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KS3 Romans - Why Was the Roman Army So Effective?

KS3 Romans - Why Was the Roman Army So Effective?

This lesson contains: A starter that discusses the problems Rome has with such large territory. Students explore the idea that the army needed to be large etc. A walkthrough of some of the major threats the Romans faced from abroad. The Iberians, Parthians and Britons are used as examples with a question to answer for each. An overview of the major tactics used. The lesson teases, from hints on the board, at the wedge, testudo and use of catapaults. There are images and video footage to support each, as well as two extra slides with a ballista and seige tower on for extra information. A slide on the importance of roads to the armies too with a chance to discuss it. The main task which asks students to use information sheets provided to complete the worksheet to show how effective the army was. For each section they also rate the effectiveness of each reason to help form a judgement. A plenary gap fill exercise to summarise the lesson. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE WW1 Medicine L1 - How did WW1’s Battles Affect Medicine?

GCSE WW1 Medicine L1 - How did WW1’s Battles Affect Medicine?

This lesson contains: A starter activity to gauge student interest and knowledge of World War One before the module begins. A short video to give an introduction into how gruesome the war was. An activity to study the medical advances that had taken place in the lead up to WW1, including x-rays, blood transfusions and aseptic surgery. Students assess the merits but also the problems that still existed with these methods. A teacher-led walkthrough of how the war started and led to stalemate and trenches. Students can answer some basic questions on the potential problems medical practitioners might face. A task to study the 4 major battlegrounds of WW1 (Ypres, Somme, Cambrai, Arras) to complete comprehension questions on them. A plenary to consider the biggest challenges faced by soldiers and by medics. **Attachments: ** 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE WW1 Medicine L3 - Conditions & Transport

GCSE WW1 Medicine L3 - Conditions & Transport

This lesson contains: A starter quiz to consolidate previous knowledge. Two discussion tasks based on visual sources about what can be learned about conditions and the difficulty for medical crews. A task to read the information about transport methods and to complete questions to consolidate. An opportunity to do an exam question as a class. A teachable slide about doing source usefulness and a chance to practice this using a gap fill to teach the key componants that go into writing the usefulness exam question. An additional exam practice sheet provided which can be used as extension work or as homework. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 3 x Publisher Files
GCSE Medicine L20 - Lifestyle Choices

GCSE Medicine L20 - Lifestyle Choices

This lesson contains: A starter to consider what ‘life choices’ mean and how they might affect the cause and cure of diseases. A discussion of what lifestyle factors affect out health, e.g. sun, alcohol, drugs, fast food, stress etc. This is because this lesson is about how greater awareness of diseases caused by lifestyle factors has helped us in the modern era. An overview of the pioneers of research on lifestyle, including Charles Booth’s original map and report and Edwin Chadwick’s report on the poor. An activity to do guided reading of information to do with lifestyles and complete a series of levelled questions to show their understanding. An opportunity to do an exam question comparing causes of disease in the modern era with another era. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Publisher File
GCSE WW1 Medicine L5 - Treating the Wounded

GCSE WW1 Medicine L5 - Treating the Wounded

This lesson contains: A starter quiz based on previous learning. An overview of the chain of evacuation. The teacher than takes the students through each of the RAD, Dressing Station, CCS and Base Hospital. There is a short video and students take notes in the boxes on their flow chart sheet. The answers are also there with facts to help students improve their notes afterwards. An activity to study about who provided the care, which includes the RAMC and FANY. Students then have an opportunity to attempt a ‘two features’ exam question. A plenary challenging students to determine which picture relates to each place on the chain. Extra exam questions for all types, including a long exam question, on this topic. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 3 x Publisher Files
USA L7 - Did the New Deal Help Everyone?

USA L7 - Did the New Deal Help Everyone?

This lesson contains: A starter that recalls the Wall Street Crash and the Depression. An introduction to Roosevelt and his election campaign to solve the Depression. This includes a quote about a New Deal. Students might consider ways he might help the economy recover. An activity to study a series of information sheets. Students can have these in groups or move around the room. They use the info to complete a worksheet with the different ‘alphabet agencies’ that were created by Roosevelt to solve the problem. Students record what each tried to achieve. A task to study information about the effects of the New Deal on different social groups in the USA. Students then weigh up whether all groups benefitted, or not and why. There is extended writing to be done on this, guided on the board. A plenary to match the alphabet agency to the job it did. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Powerpoint Files 1 x Publisher File 1 x Word File
GCSE American West L16 – Law and Order After 1865

GCSE American West L16 – Law and Order After 1865

This lesson contains: An introduction to the reasons for lawlessness in the new cattle towns and the link to the growing railways and cattle ranching that boomed these towns. Students select the most important and can explain why they chose them. An activity to determine the crime which took place in these towns. A YouTube video is shown, followed by an activity to consolidate knowledge. An opportunity to do an exam question in full based on the past few lessons on law and order and cowboys. Attachments 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE American West L5 – Why People Migrated West

