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Dictators L10 - What Were Hitler's Beliefs
This lesson contains:
A starter to recap some key words from the dictators course, but you can edit this to fit whatever you recently studied.
A brief intro to Hitler’s upbringing and actions in the early Nazi Party. This is brief but gives a small overview - the point here is not to focus on things at KS4 depth, it’s only meant to be light touch as the main focus at KS3 for this lesson is on beliefs about how to make Germany better. This is supplemented by a video about Fascism and Hitler’s role in it. this is from YouTube. There is a brief gap fill consolidation task.
An activity to study a series of sources about Hitler and to fit the evidence into the table next to the problems going on Germany at the time. this shows the connection between the problems and the solution Hitler proposed to deal with them.
A task to then study some statements from characters on the information sheet provided. This allows the students to say who would support Hitler’s ideas and then justify why they would like that problem solved. This builds the ideas that the Nazis were supported by different groups in society.
A plenary to summarise the key learning from the lesson.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
2 x Publisher Files
KS3 Medieval - What Did Medieval Villages Look Like?
This lesson contains:
A starter to study an image of an abanded village and discuss what might have happened there.
An overview of how archaeologists were able to use scans and maps to see what the village would have looked like.
Information about the different features of a manor, including the manor building, the Lord, role of priests and the tithe, and the different professions like fletchers, blacksmiths etc, and the role of the strip farming. There is a consolidation task for students to complete in their books.
An activity where students complete the worksheet to match the description of the building to the place.
A task to then label a typical medieval village with the correct words based on the prompts on the PPT.
A plenary to consider how difficult life might have been for those living there.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
1 x Publisher File
GCSE Cold War L6 - Truman Doctrine & Marshall Plan
This lesson contains:
A starter to recap prior knowledge from the course so far.
A background of the perceived threat of the USSR spreading and the problems in Greece with the Civil War. Students discuss what Truman should do.
A YouTube video gives the build up while another video discusses what Truman actually did. Students use the information provided to complete the relevant sections of their worksheet.
Emphasis on the new change of policy from isolationism to containment.
A discussion of the Marshall Plan, its purpose and using a YouTube video and the information provided, students complete the last part of their worksheet organiser.
A choice of plenaries: either a source analysis or an exam style question.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
2 x Publisher Files
GCSE Medicine L1 - Legacy of Galen & Hippocrates
This lesson contains:
A starter to consider what we know today about what causes sickness.
An overview of who Hippocrates and Galen were and why we are studying them.
A study of Hippocrates from the information sheet and using it to understand his methods and noting them on the worksheet.
An indepth look at the Theory of hte Four Humours and an activity to match up the right parts of the theory with the seasons, the elements and the weather.
A look a Galen and his background, including his Theory of Opposites. Students use the on-board information to finish the worksheet about Galen.
A plenary to review some characters with different syptoms and what the ancients would have suggested.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
2 x Publisher File
GCSE Medicine L10 - The Impact of William Harvey
This lesson contains:
An overview of who William Harvey was and where he was from.
An introduction into Harvey’s thinking, using an image of a water pump and a dissected frog. Students can interpret how they led to his greatest discovery - the circulation of the blood.
A task to use the information provided to study the improvements Harvey made and how he proved Galen wrong.
An activity to study the reasons why Harvey was able to make the discoveries that he did and what factors led to them.
A gap fill task to uncover what impact Harvey had on medicine.
A plenary task to write 3 facts about certain key words, and another to write a PEE to compare Harvey to other key characters from the unit, including Vesalius and Sydenham.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
2 x Publisher Files
GCSE Medicine L4 - Medieval Care & Hospitals
This lesson contains:
A starter to recap some information learned so far in the course.
An overview of the key people who healed the sick, from physicians, apothacarys, barber surgeons and wise women. A YouTube video is used with barber surgeons and wise women to bring it to life and show what instruments they used.
A task to study the role of Medieval hospitals. Students note down in one colour things that were positive and another colour the negatives.
A plenary to study an image of lots of instruments and herbs on a table, labelled. Students decide which of the healers may have used each.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
1 x Publisher File
What Was the Role and Legacy of Martin Luther King?
This lesson contains:
A starter to look at some images that relate to MLK and students guess why.
An activity lasting the whole lesson, to complete Cornell Notes, using the worksheet provided, while the lesson progresses. It’s very effective for student revision.
A YouTube video to start looking at MLK himself. Students complete the questions by writing them out in full in the top part of their worksheet to summarise his life.
