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My shop is a non profit making concern & it supports homeless charities (Crisis, The Salvation Army & The Berwick Youth Project). Teaching has been my life & I continue to support learning around the World. My subjects were: History, Geography and Physical Education. I have competed in a wide variety of sports inc.: Gymnastics, Badminton, Rugby, Football, Athletics & many others. Check out my recent bundle with 11 of my best publications. A vast amount of support material on offer.




My shop is a non profit making concern & it supports homeless charities (Crisis, The Salvation Army & The Berwick Youth Project). Teaching has been my life & I continue to support learning around the World. My subjects were: History, Geography and Physical Education. I have competed in a wide variety of sports inc.: Gymnastics, Badminton, Rugby, Football, Athletics & many others. Check out my recent bundle with 11 of my best publications. A vast amount of support material on offer.
Edition 2 - Ten Amazing Women Who Changed The World

Edition 2 - Ten Amazing Women Who Changed The World

Ten amazing women who changed the world. After a year of aggression, dictatorship, war crimes, riots and other negatives, I felt driven to look for positives to contrast these horrendous activities. This resource looks back in history in order to select women who have made a significant influence on attitudes across the World. I have selected ten amazing women who for contrasting reasons have left a legacy of positivity. In spite of prejudice, bigotry and racism, my chosen, ten have shown courage and determination during their journey in life. The resource includes: Two power point presentations, the first asks the question who are these women? The second highlights in detail what they achieved. An optional commentary has been printed for your use. The minimum use of the resource would be two one hour lessons with limited commentary. Maximum use would be four to ten lessons focusing on each woman to identify how they differed and how they left their mark on society and the wider world. Peace and Love. I would appreciate your feedback. I hope you enjoy your teaching experience.
25 Scientists Who Influenced the Modern Day World.

25 Scientists Who Influenced the Modern Day World.

This resource is offered as a Presentation, Quiz Challenge and Fact File. All of the chosen individuals have made a profound contribution to our development of scientific knowledge over the past hundreds of years. In the first instance it would ideally suit examination students of Science between the age of fourteen and eighteen. Key stage three children might also benefit from the two power point presentations as long as the commentary is minimal. It needs to focus on the main achievements of each scientist. For advanced students it can take the form of a Historical Quiz. This can be achieved by building through questions and discussion. Focus on the achievements and discoveries that each of these amazing scientists offered to the world. Feel free to use the footnotes in the best possible way for your students. My shop supports three homeless charities, Crisis, The Salvation Army, and The Berwick Project. I am offering this resource free. My hope is that you might consider supporting one of these charities or similar, the next time you come across unfortunate people within your own communities. Good luck and enjoy the teaching journey.
Vast Bundle of teaching materials.

Vast Bundle of teaching materials.

A vast collection of teaching materials from a lifetime of experience. 60% saving. This large bundle will serve a large number of young and experienced teachers alike. In as few words as possible I will explain the potential gains to be had from this vast collection of History, Geography and General Knowledge. A World and UK collection of outline maps that can be used alongside an Atlas or independently. Hundreds of images & exercises on World Geography. They serve to assist in a huge variety of Humanities lessons. Check out this map-work resource that covers all of the skills required to read maps and fully understand the use of maps. This resource gives us a taste of ten cities in the UK. It offers fact file projects and worksheets. Similar to that listed above. This Power Point Presentation presents 9 contrasting cities in the USA. It gives a taste of both History and Geography. The Africa Project. This presentation offers up a huge contrast between the physical and human geography of the African Continent. It takes the shape of a Power Point Presentation and progresses through each chapter as a quiz. Close to my heart are the Yorkshire Dales. One of my favorite National Parks where I spent many days roaming the hills and diving into numerous caves. Like all of my resources there are many images, exercises, diagrams, and support materials. Topics covered vary from field sketches to glacial features and understanding maps that are linked to the history of industry and how people work the land. A thoroughly eclectic mix of knowledge and experience. On the History front, this resource tracks the whole journey through World War One as a time-line of information. There are many links to old cinema broadcasts that help to transport the students back in time. As a History teacher, I spent a number of years delving into the life of Adolf Hitler. This resource is entitled “Development of a Dictatorship”. My most downloaded resource is this time-line. It tracks all of Hitler’s progress from 1918 to his death in 1945. Again, there are many links to specific events like Dunkirk, Pearl Harbour, D-Day landings and many more. Glancing through this resource gives our History students excellent practice at mastering their own time-lines. The Reign of the Tudors. This is another time-line of events with both images and notes that once again can help younger students start to get the idea of putting events in the correct order. The Story of the Tudors is an in-depth Power Point Presentation that can be broken down into bite size quizzes. This presentation serves to guide you and the children from start to finish through the whole Tudor Period. During the Pandemic Period, my wife and I wrote many General Knowledge quizzes for parents and teachers. They target children from Years 5 to 9 but many of them serve older age groups. Each quiz covers a huge variety of topics. Answers contain extra detail.
The Africa Project - 25 Question Quiz, Fact File & Resources.

