Resources from a full-time geography teacher in the East Midlands. Resources that I have put a significant amount of time into have a price (kept to the lowest tariff possible), others are free to use. Please feel free to leave constructive feedback. TC
Resources from a full-time geography teacher in the East Midlands. Resources that I have put a significant amount of time into have a price (kept to the lowest tariff possible), others are free to use. Please feel free to leave constructive feedback. TC
Lesson for A-level AQA Changing Places unit on the development of insiders and outsiders. Presentation considers the development of insider and outsider perceptions of Newcastle and that of a Syrian migrant in Germany. The lesson then looks at exogenous factors, migration in Boston, Lincoln, and favela development and gentrification in Rio, Brazil, and the impact it has had on the lived experience of residents. I used newspaper articles for this lesson, which can't be uploaded due to copyright. This could therefore be a research task; but I have included summary sheets. There is also 20 question assessment.
Designed for the AQA Changing Places unit. The presentation ask students to consider the impact of lottery funding on the lived experience of a small community.
Designed for GCSE Eduqas A Environmental Challenges unit. Presentation includes an introduction to consumerism and a case study of the impact of consumerism on the Amazon rainforest using soya as an example. Short assessment provided and a homework sheet on overfishing in the North Sea.
Designed for the Changing Places unit - AQA A-level. A case study of regeneration in the city of Nottingham. Includes a mapping exercise and a create a viewpoint activity related to the social and economic impact of the project on the day and night populations.
Presentation considering the location of the UK's major urban areas. Contains interpretation of maps and graphics, mapping and graphing exercise, and use of central tendency techniques to interpret data.
Also included a fun plenary exercise to consolidate the data skills.
Automated presentation. Activity is for students to track the path of Hurricane Katrina. Exercise is a revision for longitude and latitude, it also introduces symbols used to denote tropical storms.
Presentation and student worksheet introducing types of energy and comparing the energy mixes of the UK, Iceland, and China. Designed for A-level students.
Presentation introducing changes to world population growth over time, a living graph exercise of factors influencing world population growth, and a plenary summary sheet of the factors influencing birth and death rates.
Designed for A-Level AQA Population and Environment unit. A presentation illustrating patterns of global food consumption, homework task, and a Spearman's Rank statistic analysis task.
Qualitative source exercise. Using priori coding students are asked to analyse interviews from local residents to see how their lived experiences have changed. Excel spreadsheet can be used to record codes and produce overall percentage data which can be graphed. Short answer questions are included, as well as a 20 examination question. I have included the original interview sheet. Could be adapted to your distant or local place.
All my resources for the AQA A-level Changing Places Unit. We have used Ilkeston, Derbyshire and Sneinton, Nottingham, as our local and distance places. You could though adapt these for your students. New resources will be adapted as when taught. 173.2018