A series of slides covering his role in the civil rights movement, from the Bus Boycott to his speaking skills, to Selma. Students take notes in the appropriate section of the worksheet. You can either talk these through with the class, or print the slides as handouts and shared around in groups.
A YouTube video within the activity to watch the ‘I Have a Dream’ speech. There is an optional Word File with a transcript of the essential parts of the speech for students to follow along and annotate if you like.
A brief look at those who opposed MLK, like Malcolm X. There is a YouTube clip which students use to interpret the different message being send from Malcolm X.
A plenary to finish the Cornell Notes and summarise the learning about his contribution. The prompts and sentences for this are on the Powerpoint.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
1 x Word File
1 x Publisher File
GCSE Medicine L11 - Dealing with the Great Plague
This lesson contains:
A starter to recall the Black Plague of the previous era.
An overview of the Great Plague from looking at a source image, then statistics about the plague.
An activity to study the information provided and complete an organiser about the plague, including the causes, treatments and prevention. There is an extension comparison exercise.
A discussion of the increased government intervention.
An opportunity to do an exam question to consolidate the knowledge.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
3 x Publisher Files
GCSE Medicine L12 - How Did Jenner Defeat Smallpox?
This lesson contains:
An overview of innoculation before Jenner came along, with questions on each slide for students to write answers in full.
An introduction to Edward Jenner first and then students use the information sheets to complete questions about his discover of smallpox and how it worked.
A discussion about the impact of the vaccination, and then students use the information to complete an activity about the impact of Jenner, the resistance he faced and the government funding he recieved.
Two plenaries to choose from: the first is an exam question, the second a review about different key words in the lesson.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
1 x Publisher File
GCSE Cold War L9 - Arms Race & De-Stalinisation
This lesson contains:
A starter gap fill which recaps prior knowledge from the course.
An introduction to the arms race using a source image to elicit responses.
An embedded video of my own making which summarises the arms race and the creation of different weapons from the A bombs, H bombs and ICBMs.
A consolidation activity using the information provided to complete extension questions and a timeline activity for the arms race.
A discussion of MAD and what it means using a source to elicit the information then go over it using the on-board info.
A task to read the guided reading on the new leaders in 1953 (Eisenhower and Khrushchev) and what impact they had on relations at the time.
A plenary set of questions in a fun ‘tell your advisors’ format, and a plenary to watch a bit of ‘Duck and Cover’ and discuss it.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
3 x Publisher Files
GCSE Cold War L5 - Satellite States & Iron Curtain
This lesson contains:
A starter to put events in the correct order to practice knowledge recall and narrative skills.
An overview of the satellite states and where they were, as well as the intention of Stalin to create a buffer zone. This is added to by a short YouTube video and consolidation questions on the worksheet and a map colouring exercise.
An activity to use the information provided about the spread of communism throughout Europe to complete a table to show the trends of the Soviet strategy of take over.
Information and a YouTube video on the Iron Curtain. Students complete questions on this.
A plenary to either complete a source analysis on the worksheet provided or attempt an exam question.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
3 x Publisher Files
1 x Word File
GCSE American West L9 – The Fort Laramie Treaty 1851
This lesson contains:
A match up starter to put correct treaty to the correct date.
An A3 worksheet (best in A3, works in A4) which is completed throughout each stage.
An overview of the growing fears and tensions on the Plains, firstly the fears of the Indians and then the fears of the White settlers. Students have space on their worksheet.
A look at the intention behind the Fort Laramie Treaty, including ensuring safe travel for Americans, but also the problems with getting this across to the Indians, such as a lack of translation and the councils not acting for the whole tribe.
A task to use the information provided to note down the terms of the Treaty.
An activity to determine the consequences of the Treaty on the Indians and on the Americans.
An opportunity to practice an exam question for this topic. There is an exemplar to offer further support and guidance and for students to discuss and peer mark.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
1 Word File
2 x Publisher Files
GCSE American West L6 – How Successful Were the Mormons?
This lesson contains:
A starter to infer what the Mormons believed from studying some images on the board.
An introduction video into the central beliefs of the Mormons. This helps understand why Christians disliked them. There are some consolidation questions.
An activity to stick in a map of the Mormon journey across America and the West. Students annotate what went wrong at each place from the on-board info. This can also be printed and students could do this in groups instead of it being teacher led.
An introduction to Salt Lake City today. Students then read and colour code the degree of success that the Mormons achieved. Student determine their biggest success and the main reason why they were able to survive the journey West.
