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I have a total of 27 years teaching experience . After I received my M.Ed. from the University of Florida (hence the name "HappyEdugator"), I began teaching in elementary school, where I taught pull-out remedial classes for grades 2-5 and a section of K-1. Then I taught Pre-K for 5 years, before I went up to Middle School, where I have been in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. Last year, I went back to 1st grade in a private setting. I have traveled worldwide and am also fluent in Spanish.




I have a total of 27 years teaching experience . After I received my M.Ed. from the University of Florida (hence the name "HappyEdugator"), I began teaching in elementary school, where I taught pull-out remedial classes for grades 2-5 and a section of K-1. Then I taught Pre-K for 5 years, before I went up to Middle School, where I have been in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. Last year, I went back to 1st grade in a private setting. I have traveled worldwide and am also fluent in Spanish.
Martin Luther King Jr. PowerPoint and Writing Assignment

Martin Luther King Jr. PowerPoint and Writing Assignment

Martin Luther King Jr. PowerPoint and MLK Writing Assignment. This PowerPoint presentation (with a writing assignment) has 30 slides depicting the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., from birth to his death, and his legacy. There are many photographs and some audio from his "I have a dream" speech. Students will learn about the life of MLK, his influence, and how he dreamed of a brotherhood of man. There is a writing assignment for the last slide, which is a prompt that can be used for any grade level with expectations of the complexity of the writing the difference between a lower grade answer and a higher grade answer. There are four options for student choice. Editable for your own class and may be customized for your class only. Technology note- If you are using a PowerPoint Viewer instead of the full PowerPoint program, I have discovered that some of the text will disappear. Please make sure you have a full version of PowerPoint before you download.
India Travel Brochure Project

India Travel Brochure Project

India Travel Brochure Project. Student project with rubric. Students create a travel guide on India on a tri-fold construction paper. Students imagine they are travel guides leading a tour of India and must give their group an overview of India's history, geography, language, government, economy, religion, climate and attractions. Student instructions for the project to handout, teacher directions, brochure template, and a detailed rubric included. Rubric measures use of class time, writing conventions, attractiveness, organization, creativity, relevance of graphics, required elements including sources, and knowledge gained. - HappyEdugator
New Year Around the World

New Year Around the World

New Year Around the World. Happy New Year! PowerPoint on traditions and customs of the New Year's holiday in 21 different countries: United States, Canada, England, Scotland, Wales, Spain, Austria, Belgium, Italy, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Japan, China, Vietnam, Australia, India, Israel, Iran, and Saudi Arabia. Good for first day back from break. Great follow up to your Christmas Around the World unit. Animation and lots of interesting fun facts! A nice way to start off your new year when you return from the Christmas break. Fun! Enjoy! - HappyEdugator
7 Wonders of the Ancient World PowerPoint UK Version

7 Wonders of the Ancient World PowerPoint UK Version

Learn all about the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World with this 19 slide PowerPoint presentation. Gives background information about the amazing structures built by early civilisations around the Mediterranean Sea. Includes slides on The Great Pyramid of Giza, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Temple of Artemis, the Statue of Zeus at Olympia, the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, the Colossus of Rhodes, and the Lighthouse of Alexandria. Also includes links to short video clips on the Great Pyramid and the Lighthouse of Alexandria. (Not YouTube). ©2017 HappyEdugator.
Memorial Day and Flag Day Coloring Activity

Memorial Day and Flag Day Coloring Activity

Memorial Day and Flag Day Coloring Activity. This print and go sheet for Memorial Day and Flag Day explains why we celebrate and what the colors of the flag symbolize. Students then follow the color codes to color the flag. Have them cut out and attach to a craft stick or paint stirrer to wave. - HappyEdugator
United States Word Search

United States Word Search

United States Word Search. 49 out of 50 states are hidden in this word search puzzle. Students need to find the states hidden in the puzzle and also discover which one is missing. Fun activity for a United States geography unit or patriotic holidays such as Presidents' Day, Flag Day, Memorial Day, July Fourth, and Veterans Day! Enjoy! - HappyEdugator
Presidents' Day

Presidents' Day

Presidents' Day Word Search. 38 Presidents are hidden in this President's Day word search puzzle. Students need to find the United States Presidents hidden in the puzzle. Fun activity for Presidents Day and other patriotic holidays such as Flag Day, Memorial Day, July Fourth or Independence Day, and Veterans Day! Enjoy! - HappyEdugator
Harriet Tubman PowerPoint

