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Happyedugator's Shop

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I have a total of 27 years teaching experience . After I received my M.Ed. from the University of Florida (hence the name "HappyEdugator"), I began teaching in elementary school, where I taught pull-out remedial classes for grades 2-5 and a section of K-1. Then I taught Pre-K for 5 years, before I went up to Middle School, where I have been in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. Last year, I went back to 1st grade in a private setting. I have traveled worldwide and am also fluent in Spanish.




I have a total of 27 years teaching experience . After I received my M.Ed. from the University of Florida (hence the name "HappyEdugator"), I began teaching in elementary school, where I taught pull-out remedial classes for grades 2-5 and a section of K-1. Then I taught Pre-K for 5 years, before I went up to Middle School, where I have been in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. Last year, I went back to 1st grade in a private setting. I have traveled worldwide and am also fluent in Spanish.


Adverbs - Fun Worksheet and Word Search. Students need to identify adverbs in 20 sentences and then find them in the wordsearch. Fun practice that helps students become more familiar with adverbs as parts of speech. Fun test prep! Good activity to use the day before or after a long break, like Spring Break. - Happyedugator
Business Letter Writing

Business Letter Writing

Business Letter Writing. How to Write a Business Letter Handout. This technical writing handout is a handy guide on how to write a business letter. Shows how a business letter is formatted, and the six main parts of a business letter: heading, inside address, salutation, body, closing, signature. Includes a blank template, a handout on writing strategies, a persuasive map, and rubric.
Myth Writing Lesson for Middle School

Myth Writing Lesson for Middle School

Myth Writing Lesson for Middle School. Fun for your mythology unit or writing lesson. Includes lesson plan details, assignment handout, and rubric. Students will learn the elements of myth, research a mythological hero, and write their own narrative on how the hero they chose can solve one of a list of problems that face middle school kids today. - HappyEdugator
Past Verb Tenses PowerPoint

Past Verb Tenses PowerPoint

Past verb tenses PowerPoint. More than 30 slides on the four past tenses students often get confused: the past, the past progressive, the past perfect, and the past perfect progressive. Grammar rules are given for each tense, with plenty of examples for positive statements, negative statements and questions. Sound and animation added to keep it lively. Best used in chunks.
Summer Reading List Grade 4 - 6

Summer Reading List Grade 4 - 6

Summer Reading List Grade 4 - 6. A suggested summer reading list to encourage reading. Nice handout to give to parents at the end of the year as a helpful guide to some good literature for children to read during the summer. Parents love it! Includes name of book, author, AR reading level and points value. Chosen for the text level of complexity required by the common core standards. - HappyEdugator
EDITABLE Teacher Binder Covers - Gray

EDITABLE Teacher Binder Covers - Gray

EDITABLE Teacher Binder Covers - 63 Different Ready Made Binder Covers and Spines. Choose which ones you wish to use, print out and slip into your binder front and spine. Also includes an editable cover and an editable spine, so you can add your own words if you need to! These can also be used as dividers in a larger teacher binder (cover for that included) and the spines can double as page tabs. Just print out the pages you need and put in page protectors. Print out the tabs on card stock and attach with clear packing tape to protect and make durable. Gray textured background. Enjoy! - HappyEdugator With the EDITABLE BLANK covers and spines, you can create your own binders for anything you wish. Also includes ready made covers for: 504's Art Assessments Benchmarks Calendar Class Rosters Common Core Standards Conferences Curriculum Maps Cursive Data Department Duties ELL English Language Arts Evaluations Extracurricular Activities Field Trip Information Foreign Language Geography Gradebook HIstory IEP's Lesson Plans Mathematics Meeting Notes Modifications Music Newsletters Parent Guardian Contacts Passwords/Tech Information Professional Development Reading Schedule Science Social Studies Spelling Standards STEM STEAM Student Information Substitute Syllabus Teacher Binder Transportation Website Information Work Samples Writing AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY HOLIDAYS TESTING
Writing Prompts - Writing for the Real World

Writing Prompts - Writing for the Real World

Writing - Writing for the Real World PowerPoint. Writing PowerPoint can be used one slide at a time to engage students in meaningful writing experiences. Ten different real world writing activities students can use to write in their journals, source books, or writing folders. Each slide is a different writing prompt about a real world writing situation, and each writing prompt comes with a word list to help students develop vocabulary and spelling. Students should use five words from each list in their writing assignment. These ten writing activities can be done daily over the course of two weeks, or you can spread them out over a longer period of time.
Christmas Similes Activity

Christmas Similes Activity

Christmas Similes Activity. A fun printable Christmas activity handout to help your students create some simple Christmas similes. Your students, after reading the example, should be able to fill in the blanks with their own Christmas similes, and even make up a few of their own. Great winter fun. Also fun to do after watching the scene in the movie "A Christmas Carol" when the party-goers play the game "Similes." Also includes simile cards. Print out on cardstock, and cut out. Give to students to fill out and draw a representation of their simile. Punch a hole in the corner of each, tie with a ribbon, and hang on your "Simile Tree." - HappyEdugator
Math Activity - What's Your Name Worth?