A plenary quiz at the end.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
2 x Publisher Files
GCSE American West L1 – Intro to the USA
This lesson contains:
A starter to excite the students about the number of states, current president and the flag.
An overview of the exam paper and question types.
A Cornell Notes activity to make notes as the on-board PPT goes through the backstory of the USA up until the start of the course in the 1830’s. This covers the 13 Colonies, Declaration of Independence, Louisiana Purchase, explorations of Louis and Clark and the move West. If you don’t want to use the Cornell Notes format, you could have them make a mind map, or split their page into 6 boxes.
A brief introduction to the Plains (a central part of the course) and the geography of the U.S.
A YouTube video from Ray Mears about the Plains and the dangers. Students make notes on the dangers people will face in this course.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
2 x Word Files
1 x Publisher Files
GCSE American West L8 – Early Farming on the Plains
This lesson contains:
A background to early farming and the effect of the Indian Appropriations Act on settling Indians further West.
An on-board summary of the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 and the parcelling up of land to be newly settled. The students can stick the map in an annotate around it.
A brief introduction to these new farmers as Homesteaders. More comes in later lessons on them though.
A guided reading/research task on the difficulties the farmers faced. Students use the information to complete the table for problems of farming the Plains and problems of living on the Plains.
A plenary to assess whether life was harder for miners (previous lesson) or farmers.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
3 x Publisher Files
GCSE American West L11 – The Transcontinental Railroad
This lesson contains:
An introduction to the America Civil War. Students learn about the two sides and why they were fighting, then apply this to a consolidation gap fill which can be stuck in their books.
A discussion of the railway project to connect East and West. There is a YouTube video and students write the reasons the railroad was built.
A task to stick a map of the railroad into their books and annotate from the board the facts about each railroad company and the difficulties they faced on each side.
An activity to determine the consequences of the railroad on the Indians, the farmers and settlers, and the U.S. economy. This is a worksheet that can be colour-coded and stuck in.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
3 x Publisher Files
GCSE American West L12 – Homesteaders and Farming Solutions
This lesson contains:
An overview of how the Civil War affected homesteaders with details about the role and purpose of the Homestead Act 1862. Students take not eon the function of the Act and can watch a YouTube video on it.
An activity to note down the successes of the Act as well as the limitations from the on-board information.
A task to use the information provided to complete the worksheet on other Acts that followed the Homestead Act and what they did. Students can weigh up the successes of these Acts.
An activity to study the information on the changes to farming practices. Students complete a table to show what was done about each problem farmers faced and judge how successful each measure would likely have been.
A plenary to consider how much life improved for the Homesteaders.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
3 x Publisher Files
GCSE American West L16 – Law and Order After 1865
This lesson contains:
An introduction to the reasons for lawlessness in the new cattle towns and the link to the growing railways and cattle ranching that boomed these towns. Students select the most important and can explain why they chose them.
An activity to determine the crime which took place in these towns. A YouTube video is shown, followed by an activity to consolidate knowledge.
An opportunity to do an exam question in full based on the past few lessons on law and order and cowboys.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
2 x Publisher Files
GCSE WW1 Medicine L3 - Conditions & Transport
This lesson contains:
A starter quiz to consolidate previous knowledge.
Two discussion tasks based on visual sources about what can be learned about conditions and the difficulty for medical crews.
A task to read the information about transport methods and to complete questions to consolidate.
An opportunity to do an exam question as a class.
A teachable slide about doing source usefulness and a chance to practice this using a gap fill to teach the key componants that go into writing the usefulness exam question.
An additional exam practice sheet provided which can be used as extension work or as homework.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
3 x Publisher Files
GCSE WW1 Medicine L1 - How did WW1’s Battles Affect Medicine?
This lesson contains:
A starter activity to gauge student interest and knowledge of World War One before the module begins.
A short video to give an introduction into how gruesome the war was.
An activity to study the medical advances that had taken place in the lead up to WW1, including x-rays, blood transfusions and aseptic surgery. Students assess the merits but also the problems that still existed with these methods.
A teacher-led walkthrough of how the war started and led to stalemate and trenches. Students can answer some basic questions on the potential problems medical practitioners might face.
A task to study the 4 major battlegrounds of WW1 (Ypres, Somme, Cambrai, Arras) to complete comprehension questions on them.
A plenary to consider the biggest challenges faced by soldiers and by medics.
**Attachments: **
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
2 x Publisher Files