival of Britain

Children watch TV footage and research the festival of Britain. They make a postcard of their favourite part and write a message on the back about what they liked.
Cooking A 1950's Meal

Cooking A 1950's Meal

Children have the opportunity to cook one course of a typical 1950s meal or to set the table. Discuss safety measures before children cook the shepherds’ pie, rice pudding or sponge pudding and custard. Will everyone have a taste of all three dishes?
Rising Population

Rising Population

Explain that the population in Britain has been rising steadily since World War 2. This is not only due to immigration, but also to improved health services. Discuss the birth of the National Health Service. Children draw graphs to show population growth.
Designs With A Message

Designs With A Message

Adinkra cloths are craft with a message. Children explore the traditional symbols printed on the cloths and create their own symbols to tell a story of their own lives.
Well-Known Immigrants

Well-Known Immigrants

Most immigrants who have come to Britain have brought skills with them. Many immigrants or descendants of immigrants have become well-known in the fields of sport, entertainment, politics and the professions. Children research and list examples.
Ethiopian Icon Painting

Ethiopian Icon Painting

Take a trip back in time to introduce art of icon painting from ancient kingdom of Ethiopia. Children explore features of this art form and consider how they were painted and their purpose. They copy small areas of icons to capture style elements.
From Romans To Save The Children

From Romans To Save The Children

Children continue work on health and hygiene in relation to clean water and the diseases caused/transmitted by dirty water. Using the Save the Children website, children discover the ways in which this issue is being tackled in different parts of the world. Suitable for years 3 and 4.
The Italian Job

The Italian Job

Children watch a car chase scene from the original Italian Job and try and guess its date. They create their own car chase using toy cars and film to show the rest of the class.
London Olympics 1908 and 1948

London Olympics 1908 and 1948

2012 brings with it London’s third Summer Olympic Games! In this session children find out more about the games in 1908 and those in 1948. Through research of the past they discover what made them unique in so many ways.
Rebuilding Damaged Towns

Rebuilding Damaged Towns

After WW2 many towns that were badly damaged in the bombing needed to be re-built. Children research what happened in Coventry and consider what could be done to help re-build and re-construct the area. Present their findings as a conversation between friends.
Extended Family

Extended Family

Now children are going to expand the information about themselves to include their family. They draw family trees. Discuss the role of women – do children’s mothers have the same role as their grandmothers or earlier generations? What about the African women? Suitable for years 5 and 6.
Council Houses

Council Houses

Children recognise the need for affordable social housing. Groups discuss different forms of affordable housing – council houses, tower blocks, housing associations, prefabs. Feedback to class with pros and cons and decide which would be most useful after a problem.


Children understand that millions of houses were destroyed during WW2 and they needed to be replaced. Houses were designed that were pre-fabricated. They were quick to build; thousands were put up in the 1940s/1950s. Children choose key info needed to sell a prefab.
Free To Roam

Free To Roam

In the past landowner’s have not wanted people to have access to their land. Children look at how the introduction of National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949 has changed this. Children annotate a map showing ‘right to roam’ areas, trails, etc.
Street Model

Street Model

Building on previous session, children make a model of a street near the school (or from imagination). Class is split in two – one group make a ‘then’ model and one a ‘now’ model – using junk modelling techniques. Display along with leaflets previously made.