GCSE American West L5 – Why People Migrated West

This lesson contains: A task to introduce the reasons why people went West using a map of my own creation (editable on the PPT) and annotating the Mormon trail, California Trail and Oregon Trail with info from the PPTs. The slides will give info on the importance of the Oregon Trail also, and why it was traversed. A introduction to the belief of Manifest Destiny. A worksheet task to study the reasons people went West and to sort them by importance as pushes and pulls, but also overall. A task to study what problems the migrants faced along the way. This can be extended by looking at the Donner Party using the information provided and answering some comprehension questions on this. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Word File 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE American West L1 – Intro to the USA

GCSE American West L1 – Intro to the USA

This lesson contains: A starter to excite the students about the number of states, current president and the flag. An overview of the exam paper and question types. A Cornell Notes activity to make notes as the on-board PPT goes through the backstory of the USA up until the start of the course in the 1830’s. This covers the 13 Colonies, Declaration of Independence, Louisiana Purchase, explorations of Louis and Clark and the move West. If you don’t want to use the Cornell Notes format, you could have them make a mind map, or split their page into 6 boxes. A brief introduction to the Plains (a central part of the course) and the geography of the U.S. A YouTube video from Ray Mears about the Plains and the dangers. Students make notes on the dangers people will face in this course. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Word Files 1 x Publisher Files
GCSE American West L8 – Early Farming on the Plains

GCSE American West L8 – Early Farming on the Plains

This lesson contains: A background to early farming and the effect of the Indian Appropriations Act on settling Indians further West. An on-board summary of the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 and the parcelling up of land to be newly settled. The students can stick the map in an annotate around it. A brief introduction to these new farmers as Homesteaders. More comes in later lessons on them though. A guided reading/research task on the difficulties the farmers faced. Students use the information to complete the table for problems of farming the Plains and problems of living on the Plains. A plenary to assess whether life was harder for miners (previous lesson) or farmers. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 3 x Publisher Files
GCSE Medicine L4 - Medieval Care & Hospitals

GCSE Medicine L4 - Medieval Care & Hospitals

This lesson contains: A starter to recap some information learned so far in the course. An overview of the key people who healed the sick, from physicians, apothacarys, barber surgeons and wise women. A YouTube video is used with barber surgeons and wise women to bring it to life and show what instruments they used. A task to study the role of Medieval hospitals. Students note down in one colour things that were positive and another colour the negatives. A plenary to study an image of lots of instruments and herbs on a table, labelled. Students decide which of the healers may have used each. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Publisher File
GCSE American West L13 – Development and Ranching on the Plains

GCSE American West L13 – Development and Ranching on the Plains

This lesson contains: A starter quiz to recap previous information from the last few lessons. A discussion of the situation with ranching before the Civil War and the aftermath of increased beef needs in the East and the availability of the Texas Longhorn. A task for students to complete the worksheet (better in A3) using the on-board information about the problems of cattle ranging and drives, including the Texas fever and the length of the drives. A task to complete the gap fills on the worksheet for Joseph McCoy, Goodnight-Loving and John Illif using the on-board word bank and the information provided. This gets a wider picture of the cattle ranching developments. An opportunity to develop an exam-style answer about the development of the cattle industry. There is also a second plenary to rate the reasons for the cattle industry into a diamond 9. Attachments 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE American West L15 – Decline of Cowboy and Drives

GCSE American West L15 – Decline of Cowboy and Drives

This lesson contains: An introduction to the ‘open range’ and why the cowboys moved from working on the range rather than performing cattle drives. A task to study the reasons why the cattle drives ended and the role of cowboys declined. Students read the information provided and put the reasons into order of importance. A discussion of the winter of 1886-87 and the consequences of the great ‘die-up’. An opportunity to study the role barbed wire played in the decline of cowboys by studying an exam exemplar and picking out facts and importance words in the answer, then having a go at their own exam question using similar criteria. A plenary crossword with the keys words from the cattle ranging and cowboys lessons. Attachments 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Publisher Files 2 x Word Files
GCSE Medicine L6 - Renaissance Causes of Disease

GCSE Medicine L6 - Renaissance Causes of Disease

This lesson contains: An optional starter which gives scenarios about the treatment of Charles II. It could take a while so this is perfect if you don’t mind spreading this lesson over 2 periods. If not, skip this. An introduction to the Renaissance and what it means. Images are used to show the advancements in this period and there is a quiz students can do about inventions and art etc. An overview of the Renaissance challenge to the Church and the advancement in medicine and drawing in this time. A task to use information sheet provided to complete a knowledge organsier worksheet to contain the main changes in ideas of the causes of disease. An activity to study the major situation with causes of disease and students colour a test tube to show little or a lot of change since the Medieval era. A plenary activity to consider whether there was much change between the Medieval era. Students can use the information sheet to do this. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Word File 2 x Publisher File
GCSE Medicine L5 - Dealing with the Black Death