Harriet Tubman PowerPoint

Harriet Tubman - PowerPoint explains the history behind the American Heroine, and how she led slaves to freedom, fought against slavery, served in the Civil War, worked for women's rights and suffrage, and served her community with humanitarian efforts to help the needy and the elderly. Slide topics include - Who was Harriet Tubman? Early Life Suffered Cruelty as a Slave Marriage Determined to Be Free Escape The Fugitive Slave Act Rescuing the Family Rescue Missions Close Calls Tough Love Religious Faith Rescuing Her Parents John Brown Harper's Ferry Civil War After the War Harriet Remarries Later Years Queen Victoria Final Years Listening to Her Inner Voice Honors - Statues, Stamps, and $20 bill Legacy
Martin Luther King Day PowerPoint Game

Martin Luther King Day PowerPoint Game

Martin Luther King Day Jumbled Words PowerPoint Game. MLK Day Fun! Martin Luther King Jr. interactive word scramble game; Words related to the MLK holiday will appear in scrambled form for students to try to puzzle out. Click for a clue, then click for the answer. Click again to go to the next slide. Fun activity for Black History Month, Martin Luther King Day, or when studying Civil Rights Movement. 25 slide PowerPoint Skill Level - Medium - HappyEdugator
Ancient Egypt Game Show PowerPoint

Ancient Egypt Game Show PowerPoint

Egypt - Ancient Egypt Game Show PowerPoint. Covers Egyptian topics of Gods and Goddesses, Tombs, Egyptian Life, Nile River, and Symbols. Fun review game for your Egypt unit! Give the question to the answer, like on Jeopardy. - HappyEdugator
Mesopotamia Crossword Puzzle

Mesopotamia Crossword Puzzle

Mesopotamia Crossword Puzzle. A cross word puzzle using the following vocabulary words: Paleolithic Neolithic Homo sapiens artisan Sumer ziggurat Mesopotamia polytheism Hammurabi Canaan Assyria There is a word bank at the bottom for struggling learners. Key included. - HappyEdugator
Writing - How to Write an Outline Handout

Writing - How to Write an Outline Handout

Writing an outline handout. What an outline is and why it is used, two types of outlines, and the rules for formatting an outline from general to specific with headings, subheadings, details, and specifics. Use when writing an expository paper such as a research report, biography, or essay. Includes an outline format template. You may also download my other Outline Template - Blank to help with scaffolding or differentiation. Thanks.
Africa Economic Terms Handouts

Africa Economic Terms Handouts

Africa Economic Terms Handouts. Defines economics, and the first page explains the four different types of economies: Traditional, Market, Command, and Mixed. The second page explains other economic terms such as Voluntary Trade, Specialization, Trade Barriers, Tariffs, Quotas, and Embargoes, and their importance in the study of Africa. - HappyEdugator
Veterans Day Fun Activities

Veterans Day Fun Activities

Fun Veterans Day Printable Activities. Quick and easy! Print and go activities for kids to do on Veterans Day. Includes: ABC order Acrostic Poem Make a Star Banner Color the Flag Make a Card Addition Table HappyEdugator
Ellis Island PowerPoint - Vocabulary for Understanding Immigration

Ellis Island PowerPoint - Vocabulary for Understanding Immigration

Teaching the history of Ellis Island requires giving students good background information and vocabulary. This Ellis Island PowerPoint has 17 vocabulary words essential to understanding immigrants and Ellis Island. Includes vocabulary slides, quick activities, and a vocabulary review activity at the end. - HappyEdugator ©2016 HappyEdugator.
Veterans Day Comprehension Sheet

Veterans Day Comprehension Sheet

Veterans Day Reading Comprehension Sheet. Students can read about the history of Veterans Day and why it is observed in the United States. Includes a short nonfiction reading and reading comprehension sheet. - HappyEdugator
Superhero Award Certificates - End of the Year Awards

Superhero Award Certificates - End of the Year Awards

Your kids will be proud of their superpowers with this editable superhero award set for the end of the year. The set includes four different boys and four different girls for each award. There is an end of year award for each of the following: Star Reader Star Writer Star Historian Star Scientist Star Athlete Star Artist Star Musician Star Citizen Just fill in by adding text boxes above the lines and typing in name, date, and teacher. This way you can use your own font and style for the lettering. There is also a blank award certificate for each style so you can put in your own words by just adding a textbox and typing in what you want. Your little superheroes will love these, and so will their parents.
Columbus Day Fun Activity Pack

Columbus Day Fun Activity Pack

Columbus Day Fun Activity Pack. Columbus Acrostic Poem, Writing Prompt, Word Search. Poem Handout, Mak-a-Word, and Fill-in Activity included. Twenty-six Columbus Day related words in wordsearch. October is a fun Fall month, and this is an engaging activity for building vocabulary and spelling skills. Also includes a reading handout of the traditional poem "In 1492" and a Christopher Columbus Fill-In the Blank Activity sheet. You can also use these as time fillers or as a substitute activity. - HappyEdugator