The Africa Project - 25 Question Quiz, Fact File & Resources.

This resource is a mini project about Africa. It is presented as a 25 question quiz that can be expanded for perhaps 3 to 6 lessons encompassing a wide variety of topics. The main theme of the resource targets Africa as a continent. Sub-themes (mainly Geography but also some History), includes topics such as: Biomes, Ecosystems, Climate, wildlife, River Basins, Deltas, Mountains, Natural Vegetation, Global Warming as well as several other Geographical themes. There are many ways for delivering this material: Each lesson can start with a question-and-answer session with the use of atlases or a projected image of Africa (The focus can be on Physical Geography, Human Geography or both.) Focus on the first 5 questions in discussion. After 15 minutes discussion and directed teaching, Ask the children the first 5 questions as a mini challenge. As an immediate follow up show the first 5 answers from the fact file presentation. The test result is not as important as the discussion and the follow up discussion. Using this framework there is the possibility for six very contrasting lessons. There are World map outline challenges at the end of the resource file. Any commission from this resource will be sent to the homeless charity “CRISIS” UK. Have fun and enjoy the teaching experience.
Orienteering - My Journey - Ten Presentations (A coaching manual).

Orienteering - My Journey - Ten Presentations (A coaching manual).

Orienteering - My Journey - Ten Presentations (A coaching manual). All commission from sales in this web shop will be donated to homeless charities. This resource is a collection of Power Point Presentations that highlight many of the experiences and skills that I have encountered over the past 40 years in this great outdoor sport we know as Orienteering. There are ten presentations that focus on the following key areas of this outdoor adventurous sport: The history of maps and the early days of Orienteering. A taste of Orienteering at the Malaga Orienteering Club in Spain.* Becoming familiar with an Orienteering event and what to expect. The beginner and ten things that I have found useful in Orienteering. Types of landscape and what to expect in a competition. The importance of control descriptions and making the most of what is on offer. First of two presentations about symbols. A second presentation that tests your knowledge and helps you to become familiar with map symbols. Navigation and a taste of gathering points and handrails. Contours - Understanding the rise and fall of the landscape. This resource includes a full written commentary, several videos (courtesy of Malaga Orienteering Club). The slides can be presented in either English or Spanish. Individually the presentations cost over £30. For a limited period, all ten presentations are available for half price at £15. Once again please note that all commission goes to homeless charities.
Orienteering - PPP10 The Shape of the Land & Contours.

Orienteering - PPP10 The Shape of the Land & Contours.

Orienteering - PPP10 The Shape of the Land & Understanding the Contours. The aim of this presentation is to help the beginner and intermediate orienteer to get a mental image of the rise and fall of the landscape. In order to achieve success in this challenge, we need to understand the concept of contour lines. These brown lines on an orienteering map represents the differing levels in the landscape. In terms of altitude each line, (level on the land) could be between 2.5 and 5.0 metres apart. Contour lines close together reflect very steep slopes whereas lines wider apart would describe flat or gradually sloping land. This presentation aims to describe how the landscape can be pictured in one’s own mind thanks to the specific contour patterns shown on the maps. Some of the landscape features have specific names and shapes so they are easier to recognise and identify. Reading the contours and knowing the shapes takes the orienteer to a different level of success.
Orienteering - PPP9 Navigation, Gathering Points and Handrails.

Orienteering - PPP9 Navigation, Gathering Points and Handrails.