Math Activity - What's Your Name Worth?

Math Activity - What is Your Name Worth? Back to school, beginning of the year, end of the year, or just for Math fun! Great counting money and addition practice. Print and go. Students get with partners and determine the value of their name by adding the values of the letters from the given code, and check each other's worth. Whose name is worth more? Another sheet has students figure out the value of their weekly spelling words. Kids will soon be figuring out the "values" of all kinds of things, and getting math practice while they are having fun. - HappyEdugator
Digital Classroom Interactive Reading Comprehension Story - Finish Line

Digital Classroom Interactive Reading Comprehension Story - Finish Line

Perfect to set up on Chromebooks. This is a great reading comprehension passage for your struggling boys who are just not motivated to read. Finish Line is the fiction story of a boy who is trying to find his own special talent in a family of many talents, who finds a dirt bike, fixes it up, and goes on to win at a dirt bike race, making new friends along the way. Each slide is a piece of the motocross story, and is followed by a slide of reading comprehension questions requiring thinking, evidence, and inference, as required by the rigor of today's standards. 22 questions in all, with an answer key at the end, so it can be self checking. Good for independent practice and test prep, and perfect for homeschool, too. If you have a boy who likes motocross bike racing, this is a great independent reading assignment to do at a computer station or on a Chromebook or iPad. It can also be shown in Google Slides. ©2017 HappyEdugator.
Africa- All About Africa PowerPoint

Africa- All About Africa PowerPoint

Africa - All About Africa PowerPoint. Studying Africa? An overview of Africa, complete with animations, interesting facts, photographs from different countries in Africa, and important information about climate, geography, people, social issues, and politics. Discusses the climatic zones and ecosystems of each of the U.N. regions of Africa at length…from the pyramids and deserts of North Africa, to the Sahel and desertification of West Africa, to the savannas and mountains of East Africa, the jungles of central Africa, and the semi-arid mountains of South Africa. Also, covers other important issues, a few for example…poverty, life-expectancy, kwashiorkor, and the abolishment of apartheid in South Africa. You can use this in sections as you study each region of this great continent. 56 slides. - HappyEdugator Updated March February 2023.
Scientific Notation PowerPoint

Scientific Notation PowerPoint

PowerPoint on Scientific Notation first instructs and then gives practice opportunities for students to apply their skills in converting between standard notation and scientific notation and comparing numbers written in scientific notation. They will also learn about and practice multiplying and dividing with scientific notation. You can use in Zoom or videoconferencing for distance learning in a virtual classroom, which is great if you are remote teaching. Compatible with Microsoft OneDrive. You can convert this into a Google Slides presentation and then upload this resource right into your Google Classroom and students can work on them on their Chromebooks. Printable worksheet with Key included. Links to interactive practice will reinforce skills learned. 19 Slides. © HappyEdugator.
Memorial Day and Flag Day Coloring Activity

Memorial Day and Flag Day Coloring Activity

Memorial Day and Flag Day Coloring Activity. This print and go sheet for Memorial Day and Flag Day explains why we celebrate and what the colors of the flag symbolize. Students then follow the color codes to color the flag. Have them cut out and attach to a craft stick or paint stirrer to wave. - HappyEdugator
United States Word Search

United States Word Search

United States Word Search. 49 out of 50 states are hidden in this word search puzzle. Students need to find the states hidden in the puzzle and also discover which one is missing. Fun activity for a United States geography unit or patriotic holidays such as Presidents' Day, Flag Day, Memorial Day, July Fourth, and Veterans Day! Enjoy! - HappyEdugator
Presidents' Day

Presidents' Day

Presidents' Day Word Search. 38 Presidents are hidden in this President's Day word search puzzle. Students need to find the United States Presidents hidden in the puzzle. Fun activity for Presidents Day and other patriotic holidays such as Flag Day, Memorial Day, July Fourth or Independence Day, and Veterans Day! Enjoy! - HappyEdugator
Word Problems - What Operation Do I Use?

Word Problems - What Operation Do I Use?

Word problems are tricky. You can add, subtract, multiply, or divide to find the answer. Use this interactive PowerPoint to practice figuring out which operation to use in one step word problems. Each slide has a word problem, and students can choose whether they should use addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division to solve. Then they can work the problem. When finished, they can click to see if they were correct. Includes 15 different word problems for students to practice. You can assign to them on their device to complete independently, use in a center, or show it to the whole group. Editable for your own classroom use, so if you wish to take out the answer slides or put them at the end, you may. Enjoy! - HappyEdugator
Candy Bar Fraction Hunt - A Fun Fraction Activity

Candy Bar Fraction Hunt - A Fun Fraction Activity

Fraction Hunt. This is a fun way to practice fractions. First, hide a candy bar (or any individually wrapped candy) somewhere in the room under a map, atlas, globe, or drawing of the earth. Then give students the sheet to decode the message and find the candy. They will have lots of fun trying to be the first one done to get the prize. - HappyEdugator