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German declensions of cases - display posters
This is an easy way for students to have all declensions of cases incl adjective endings displayed

A Level German Idioms - easy to apply and remember
This is a list of Idioms which can be adapted to all topics in AS and A2 level German for AQA and Edexcel - imogis make it easier to remember the idioms and use less time in preparation for oral and written exams

GCSE German Idioms -easy to apply and remember
This is a list of idioms which are adaptable to all topics taught in AQA/Edexcel German GCSE level and easy to be remembered with the imogis

Oral booklet for students in YR13 including exam details, questions to all topics and grammar review
This booklet has not only details to exams and questions but also common mistakes and phrases and idioms

A2 German Topic Immigration and Integration Questions and Answers suggested by AQA markschemes
This resource will help A2 students to form their oral answers to the topic Integration and Immigration and it also includes the “Wort fuer Wort” pages, statistics and critical points

A2 GERMAN Topic REUNIFICATION questions and answers suggested by AQA markschemes
This resource will help A2 students to form their oral answers to the topic REUNIFICATION and it also includes the “Wort fuer Wort” pages, statistics and critical points

AS A2 German common mistakes for oral and translation work
This document gives you all common mistakes collected over a couple of years from students and what they are mostly struggling in the oral exam and in the translation tasks

Deutsche Kuenstler und Epochen
This document shows German artists - their famous painting and gives a short easy to understand explanation to each artist

Deutsche Feiertage / German traditions
YR12 - German curriculum
This document gives a detailed description of German holidays and their significance to society - it has a list of holidays and a little quizz game at the end

German YR12 game for oral exam preparation
This document has over 30 cards which can be laminated and used in class for the oral preparation - all topics from AQA are included

German YR13 Game to revise for oral exam
This is a set of questions to all topics covered in Year 13 and can be printed and laminated to use in preparation to oral exam.

Year12 oral questions and sample booklet
This booklet includes all questions to all Year12 topics, Idioms and also Grammatical points

GCSE German Grammar - tenses, cases, modal verbs
this sheets will give you all tenses, cases, word order, connectives and modal verbs for GCSE German using the same 2 sentences to see clearly the grammatical structures

GCSE GERMAN picture discussion
This worksheet gives plenty of sentence starters to discuss pictures reaching level 9

GCSE German translation worksheet - level 9
These exercises are essential to gain level 9 (translation German-English and English - German)

GCSE GERMAN questionnaire
This questionnaire prepares you very well for the oral GCSE German exam to reach level 9

A2 German Topic RACISM questions and answers recommended by AQA markschemes
This resource will help A2 students to form their oral answers to the topic RACISM and it also includes the “Wort fuer Wort” pages, statistics and critical points

A2 German Topic POLITICS questions and answers recommended by AQA markschemes
This resource will help A2 students to form their oral answers to the topic POLITICS and it also includes the “Wort fuer Wort” pages, statistics and critical points

AS German topic EUROPE questions and answers suggested by AQA markschemes
This resource will help AS students to form their oral answers to the topic EUROPE and it also includes the “Wort fuer Wort” pages, statistics and critical points