Orienteering - PPP9 Navigation, Gathering Points and Handrails. This Power Point Presentation aims to help competitors in the art of navigation. Two ways of making the navigation challenge easier, involves making the most of gathering points and Handrails. The use of these navigation skills can help the novice to progress into an experienced, confident and successful competitor. The presentation offers the following: 1. Map examples of linear map symbols that help the runner to maintain a parallel track to the intended control point. Examples of linear features might be a) a fence, b) a wall, c) the edge of woodland. These are a few of many possibles. 2. In contrast gathering points are a number of isolated map symbols that can also help the runner to progress accurately between two control points. This is particularly useful when following a compass bearing. Isolated map features might include a) a large rock, b) a small thicket, c) an isolated tree d) a ditch running across the direction of travel, etc. There are many more examples. Long navigational legs may have as many as 5 or more gathering points. Gathering points also helps to sub-divide the leg into specific distances. This presentation also includes a section on how to set a compass bearing using the Silva (plate) compass. As long as you have the map and compass in your hand you will not be lost! However, you may be unsure of your exact location - In these circumstances - check the orientation of the map and look for prominent physical or man made objects nearby to relocate. Handrails and gathering points help to create bite size challenges. Learning these advanced skills help to establish stress free progress in an Orienteering event. Enjoy the challenges.
Orienteering PPP 7 & 8 - Symbols - Quiz One and Two

Orienteering PPP 7 & 8 - Symbols - Quiz One and Two

Orienteering - PPP7 Symbols - Quiz One In order to navigate an Orienteering map, it is essential to have a fair grasp of the map symbols. Presentation 7 is offered in the form of a Quiz. Included are 25 contrasting examples. Included are: Vegetation types, man-made structures, water features, natural formations and a variety of other common inclusions that can be found on Orienteering maps. Orienteering - PPP8 Symbols - Quiz Two As with Presentation 7 this is the second of two presentations that will help the Orienteer to become familiar with the map symbols. Presentation 8 again offers a selection of 25 map symbols. They are presented as a quiz challenge that can be repeated several times. This will help individual orienteers to become familiar with the many symbols included on Orienteering maps. A mixture of all symbol types has been included.
Orienteering P5 & 6 - Types of Landscape & Control Descriptions.

Orienteering P5 & 6 - Types of Landscape & Control Descriptions.

Orienteering P5 & 6 - Types of Landscape & Control Descriptions. PPP5 - The outdoor adventure sport of Orienteering makes the most of all types of landscape. This presentation explores the many types of geographical environments that have been captured on orienteering maps. The competitor in Orienteering has the opportunity to experience the following and many other varieties of landscapes: 1. Forests with many different trees. 2. Runnable woodland. 3. Thick vegetation with slow progress. 4. Farmland meadows and orchards. 5. Open parkland and scrubland. 6. Moors and land with rocky outcrops. 7. Urban landscapes with alleys, back lanes and many stairways. These can make navigation very challenging with the many twists and turns! This presentation gives you a taste of how diverse the scenery in this amazing sport can be. PPP6 - This presentation entitled “Making the most of Control Descriptions” explores the connection between the shape of the landscape and the symbolic representation of the physical features with how they appear on the map. The sport of orienteering involves visiting a number of actual locations pin-pointed on the orienteering map being used. The event organisers must prepare races for each different age group. Each set of control descriptions are set out in numerical order. The presentation starts with an experienced orienteer who explains the basics to any beginners so that they know what to expect. It also highlights how control descriptions help all orienteers to become successful. The following aspects are covered: 1. Early guidance on what to expect at your first event. 2. There are at least 8 different types of control descriptions on the guidance sheet. 3. Images and symbols are used to give a visual picture linking the landscape with the map symbols. 4. A few examples of control descriptions and map types are included. 5. The examples can be used to challenge and test the group or individual. These two presentations will help both the beginner and the intermediate to make good progress. They will soon progress to advanced levels in this incredible sport. Any income made from these two power point presentations will be donated to three different homeless charities (Crisis, Salvation Army and The Berwick Project).
Orienteering PPP4 - My Ten Tips for Beginners

