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The Witch Craze

The Witch Craze

A series of lessons that helps introduce any unit on the Witch Craze. Includes: Key vocab starter Timeline of witchcraft Reasons why women were accused of witchcraft
Armada: What Happened after the Defeat ?

Armada: What Happened after the Defeat ?

A collection of sources that looks at the fate of the Spanish and British soldiers / sailors after the attempted invasion - good option to discuss how governments treat those who fight for them!
Medicine in WW1 Puzzle

Medicine in WW1 Puzzle

A '5 Square Puzzle' that helps students review the following ... - Types of injuries and disease - Treatment Pathway - Role of RAMC - Role of FANY - Key figures Cut and stick plus a less messy option to write in answers.
USA 1920's Society and Intolerance

USA 1920's Society and Intolerance

A very useful unit summary template for the USA Depth Study. The Roaring 20’s Prohibition How far did people benefit? Women, KKK, Monkey Trial, Sacco and Vanzetti,
Holocaust Experiments

Holocaust Experiments

A student created resource - provides interesting text and supporting activities about the nature of experimentation during the Holocaust Feedback most welcome. Thanks - ( Hannefah K )
Dragons' Den Activity:  Industrial Revolution  Inventors + Inventions

Dragons' Den Activity: Industrial Revolution Inventors + Inventions

An engaging student led activity that provides the resources and framework for a series of lessons. Lots of scope for experimentation and modification. Includes … Thomas Edison ( Light bulb) Samuel Morse (Telegraph) Alfred Nobel (Dynamite) Alexander Bell (Telephone) Thomas Newcomen (Steam Engine) William Burt ( Typrewriter) Eli Whitney (Cotton Gin) Joseph Glidden (Barbed Wire) Allessandro Volta (Battery)
How successful was the New Deal?

How successful was the New Deal?

A collection of sources that argue for / against the New Deal. Follow up activities also provided. Considers the impact on … Farmers Minority Groups Unemployed Workers Women
Causes of World War 2 Revision Sheet

Causes of World War 2 Revision Sheet

An effective summary of the Causes of WW2 module. Help students understand main event and the relationship between them, Treaty of Versailles Global Depression Failure of the League Spanish Civil War Hitler’s Foreign Policy Nazi-Soviet Pact
WW1 Trench Weapons + Game

WW1 Trench Weapons + Game

An enjoyable activity for all abilites - 1- Students to pick their weapons of choice to defend their trench. 2 - Set up their trench defence using the forces provided.
The Hungarian Uprising -1956

The Hungarian Uprising -1956

A really flexible resource that cover the causes, process and effects of the Hungarian uprising. Includes skills activities and review / revision exercises. Lots of integrated links so great for virtual learning too.
Medicine in WW1

Medicine in WW1

Support Medicine Through Time and WW1 ... Content: Nature of warfare in WW1 Roles of RAMC and FANY Activity: Fun fill and answer and create ?
The New Deal

The New Deal

The New Deal resource includes … Key vocab Problem solving activity FDRs 100 Days Alphabet Agencies Skill Source analysis and evaluation