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Historia Victoria

Average Rating3.66
(based on 454 reviews)

I have a passion for History and communicating knowledge in an engaging form. I have 20 years experience of teaching History, Geography, English, Religious Studies and Citizenship.




I have a passion for History and communicating knowledge in an engaging form. I have 20 years experience of teaching History, Geography, English, Religious Studies and Citizenship.
Elizabeth I

Elizabeth I

Objectives: To learn about the Tudor Succession after the death of Mary I in 1558. To understand the Elizabethan Settlement.
Winston Churchill Funeral 1965

Winston Churchill Funeral 1965

Useful PP for reading/history/discussion with video links Churchill’s funeral was the largest state funeral in world history up to that point in time, with representatives from 112 nations; only China did not send an emissary. In Europe 350 million people, including 25 million in Britain, watched the funeral on television, and only Ireland did not broadcast it live. By decree of the Queen, his body lay in state in Westminster Hall for three days and a state funeral service was held at St Paul’s Cathedral on 30 January 1965.One of the largest assemblages of statesmen in the world was gathered for the service. Unusually, the Queen attended the funeral. As Churchill’s lead-lined coffin passed up the River Thames from Tower Pier to Festival Pier on the MV Havengore, dockers lowered their crane jibs in a salute.