Orienteering PPP4 - My Ten Tips for Beginners

The sport of Orienteering needs to be broken down into bite-size skills so that the beginner can establish the most important principles of this incredible activity. In this presentation I have selected ten elements that I believe to be essential learning steps for the novice orienteer. I have included the following topics in order to lay the foundations for success in this activity: Knowing your north from your south! 2. Translating the symbols into an accurate mental image of the land features. 3. Making the most of the map key. 4. Getting to grips with scale and distances. 5. Understanding contours and being able to convert the patterns into mental pictures. 6. Keeping in touch with your exact location by using your thumb! 7. A personal understanding of your stride distancing. 8. Making use of rough bearings. 9. Knowing how to use map handrails. 10. On a navigation leg, make the most of the collecting or gathering features between control points. These key principles of navigation and map reading skills will serve you well in this incredible sport. As with all my resources, I offer this resource at minimum cost in order to support my three chosen homeless charities. I am grateful to the Malaga Orienteering Club for permission to use many of the images and videos on offer in this presentation.
A Taste of Orienteering - PPP 2

A Taste of Orienteering - PPP 2

A Taste of Orienteering - Getting Ready for Your First Event. This chapter aims to help the beginner to become familiar with the many experiences and challenges facing the newcomer to this exciting outdoor sport. This Power Point Presentation is the second in a series of coaching notes for this amazing sport of Orienteering. It is dedicated to our departed friend, James Ross who was an established and successful Orienteer. He was a member of the well-established Malaga Orienteering Club. All commission gained from this resource will be donated to selected Cancer organisations. So where do we start? Here is a list of the topics covered in this presentation: Checking out your local Club and what is on offer. 2. Make contact and find out the many activities and experiences available. 3. Events can be either “Town and Country” (Urban or Rural), a huge contrast. 4. Become familiar with the Club websites. 5. What might we expect to find at the start line? 6. The first few seconds of any test or race are vitally important especially for novices! 7. As we progress, we will become familiar with both the map and the compass. 8. Gradually we will gain confidence and become familiar with directions, distances and many contrasting landscapes. 9. A clever thumb will improve our navigational skills!? 10. At the end of each event we will become familiar with the finish line and checking in at the download station. 11. Finally we should show gratitude to the planners and organisers who give of their time freely for the benefit of others and this incredible outdoor sport. Orienteering is very much a family sport, and it offers huge benefits to young and old alike. Check out this presentation and become involved in something very special.
Orienteering Event - PPP3 - Planning, Organising and Delivering.

Orienteering Event - PPP3 - Planning, Organising and Delivering.

This chapter highlights the structure and content of an Orienteering Event and it is presented as a Power Point Presentation. The key elements include: The map and planning, Orienteering controls and the officials (the people behind the scenes), Preparing the maps and checking out the lay of the land, Advertising the event and taking in the entries, Setting up a suitable start and finish zone. Other interesting features include aspects of coaching, working with young competitors and also the benefits of family participation.All in all a sport with a healthy outlook and well worth trying. This resource is part of a larger coaching document and all presentations will serve to support three homeless charities.
The Origins of Maps and Orienteering - PPP1

The Origins of Maps and Orienteering - PPP1

This resource is offered as an introduction to how maps evolved and the subsequent development of Orienteering as a sport. It is offered as a Power Point Presentation and it lays the foundation for a programme of 9 more presentations that highlight the many skills and coaching topics to be experienced in this amazing sport (Orienteering). The ten presentations have been written in both English and Spanish. Many of the slides show the diversity of the Spanish landscape as captured by the many members of “The Malaga Orienteering Club in Spain.” The presentations can be adapted for viewing by Upper junior students (9 - 10 yrs.) through to adult age groups. This presentation includes topics such as: Comparisson of ancient maps through to modern day orienteering maps; Early maps and cartography; The compass rose; The Earth’s magnetic field, The magnetic compass and how it can be used with the Orienteering map. The presentation sets the foundation for many more coaching aspects covered in the follow up programme of wide ranging topics. These resources are a non profit making venture and any income will be forwarded to three selected homeless charities (Crisis, The Berwick Project and the Salvation Army). As an extension to the use of this resource, teachers may wish to use the text, images and possible video links to other topics such as: Geographical landscapes, The Spanish language, The History of Maps and as an introduction to the sport of Orienteering. The introductory videos (one of two in the presentation), gives a true taste of this amazing outdoor sport. Permission to show the videos in this and all ten presentations has been granted by Malaga Orienteering Club with the gratitude of (Ian Patterson) the author of this presentation.
British Isles - Geography & History Quiz Challenge

