Hayley42Make teen numbers on a tens frame(0)A worksheet where children can draw to show how teen numbers are represented on a tens frame.
BundleHayley42Teen numbers worksheets3 Resources1x Representing teen numbers using base 10 apparatus worksheet. 1x Showing teen numbers on a tens frame worksheet. 1x Representing teen numbers in a part whole model worksheet
Hayley42Represent numbers using base 10 apparatus(0)A worksheet where children can make numbers using base 10 apparatus and then record what it looks like.
Hayley42Year 1 Maths heavier and lighter.(0)A table for children to record items which are heavier or lighter using the correct mathematical vocabulary.
Hayley42Year 1 Non-standard units of measurement(0)A worksheet for weighing items using non-standard units.
Hayley42Make teen numbers using base 10 apparatus(0)A worksheet that supports making and then drawing teen numbers using base 10 apparatus.
Hayley42Represent teen numbers using a part whole model(0)Worksheet supporting the recording of teen numbers in a part whole model
Hayley42Ordering numbers from smallest to biggest (numbers to 50)(0)Ordering numbers from smallest to biggest (numbers to 50)
Hayley42Counting worksheet - Count the pictures and write the answers.(0)Children can count the number of items in each box and write their answer in the space provided.
Hayley42Writing numbers 1-10 worksheet(0)A handwriting worksheet where children can practise writing numbers 1-10.
Hayley42Shape Recognition - robot worksheet(0)Children can count the amount of each shape on the robot and write their answers in the boxes provided.