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Geography and Sociology resource and lesson shop

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(based on 37 reviews)

I am a secondary school Head of department and I love to teach engaging, vibrant and interesting lessons. I try to inspire students with what greets them when they come into my classroom and try to move away from the chalk and talk teacher at the front lessons and make learning interactive and fun!




I am a secondary school Head of department and I love to teach engaging, vibrant and interesting lessons. I try to inspire students with what greets them when they come into my classroom and try to move away from the chalk and talk teacher at the front lessons and make learning interactive and fun!
Factors that cause flooding and Storm Hydrographs (Eduqas, AQA and EdExcel)

Factors that cause flooding and Storm Hydrographs (Eduqas, AQA and EdExcel)

Students spend the first part of this two part lesson looking at the causes of flooding and then make decisions based on their learning as to what is the greatest cause of flooding. Students then examine storm hydro graphs and construct a hydro graph themselves. They then consolidate learning with an examination question linking causes of flooding and the recordings on storm hydro graphs. All resources, print outs and homework are attached within the power point.
AQA A Unit 1 and 2 Geography Learning checklists to audit revision

AQA A Unit 1 and 2 Geography Learning checklists to audit revision

These learning checklists are idea to audit and focus revision planning in lessons and at home. There are comprehensive checklists for Unit 1 (Restless Earth, Living World and Water on the Land) and then Unit 2 (Urban environments, Development Gap and Tourism). Students and teachers can use these to priortise their revision and also highlight any areas missed. See my shop for revision materials to accompany checklists.
Tectonics and The Restless Earth Q&A revision pack

Tectonics and The Restless Earth Q&A revision pack

Students and parents can test themselves using the question and answer activities to learn and retain the content needed for the examination. The questions are largely focused around the AQA specification but can be applied to both EdExcel and OCR. My students have RAG these and put them onto flash cards for the questions that they find the most difficult.
Coasts and the Coastal Zone Q&A revision pack AQA (GCSE)

Coasts and the Coastal Zone Q&A revision pack AQA (GCSE)

Students and parents can test themselves using the question and answer activities to learn and retain the content needed for the examination. The questions are largely focused around the AQA specification but can be applied to both EdExcel and OCR. My students have RAG these and put them onto flash cards for the questions that they find the most difficult.
Clean water management - Development with task sheet & celebrity villagers! AQA and EdExcel

Clean water management - Development with task sheet & celebrity villagers! AQA and EdExcel

This lesson is a fantastic lesson to engage the students in what can normally be a dry topic when covering development! Students have to use a variety of skills including numeracy and there is extended reading and decision making skills, this can also be used as an assessment or stand alone lesson. Print the task sheets on A3 to make sure students have enough space to get all of their written work completed.
Climate change - Maldives (SIDS) Eduqas and AQA Vulnerable coasts/ coastal hazards

Climate change - Maldives (SIDS) Eduqas and AQA Vulnerable coasts/ coastal hazards

This lesson considers how Climate change is impacting small island developing nations (SIDS) as a detailed case study. Students follow the lesson to understand the key terms and then apply their knowledge to a case study on a summary sheet with additional notes to assist them in their answer. The case study sheet is structured to encourage students to complete a variety of exam skill such as explain and justify as well as basic AO1/4 skills. There is also an examination question which can be used as a shared planning exercise or as a homework activity.
Introduction to the Living World - ecosystems AQA A

Introduction to the Living World - ecosystems AQA A

A good starter lesson with interactive activities such as map from memory and a sorting exercise in addition to a homework resource are attached. The book mentions the AQA A GCSE Geography text book right at the end of the ppt. This lesson has been transferred from a IWB file so the slides are images, and all of the tasks are on separate documents and can be differentiated as needed.
Tourism Q&A revision pack

Tourism Q&A revision pack

Students and parents can test themselves using the question and answer activities to learn and retain the content needed for the examination. The questions are largely focused around the AQA specification but can be applied to both EdExcel and OCR. My students have RAG these and put them onto flash cards for the questions that they find the most difficult.
Rock types and the rock cycle