British Isles - Geography & History Quiz Challenge

What would you do and who would you turn to if you found yourself homeless at this time next year?! This resource supports three homeless charities. For only £2 you will receive a resource that highlights both Geography and History across the length and breadth of Britain. At the same time you will be helping people who find themselves on the streets and need our help to survive. The resource comes in two files. One is in Power Point format and the other is a word file that includes both a quiz challenge and an extended fact file about many different topics. These topics include: Coventry Cathedral, Edinburgh Castle and the geological feature known as a “Crag and Tail”, the Holy Island of Lindisfarne, Titanic, William Shakespeare, Isambard Kingdom Brunel, Oliver Cromwell and the “New Model Army”, Hadrian’s Wall and Features of intrusive, extrusive volcanic activity and many more. The resource can be used for children between the ages of 10 and 16 as either a review of “The Geography and History of the British Isles” or as a Power Point quiz challenge. Many of the individual topics can be used to introduce stand alone lessons or to stimulate discussions.
Geography Challenge – Cities and Familiar Places across Britain

Geography Challenge – Cities and Familiar Places across Britain

This resource is offered free to Geography teachers who are returning to the classroom after the challenges of lock down 2021. This Geography resource challenges the children to test their knowledge and find out more about the cities and familiar places in the British Isles. The first part of the challenge refers mainly to the cities of the British Isles and it comes in the form of an anagram. The second part of the challenge focuses mainly on rivers or counties as well as other connections. There are two formats on offer: 1) As a Power Point Presentation. This shows an image of the city or a familiar place. Above each image there is the anagram and also a follow up question. The children will enjoy the challenge of working out the anagram! Who will be first to solve the puzzle? The whole class can be guided through the challenge with the teacher supporting the progress with clues. The children can be encouraged to offer extra information about places they have visited. All of the children move on to the next challenge together and no-one gets left behind. There may be enough extension work to split this challenge into two lessons (10 images used in each lesson). 2) The second format offers this resource as a four sided A4 paper document that can be printed and used in various ways. It can be used as a homework project involving families or individuals. It may also be used as a cover lesson if any of the teachers are absent. Having completed the City Geography Challenge, a possible extension to this work could be a “Fact File Project” where each child produces five more pieces of factual information about each of the 20 images. Another possible use of the resource would be to compile sentences including the two pieces of geographical information from each challenge. This would help the children to develop their literacy skills. I believe that this resource can be used for children from 9 years through to 15 years of age. The younger children will need greater guided support than those in KS3 or KS4. Please feel free to visit my TES shop to check out my resources. All income goes to three different homeless charities. I hope you enjoy your return to the classroom. Best wishes to you all.
Poole and Dorset - Fieldwork Studies & Service Industry Project.

Poole and Dorset - Fieldwork Studies & Service Industry Project.

Income for this resource will go to homeless charities. The work serves to satisfy the type of work associated with field studies and research. The content targets Geography, Travel and Tourism and Business Studies students from 14 to 16 years of age. They will gain experience in handling data related to service industries. The work serves to satisfy the type of work associated with field studies and research. The data is presented on a spreadsheet that highlights the Service Industry of Poole in Dorset. Using the information, students will be able to propose a hypothesis and then attempt to prove or refute the chosen statement. Within the folder there is a power point presentation that can be used independently as a collection of Geography topics about the English County of Dorset. Specifically it addresses the concepts of Site, Situation and Function of a settlement. The power point presentation alone can be used to support up to 10 contrasting lessons. The photographs can be used for introductions to a number of Human and Physical Geography topics including the following specifics and links: Poole Port, Service Industry, Tourism, Shopping Streets, Spreadsheet statistics, Bays and Headlands, Lulworth Cove, Lulworth Village, Swanage Bay, Groynes, Stair Hole, Durdle Door, Corfe Castle, Dorset Geology, Settlements, Site, Situation, Function and finally a number of excellent photographs that can be converted to field sketch diagrams.
The Tudors From Start to Finish