GCSE Medicine L5 - Dealing with the Black Death

This lesson contains: A starter to get students thinking about what they already know about the Black Death. A brief source study about the plague and then an overview of the Black Death and its spread/effect. An opportunity to go over the two types of plague: bubonic and pneumonic. A task to study the sources information sheet provided to complete the table of the causes, prevention and treatment of the Black Death. Some extension tasks are available to consider government involvement. A crossword plenary to recap the key words and phrases. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Word File 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE Germany L12 - Early Nazi Party

GCSE Germany L12 - Early Nazi Party

This lesson contains: An overview of Adolf Hitler’s frustrations after WW1. An activity to describe the goals of the early DAP and Anton Drexler. A mind mapping activity to use the information on the sheet and the PPT to make notes on Hitler’s personal appeal, the 25 Points, the SA, the new leaders in the Party and the organisation of the new NSDAP under Hitler, including the salute and the swastika. A plenary review task to discuss whether the changes to the early party paid off and brought in members. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Publisher File
What Was the Role and Legacy of Martin Luther King?

What Was the Role and Legacy of Martin Luther King?

This lesson contains: A starter to look at some images that relate to MLK and students guess why. An activity lasting the whole lesson, to complete Cornell Notes, using the worksheet provided, while the lesson progresses. It’s very effective for student revision. A YouTube video to start looking at MLK himself. Students complete the questions by writing them out in full in the top part of their worksheet to summarise his life. A series of slides covering his role in the civil rights movement, from the Bus Boycott to his speaking skills, to Selma. Students take notes in the appropriate section of the worksheet. You can either talk these through with the class, or print the slides as handouts and shared around in groups. A YouTube video within the activity to watch the ‘I Have a Dream’ speech. There is an optional Word File with a transcript of the essential parts of the speech for students to follow along and annotate if you like. A brief look at those who opposed MLK, like Malcolm X. There is a YouTube clip which students use to interpret the different message being send from Malcolm X. A plenary to finish the Cornell Notes and summarise the learning about his contribution. The prompts and sentences for this are on the Powerpoint. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Word File 1 x Publisher File
WW1 L15 - Was Gallipoli a Noble Plan or Tactical Mistake?

WW1 L15 - Was Gallipoli a Noble Plan or Tactical Mistake?

This lesson contains: An overview of the Ottoman entry into the war and the threta they posed to Britain’s ally, Russia. A discussion acitivity to plan where the British should invade to open up a third front in the war. An overview of the Gallipoli strategy. Students discuss why it might work and why it might fail based on the map. A YouTube video which tells the story of what happened and students complete a gap fill on the worksheet provided. There are further follow up consolidation questions. A task to colour-code the reasons the invasion failed. A final activity to study interpretations and judge whether it was a failure of a good strategy. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentations 1 x Publisher File
Tudors - How Did the Tudors Treat the Poor?

Tudors - How Did the Tudors Treat the Poor?

This lesson contains: A starter to examine an image and what it shows about the Tudors’ treatment of the poor. A discussion of the impact of Henry’s closure of the monasteries on the poor. Discovery of what Vagabonds were and an activity to match the type of vagabond to the description using the resources provided. An exercise to study pre-Elizabeth treatment and rules against the poor, matching the treatment to why it might be unfair. An exercise to consolidate knowledge and then judge how much change happened during Elizabeth’s time, including the Poor Laws and the distinguishing between Deserving Poor and the Idle and Lazy. A plenary to write a short letter expressing whether the treatment was fair or unfair still. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE Elizabeth L3 - Elizabeth's Government & Ministers

GCSE Elizabeth L3 - Elizabeth's Government & Ministers

This lesson contains: A starter quiz to recap previous knowledge. You can customise this to suit your needs. Background into the decision to choose good advisors and who the Privy Council were. The slides are pretty straightforward and as you explain, there are questions that students can do from the board to show their understanding. A task to study the roles of the various branches of government and draw a small symbol to remember their main role. An on-board activity where you can use the answer key provided to talk through the structure of the government. This will be done on their worksheets provided and looks good once they are finished. A worksheet that takes students through Elizabeth’s decisions in choosing her Privy Council. Students find the clever choices she made and why, as well as answer some questions about the merits of William Cecil. A chance to practice an exam-style question easily done by looking back at the table and structure they completed. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Word Document 2 x Publisher Files 1 x PDF Answer Key