Rock types and the rock cycle

This lesson considers the main rock types and students complete and make a comparison pyramid to display in the classroom or in their books. Students then examine the rock cycle and have a variety of key terms and phrases to include in how rocks change shape and state as they journey through the cycle. There is also a homework task to consolidate learning.
MNC's - Nike and Tata steel, growth, location, advantages and disadvantages. AQA and Eduqas

MNC's - Nike and Tata steel, growth, location, advantages and disadvantages. AQA and Eduqas

Students learn about the key terms associated with MNC's (TNC's) and where they are distributed globally and the reasons why. Students apply their knowledge to Nike as a case study using the large task sheets and the information hand out. Then students complete the information on Tata steel for homework and how MNC's can also impact on the UK. Questions on the homework sheet are structured from AO1-3.
River Severn Flooding Case Study Cause and Effects Part 1 - Eduqas and AQA

River Severn Flooding Case Study Cause and Effects Part 1 - Eduqas and AQA

This lesson links together the previous lesson on causes of flooding human and physical or can be taught as a stand alone lesson. The River Severn case study in Tewkesbury considers a range of causes and effects. Effects have to be categorised into social, economic and environmental and students have the introduction to what is considered a response and the homework task to research the responses in preparation. All resources are attached and ready to print including homework.
Made in China? Manufacturing and global economy

Made in China? Manufacturing and global economy

Students understand how to classify industries and look closely at the rising power and dominance of China as a key global player in the world market. Students regard propaganda and analyse data as well as having the opportunity to improve data presentation skills. The self assessment rubric is also included for students to self assess in line with the scheme of work for China.
Rocks, Geological Timescale and the Rock Cycle

Rocks, Geological Timescale and the Rock Cycle

This lesson is the first lesson in the series that covers the rocks and geology lessons for the introduction to the scheme of work published on TES for 'Rocks, resources and tectonics'. Students explore the timescale and the formation of rocks in addition to using several geographical skills. Students can use the self assessment grid to track their progress for this lesson and subsequent lessons in the series.
KS3 assessment on key geography skills - good as a baseline test!

KS3 assessment on key geography skills - good as a baseline test!

This is an excellent resource as a baseline or an end of unit assessment for generic Geography skills such as decision-making, describing, explaining and photograph interpretation. There is a writing frame and a mark scheme provided for the students to self assess and staff to mark with.
Coastal geology and extreme weather - storm surges, headlands, bays, OS map (Eduqas and AQA)

Coastal geology and extreme weather - storm surges, headlands, bays, OS map (Eduqas and AQA)

This resource can be used for students to gain an understanding about how the coast is impacted by storm surges and rock type. Students have the opportunity to look at OS maps and apply them to their understanding of the coast. Students need to make links between a variety of geographical resources in order to prepare to answer the examination question embedded into the lesson to test retention.
Soft engineering Borth Case study with Exam homework

Soft engineering Borth Case study with Exam homework

This is the second lesson in contrast to the Medmerry Hard Engineering lesson that follows a similar format for the students to compare. Students have a starter match up activity followed by looking at the case study in detail and applying information from their resource packs to complete a variety of AO1-3 questions. Homework is an exam question to check their understanding. All resources attached and lesson. The case study sheets always work best on A3 so there is more space for students to complete extended writing.
Hurricane/Cyclone formation with Monsoon rainfall and examination homework - Eduqas

Hurricane/Cyclone formation with Monsoon rainfall and examination homework - Eduqas

As part of the extreme weather sequence this lesson covers the formation of hurricanes/cyclones and follows on from the work on the ITCZ in the previous lesson. Students complete activities including information extraction and a storyboard. There is a homework on hurricane formation and the following lesson in the sequence will focus in on the case study of Hurricane Katrina.
Globalisation revision work book for student completion Geography AQA and Ed-Excel

Globalisation revision work book for student completion Geography AQA and Ed-Excel

Students have a work book to complete that has a series of tasks and information sections covering the full topic including TNC's, Global Energy, changes in demands and supplies of labour, etc. This work book matches others available in my shop and can be used as a standalone revision activity or it is also ideal as cover work as a self contained booklet.