The Tudors From Start to Finish

The Tudors - From Start to Finish. This resource has been compiled as a time line of events and can be used as an independent home study or Zoom project. This Story about the Tudors is a comprehensive document in the form of a Power Point Presentation. There are over 100 images that give a taste of all that happened during this period of History. The study looks at the highs and lows of the main characters that lived and died during the reign of the Tudors. The whole package takes the form of 15 power point lessons that covers almost every possible topic that can be included within the Tudor Period. Topic examples include: Religion, Rebellion, War, Family, Execution, Affairs at home, Affairs abroad and Slavery to name but a few. Each lesson is concluded with a revision quiz that gives the children the opportunity to develop their writing skills. As all teachers know, History and use of the English language go hand in hand. This resource offers children from the age of 9 through to 16, a colourful opportunity to fully understand what happened during the reign of the Tudors as well as offering an extended project that develops individual literacy skills. The study can be delivered on three levels giving teachers the opportunity to use this resource with different age groups and ability levels. KS2 topics covered: Teaching Chronology, Black People / Slavery, Spanish Empire, Literacy and History. KS3 topics covered: Early Modern (16th & 17th Century), The Reformation, Henry VIII + Elizabeth I. All commission income will go to three different homeless charities. They are: Crisis, Salvation Army and The Berwick Project (Keeping young people off the streets).
Reign of the Tudors - A Timeline of Events.

Reign of the Tudors - A Timeline of Events.

This resource is a Tudor timeline covering the main people and events that took place between 1485 and 1603. It is ideal for teachers delivering information about the reign of the Tudors. The resource covers a little more than 118 years of History and would be an ideal support for teachers of History in both the Primary and Secondary sectors. Included are 90 images of people, documents, castles, maps, battles and many other connected visual aids that can support the delivery of History lessons. Throughout this year (2020 - 2021) all of my resources support homeless charities and I hope that with your help we can give a few people on the streets much needed support in getting their lives back on track. Good luck in your Schools and Colleges this coming year 2020 - 2021. Ian Patterson (IanPCostaDelSol).


PTA - QUIZ NIGHT RESOURCE. This resource would be ideal for an organiser of a PTA social evening and targets both the Primary and Secondary sector. In my opinion it is perfect for a family night out courtesy of the PTA. I am adding an extra resource with higher level quiz material about WW1. This includes 4 quizzes and 2 power point presentations about WW1, worth £3 in my TES Shop (Times Educational Supplement). My TES shop can be found on a TES search with “IanPCostaDelSol”. All my resources will support charity this year and beyond. In total there are at least 650 quiz questions and all with answers and fact sheets to support the content. Content includes: General knowledge, people, places, History, Geography and a host of other topics, too many to mention. The target age group was 9 to 16 but I am sure they would be ideal for a family quiz night in a school hall. More detail about the offer follows: 2020 has been a challenging year and perhaps when we get to 2021 the Schools and Colleges will get back to having social functions in support of all of the young people in the UK and around the World. This resource is everything in the way of quizzes that I have created over the last 6 months. I offered them free of charge during the Covid crisis specifically for home learning. This time I ask that you donate £2 for my Homeless Charity Appeal so that you may download this sizeable resource. My chosen charities include Crisis, Salvation Army Homeless Fund and the Berwick Project. The latter helps keep young people off the streets and gives the children much needed support, hope and ambition for their future.
Salvation Army (Homeless Charity) Quiz + 10 Extra Free (Nos. 11 to 20).

Salvation Army (Homeless Charity) Quiz + 10 Extra Free (Nos. 11 to 20).

This Salvation Army Charity Quiz targets children between the ages of 10 and 16 years but may also be suitable as a pub quiz. The Charity quiz includes general knowledge questions, pictures and a few puzzles. The file also includes 10 free general knowledge quizzes also targetting young school students. For a small donation of £2 toward the Salvation Army Homeless Charity, I hope that with your help we can make a difference to a few people who have fallen on difficult times. Perhaps some of the Primary Schools out there might consider running a Family Charity Quiz Social Evening using this resource when the World gets back to some kind of social normality. Thank you for your support. Ian Patterson (August 2020).